
Listening: Heelflip
Hi !! Happy 2025 !
On NYE I watched the fireworks on TV w J at his house. On the 4th I got my new ladispute tattoo its gorgeous !! On the 11th I went to a house party.There was another Tandy's outing we saw nosferatu, it was rly good! On another Tandy's outing B,B2,E and I went to L's house she has a rly nice apartment and a rly cute and loud cat, she made us korean soup and mojitos. I went to a garage sale at J's house (this is like J3 lmao) I got my 3rd my chem shirt and some cool socks, i love cool socks. I dont think I mentioned but bestie T sent me a massive parcel for christmas, i love her sm !! J and I (J1 og J) have a new routine when he comes to my house for lunch, he gets us egg sandwhich, diet coke n a weet treat :3 I've been going to the buddhist monastry a lot lately, atleast once a week. I've been driving out, sometimes w my little brother to this local swimming spot and having a swim n getting icecream otw home. I went to a hottest 100 party at B and G's house it was fun! Now some AMAZING news !!!
I got a job! I won't say where I work or what exactly I do but I'm in a support role and work w kids n there parents, I get paid alot, enough to live in an apartment in town by myself. The first thing I'm gonna do when I get paid is take j out to dinner, and pay off my afterpay debt. Then I will save up for my car, and I'll find an apartment (or a lill two bedroom, I'd love to have a spare room for visiters/an office) and I am gonna adopt a cat ! I plan to adopt a senior or adult cat, probably a girl! I am so excited! I start work on the 18th. Because I have a job now I won't have time to do my masters so I've unenrolled but I may go back and do it in the future.
It was J2's? bday which was fun! He liked the shirt I got him. The day after I went to C's 80th bday, shes an old family friend, it was so fun ! It was 80s themed and had an open bar, I had 2 tequila sunrises and saw some old friends I hadn't seen for a while which was nice ! Some of J2's friends are also C's friends which is weird. I went to the market with bestie F the other day! Bestie R came and he drove me! It was fun we visited her cats, and at the market I got iced thai milk tea, a white choc and macadamia pretzal. I got a gift for someone, and two vhs tapes. The first one being full metal jacket, one of my fave movie and well the second one ... an adult movie ... I was so shocked to find it I couldn't believe it was just sitting there. I think it's called bare market, its like stocks and fiance themed? its from 1993. The case is iconic, its just such a cool random piece to own ! Yesterday I went to bestie L's house to dye her hair n have tea, its always nice to see her. It's our 10 year friendaviersary this year! We are gonna celebrate by having one of our traditional sleepovers, just like the ones we had in highschool! lots of snacks, blue v, and the perks of being a wallflower. We are gonna make a day out of it though, get high tea, go shopping etc.
Speaking of what else is happening this year, my new year resolutions ! they are pay off debt, get car, move out (and adopt cat), play bass more, and go to the monastry once a week. Also redo my site, add nav bars and shrines etc.
I have few exciting things this month, I'm having lunch w my grandpa and an aunty from the mainland on saturday. On Sunday I'll be going to a car show. The week after I have my first day at work, and I might go to monastry to help clean up because the week after is losar or tibetian new year. I am also gonna see J for the first time in a while, his family from england have been visiting lately ( they are super nice, I met them at the market! ) but ye he been vbusy showing them around the state, they are travelling without him next week and the week after so we will have time to see each other w im looking fowards to ! I also have my first Labcoat show for the year, bestie F is gonna come which I'm rly excited for !

Listening: Kansas - Carry On My Wayward Son, Watching: Supernatural, Playing: Dragon's Nest
Omg December was amazing ! Crazy busy like the last few months but SUPER fun !
On the 12th I had my graduation ceremony and it was amazing ! My hair was pink and i gave myself babybangs, I got my nails and lashes done by K's lil sister, L! My nails were cornflower blue and my lashes made me feel so hawt ! I met her 6, 2 week old foster kitties and i almost cried they were so cute and babey. My dress was from dangerfield, my stockings were from bersek and my shoes were demonias from bestie L, and my earrings were from bestie T, so it was like I had a part of them w me. I met J at the location, n he got me flowers n chocolates, n my parents got me a card n flowers. I was v nervous but it went well, they called my name, I walked across stage, tipped my hat, posed and got my degree and a alumni pin, afterwards I was interviewed abt my outfit by the uni's social media team, n then i ate my debt worth of hors d'oeuvres n got photos. J and I got hungry jacks for lunch, then I napped until it was time to go out n celebrate!
I met J (oh dear there are like 3 J's now this is different j !!!) at Tandy's my fave bar :3 I met A and R and we had a few drinks before going back to J's house for kickons via a servo where I got cheese and dr pepper, L was there and I showed them Greg Araki's Nowhere, I think they liked it. Then it was just J,R and I and we watched a kung fu movie and then I went to sleep in M's bed, I had some wild dreams. I woke up around 4pm, and went home to recovered.
On the 16th, it was lil brother, D's 14th bday!
On the 23rd I went to J's where we exchanged gifts and made gingerbread houses, J got me SO SO SO much, like always, he spoilt me, I can't possibily list everything he got me, but highlights include, numel figure n ditto card, plenty of cute shiny pokemon cards, adult hardcover sticker book, poppin cooking set, terry orange chocolate n pfeffernusse cookies (my fave chrissy snacks) jellyfish fairy lights, two neko nail polishes and heaps of candy! J is literally the most thoughtful person and giftgiver I have ever met, I am so lucky to have him fr :3
On the 24th I met L and we exhanged gifts! She got me a gorgeous handmade ceramic matcha tea set and a big thing of fancy purple yarn, which I think I will make socks or a lil blanky out of.
On christmas morning I exchanged gifts w my parents n declan, I got a big box of lush stuff, n chocolates n a big lot of monies to go towards car! Then I drove myself down the coast by myself to see my big family! I love driving SO much, I blasted the kinda music dean from supernatural listens to, I stopped at some servo for some greasey food and energy drinks. Once I arrived at my grandpas house I had lunch w him and my aunty, N, before Grandpa drove us abt an hour away to my cosuin, A's house, we ate heaps, I razzed up his cat and small child, we opened gifts, I got lots more chocolate and money, enough for the chest tattoo I've booked in for next? week! After dinner and dessert he drove us back home and I slept in the spare room, in the morning I walked to the beach via shop for iced coffee, then I visited my Grandma in the nursing home, and then my Great Aunty V. Then I did smth v exciting! I went through my first drive through, I got kfc and drove to the beach to eat it, where I was swarmed by seagulls. I drove back listening to my emo christmas playlist
A few days ago I had another Tandy's outing n kickons at J's, it was so so fun, I slept on the couch w B, and the next day I watched J's kid, M which was fun, kids r so cool and silly, love them fr. Today I drove to the local markets, vias bestie F's place, I love bestie F, like my other childhood bestie, they turned out insanely cool and hot. At the market I got a badge w a naked monroe on it, insence w hot lady on it, hangyodon socks, fish bone earrings, razor blade earrings and a cd of L7's Bricks are Heavy. I got a mango lasse which was amazing and some gozeleme w was mid.
So yeah that's what's been happening! In Jan it's mine and J's mum's bday's, on the 4th I am getting "how senseless death, how precious life" tattoed under my collarbones, on the 25th I'm going to a hottest 100's listen party, I will also start doing paper work and getting ready for my first semester of masters! I'm npt exactly sure what I'll be doing on NYE but it should be w J! So yeah, see y'all next year ig? love you guys sm! - also one of my new years resoultions is to redo the site and add new nav bars and a few shrine pages! I'm working on an Araki one rn!

Listening: Beck - Truck Driving Neighbours Downstairs, Drinking: Mango loco monster, Eating: Funfetti cookies
Hey !! Ik i always say it buut i have been so busy !!
On the 1st of october a singular duckling appeared in yard, i looked after it for a night n a wildlife rescue came and got it in the morning. J and I have been hiking heaps lately, i luv it. I drove up the coast in a massive rainstorm, for my grandmas bday, the same night mum and i went to an interactive rocky horror show, it was amazing !!! ima go back next year ! I went to Cs slumber bday party the night i got back it was also super fun we had yummy snacks n watched the princess diaries n made keychains, it healed my inner child fr. i went to a honey farm to meet W who is staying n a v cool art house place while she is travelling in her van. On halloween T and I went to the same haunted house j n i went a few years ago, it was so fun, we played lots of games and won heaps ! On the night j n i got dinner n watched scary movies. a lil later, to celebrate graduation !! (oh yeah i got my 1st degree ! ) j took me out to our fave fancy restaurant, i got gnocchi and a strawberry shortcake panookie, and moscato. ive started crocheting and i went to c’s house with B and H and we did some crafting, I tried making a blanket but it turned into a cat collar ???
More exciting news, I got my p’s ! i failed my first test, i passed everything but otw back someone cut me off at a roundabout and i didnt see them so i had the brake suddenly so i failed automatically. I passed 2nd go !
A few nights ago I went to H’s bday party at J’s place it was emo/scene themed and omggg it was so fun !! best vibes ever ! there were so many hawt ppl n cool fits, i met a girly, S who lived less then an hour away from my internest bestie K, in england. i ended up staying the night on the couch, sometime during the early morning, i rolled off it in my sleep and landed right on my shoulder, idk how i managed it but it hurt sb i thought i was dying frr, i spent all day at the hospital, it turns out i tore smth behind my collarbone. literally only me.
I have a few things coming up, I am mostly excited for graduation, and christmas. im getting my nails, hair and lashes done. for christmas i will be driving down the coast, by myself, to be w my family. after christmas j n i will meet up n exchange gifts !! im so excited to give him his n get mine, he da best gift giver !! he already got me the tea2 advent calendar, i am probably gonna get money from my family to go towards a car but ik ima get a la dispute tattoo under my collarbones first hehe
next year i will be a student social worker, studying on campus and working full time, i am SO excited !! ttyl xox

Listening: Big Thief
Hey ! A bits happened since last entry! On the 23rd it was Js bday, we went to hogs breath for dinner, on the 27th it was my bday! I got maccas for breakfast, J came over n took me shopping, I got a lil whale sylvanion family dude from a blind bag, and the loveliest smelling halloween room spray, and a hotdog for lunch. We got some American candy and went home and watched dinner in america, one of my new fave films. J, L and my family went to Kosaten for dinner, i got lots of yummy food including matcha tiramasu (i LOVE tiramasu), my cake was a freddo frog icecream cake hehe
Here's what gifts I got:
Money + giftcards
stickers, jewllery box + insence
miffy bedsheets, my melody nightlights, doughnuts + axolotl minecraft bathbombs

The next day J and I went camping, otw we stopped at this cemertary we always pass, I love looking at cemetaries, we only stayed one night bc on the second morning it started raining and storming like crazy, we had to pack everything in the rain it was SO stressful I cried, we got hot chips n hot drinks otw home w made me feel better. I got accepted into a masters of social work !! I start next feb ! It's in person and I love the campus sm it has my fave lil cafe on it, and i'm excited to make new friends! And do my workplacements! Driving has been going well too, I only have 4 more hours left before I can take my test!
I have a few cool things coming up, next week its my dogs bday and the week after it's my dads! I'll be driving my mum and J down the coast to visit my grandma for her 80th bday! Some of my relitives from the mainland will be flying down too! Mum and I will be going to an interactive screening of rocky horror which will be so fun! On the day we get back I'm going to a slumber party and the week after I'm going to a halloween/ homewarming party! So many parties lately! Semester ends later this month too, I only have one big assignment due before it ends, then I've got two exams next month, then thats it !!

Listening: Kimya Dawson - Loose Lips
Hiya! I don't have too much news. I visited my friend K and watched some unreleased steveo footage w them, ate some kfc and played w their kitties. I went out to dinner w J, and I went to the Tarkine w the uni! I left at 6am and got home at 9pm, the people I went with were lovely and the tour guide was amazing! We did about six hikes, i loved the massive trees, the fungi and the lil yellow worms. I hope the forest stays there forever! I wanna go back by myself or w friends so I can take my time n look at all the lil mushies :'3 The other night I went to my friend B's 25th bday! I dressed as coraline (it was horror themed) It was SO fun, everyone there was so lovely, I had a lot of punch and jello shots hehe. I also saw da new beetlejuice movie w J it was AWESOME! We got bento first ! :3
I've been havinf 2 driving lessons a week w is cool, i rly dont have many hours left to go! i love love LOVE driving and I cant wait to get my own car! Uni has been going alright but I have some major assignments coming up I better get a start on lmao, later this week i am going to a careers fair to do some networking :0 This weekend I might be hitting up a new queer club, next week L is dying my hair, and the week after will be J and I's bday week! I will be 23 and he will be 25! I'm going to kosten for bday dinner and he is going to hogs breath for his and in between we r going to a catina, I have already ordered most of his gifts. Ik I will be getting car money and ik J is getting me Lush products, including da new minecraft line !!!
I am very happy it is september, it is my favourite month, and spring is my favourite season! Bye!!

Listening: Sophie May - No more birthdays
Well hi there! It's been a few months so it's prolly time for a little update lol
Alot has happened since I last posted. J and I have decided to seperate, we have moved back to our respective houses. We are still besties and have been hanging out plenty, playing minecraft and we took oscar (my dog) to the beach for the first time the other day! We got some good plans for the future too :'3 I got my results back from last semester, I did the best that I have done so far! I got to distinctions and a credit.I can't believe this is my last semester before I graduate! My classes are enjoyable so far! I've got some fun stuff coming up, hanging out w frens, getting food a few times and a party inwhich I will be coraline hehe, you go as your favourite horror charecter!

Drinking: vanilla latte
Listening: Penelope Scott
I don't rly have much to say! I finished my last first semester! I think I did pretty good, but I'll have to wait until I get my results. I'm happy to be on holidays, J and I are going to visit my family down the coast next weekend and the weekend after we will be travelling down south with a few of his friends which should be fun! I've been enjoying living w him.

Drinking: Peach monster ultra
Listening: Hannahthehorrible-The DEEPEST Shock Site Tiers
It's been a while and some good and bad stuff stuff has happened. I'll get the bad out of the way. J and I both spent some time in hospital but we have recovered. The main news is that J and I moved out! We have a beautiful little apartment, it's perfect and living together hasn't been hard. We have our own spaces. We like to cook alot, Joe is always baking. We have just finished unpacking, our familes have visited and one of J's friends will come over tonight! Uni starts next week, my last first semester. I'm doing another neuropsych one, human behaviour in extreme environments, and as my last elective, intro to japanese! Both J and I have been to Japan and I can speak a little. My little brother just started highschool which is insane !! Much love, Arli
Drinking: Iced green tea
Listening: Queen Nicki Minaj
HI! Welcome to 2024
A bits happens since my last entry! J went to Japan with his family for three weeks and I house/pet sat for them! The first week was lonely but over time it got WAY easier! I had L, my mum and lil brother over. J's mum gave me 1.5k and lots of gifts. In the last week of the trip they all got really sick, J's brother got influenza a and covid and almost went to hospital. It wasn't clear for a while wether they could come home on time or not, but they did! J brought me back so may gifts!
My lil brother graduated from primary school too, which is insane bc he is still a lil baby to me. I helped put up J's family's christmas tree and decorations and a couple of days later it was my lil brother's 13th birthday!!! J and I decorated gingerbread houses, watched christmas movies and drove around looking at christmas lights. J's family started fostering four, 6 week old tabby kittens, they are so tiny and sweet, I wish I could keep them. They got a bit sick but they are on the mend now.
On the 22nd of dec my family exchanged gifts, I got a lot of little things like candles and books as well as a $100 giftcard to an online bookshop. I preordered Maddiline Pendelton's book the other day. She is the host of the Pick me up I'm scared podcast I always listen to. Everyone enjoyed the gifts I brought them. Then I went to J's house to swap gifts with him. He got me so much that I got overwhelmed and had to take breaks in between opening them. He gotme so much candy and chocolate, tea. trinkets from Japan, candles and he preordered Penelope Scott's latest album. On the 23rd I took J out to see the boy and the heron, it was beautiful and I love the cinema sm. On CHristmas eve I travelled up the coast with my mum and lil brother to stay w some relitives. We stopped at this sick giftshop that I love and I found a phrenology bust for only $80, I had been looking at them online for like $300. We stopped in at a family friends house and she gifted me some amaxing Buddhist loot, including, a prayer wheel, khutas, many books and a handpainted nepalese cabnet which she will deliever to my house soon. I have been studying Buddhism a lot more and in April I am going on a week long mediation retreat at a female focused monastry. It's in the mountains. I am very excited! I went swimming in the ocean w lil brother and in the evening we watched the christmas parade.
On christmas we had a little lunch and a big dinner as usual. I had two lunches because I went to visit a new (2yr old) little cousin that I hadn't met before. Back at where we were staying I met my REALLY new little cousin, she was a month or two old I think. I held her and she spat up milk on my arm which was gross, but she was so cute. After dinner we opened up gifts, I got a few little things, a plant, candy and chocolate and ofc money!!!
On the 26th I went back home and visted J's dad, we went out to dinner and they got me these sick red dwarf earrings. I felt really sick that night, and a few days later I tested positive for covid
It was the first time I had covid, and the hardest part was not going out and not seeing J. I stayed up on NYE and J showed me the fireworks and we kissed on the phone at midnight.
As everyone knows Gypsy Rose is out of prison, I am very happy for her. During my isolation I really read up on her story. I saw j for the first time since isolating the other day, we applied to a bunch of places, and yesterday we had another inspection, I really hope we get this one!
My new years resolutions are to watch more movies, get my license and sort out my stamp collection!
I hope y'all had/are having a good holiday season. Talk soon.
Drinking: Water
Listening: Pick me up I'm scared
Hello ! It's been a while ! My fave month is over and spooky month!
I'm reading my journal to help me remember what I've done lately. In early September, J gave me a lil gift basket w lots of treats, flowers, pens, white out and a card. A few days later I had a sleepover w bestie L, one like we used to have in highschool, we spent like $120 on snacks, we watch the monster high movie and fionna and cake. On the 23rd it was J's bday, he got a lot of cool stuff including camping things, we had a bbq lunch and indian for dinner and he had a caramel mudcake.
On the 27th it was my bday! I had high tea w L and she got me some nail polishes, lip gloss and a few other things. Joe got my the communist manifestop, a lush gift set, a lana viynl and a coffee scented candle. His dad and step mum gave me a lush set and his mum gave me the antiquarian sticker book. My little brother drew me a picture of me and my doggie. My parents gave me a bass guitar !!!! I also got some money which I put away for the Bicheno trip. J and I got maccas for breakkie and then we went to some arcades! L came over and dad made ravioli for dinner and we had tiramasu for dessert.
I also got a big backpay from centrelink so I brought glasses, new docs and I had a dental check up! J, my little brother, D and I went camping too, we only stayed one night bc we forgot some food, got bored and it got rainy, we still had a great a time ! We went on a 5km hike and went fishing ( we didnt catch anything lol ) J and I went to a goth ball w drag and stuff and T and B drove up and a bunch of our friends came !!! Itr was awesome !! J and D and I went to show, L and E were sick so they didn't come :( We went on some rides and got showbags and looked at animals. J and I went down the coast w my mum to visit family, ,it was good! We went to a flower farm and there were so many bugs !!!! I brought some dark purple tulips. One of my friends gifted me a buddhist book and a meditation cushion! I finished all my exams and I think I did alright ! yahooo !
A few days before halloween J and I adopted to mice!! Honey and Lavender, they are SO sweet ! I also got some angel bites. On the 28th J and I went to a halloween party! There were a lot of cool people. A few days later we went to a halloween carnival event, they had free popcorn and fairyfloss, we got tokens to play games for prizes, we won quite a bit! On the 30th we saw the fnaf movie and on the 31st j and i went trick or treating w his dad, step mum and lil brother, we got HEAPS of candy! When we got home we watched a horror movie and ate the halloween cookies we baked earlier.
On the 3rd of Nov J and I drove to Bicheno, J planned and payed for it all aaaaa we had lunch at the beach and dinner at a fancy restuaront. The next morning we had breakfast at a cafe and went to a wildlife park, the next day we drove a few hours away and looked at a bookshop and lnch before going to a serpentarium, there were lots of reptiles and cool artefacts. I held a snake called russel !! Then we drove further away and went to a small and quite strange camel farm, on the last day we went on a glass bottom boat tour, we saw seals, star fish, jelly fish, little sharks and many other fish !!
I've been going to the gym and I'm still losing weight :) Soon J and his family will be in Japan and I'll be house/pet sitting, his mum is paying me very generously. I plan to watch a lot of movies. J and I are planning on moving into an apartment/small house soon. when he gets back from Japan we are going to some viewings. We wrote a list of all the furniture and appliences we'll need and came up with an estimate. I'm super excited to move out, it'll just be me, him our meeses and my lil dog !! I'm excited to have all my friends/family over for a house warming dinner party and then later in the night have proper party. Until next time !
Drinking: Water
Listening: Mitski-Bug like an angel
HIIII!!!! More fun stuff has been happening as of late and I have so many fun things coming up in the next month and so!
As I said in the last entry J and I were gonna drive to Hobart and do a bunch of fun stuff, we did that and it was fun! We caught a ferry to an art museum, w ent to a sushi train, had hot pot with some of my family members that we stayed with, went to some opshops and tipshops, we walked in a beautiful rain forest and enjoyed the natural hotsprings, we also went to one of the countries last pizza hut buffets! I also did a NUMBER on my bank account lmao, we went to a really cute stationary shop, lush and some little boutique stores.
A few days before we went I took J to his first drag show! We both had an awesome time and it was so heartwarming seeing so many queer people in my area. I also went to a games night with J and his friends which was nice!
What I'm really happy about is the fact its my favourite month !!!! SEPTEMBER !!!! This month is my birthday (27th) and J's (23rd). I know what I'm getting him and I know that I am getting a bass guitar, some books from my wishlist and ik L will take me to high tea as it's tradition. I will be 22! and J will be 24!, I don't feel like I should be 22, even though its not old, I still feel like a kid lmao.
I also love september because it is spring where I live! It marks the end of winter, which is often a depressing time for me. Spring is when all new life come out, so many little animals and plants and it's so sunny! Uni is also winding down now, before the exam season atleast. I've got a few assignments that are due soon but I've already finished most of them.
One of my cousins is currently expecting and another one just had a baby! The new baby is a girl and the one on the way is a boy! I am very excited to meet them.
I've been going to the gym 3 times a week, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! Which is SO weird cause I was never at fitness girly, but I've made some friends and started weight lifting! I might build up to going 5 times a week but idk yet hehe. I've lost about 10kg since I started working out which is so crazy but I still have a fair bit to go until I reach my goal.
Some of the exciting stuff I have coming up this month and next include, an increase in my pay and maybe a bigger increase later, I'm just waiting for a confirmation. Going to a goth drag ball !! A sleepover w L tomorrow (We are gonna eat sushi and snack and watch monster high and barbie movies hehe), J and I's bdays, the show (like a big fair w rides and showbags and stuff), my dad's bday, my doggies bday, end of semester 2 !!, house sitting for a house w 6 cats, 3 chickens and 2 dogs for 3 weeks, and a surprise trip to Bicheno (the seaside town i fell in love with) with J! (I know we are going on a glass bottom boat tour, to a camel farm and to a snake zoo and I am gonna hold a snake!! I think they are cool!)
Drinking: Sugar-free raspberry Mother Energy
Listening: Behind the bastards podcast
Wah It’s literally been 8 months since my last entry! Whoops hehe.
I have so much to say! I’m going to recap the best moments of the last 8 months:
Started pole dancing
to first “real” house party
J got his lisence and a new cat
J and I went to berry farm
J and I had a Valentines day picnic, he gifted me flowers, chocolates, Strawberry Shortcake PJs and a cute handmade card
J and I drove to *redeacted* for a relatives wedding and I met my new little cousin
J and I celebrated out 1st anniversary, we went to a fancy restaurant, and I was gifted flowers, heaps of my fave snacks and an adorable handmade card
Saw Priscilla the Queen of the Desert live on stage w/ my mum
Flew to Sydney and saw My CHEM AAAAA
Many beach trips
Celebrated T’s 18th
J and I stayed in a cute lil airbnb in Bicheno we had SUCH a great time and I fell in love with the little seaside town
Had a proper English roast
Shaved eyebrows off
J, T and I went to sick sick science museum
Celebrated a successful semester 1 with ramen
Found a kitten
Went camping x2
A few good parties
Got new tatt and a sick haircut
Started working out and playing bass (almost) everyday
Went to Labcoat gig with L, E, J and W
Went to drag show with J
Connected with old friends
Yeah! Alot has happened! I’m doing so so good like I’m happier then I’ve ever been, I’m making so many new lovely friends. In a few days J and I are driving down to *redeacted* and I am SO excited! We have so much planned! Uni is going great, I’m thinking of going into social work after this degree but I’m not super sure yet. I am so excited to graduate next year! I know what dress I am going to buy and some of the gifts I’m getting hehe.
Drinking: Iced Green Tea
Listening: "Margo Guryan - Sunday Morning"
Hello and Happy New Year !!
I've been doing good lately and I had a great holiday season. It started on the 18th of Dec. I've never celebrated Hannukah before but I attended the Menorah lighting on the first night of Hannukah and I had an awesome time! Even though my close family and I aren't Christian, like a lot of Australia we still celebrate Christmas. I opened my gifts with my parents and brother at home on Christmas morning. My favourite gifts were money, Adrift by Tracey Williams, and a beautiful heart shaped philodenron ( I am starting to aquire plants). We then travelled to the coast to visit my grandparents and other relitives. We had a small lunch and a big dinner. My Granpa lives on the beach and I went swimming for hours, it was awesome, I saw weird seabugs on the seaweed and swam out further then I ever had before. I got really sunburnt though.The next day I went swimming again, and visited a close friend who lives near by. On the 27th I went to J's house and him, his brother and I travelled about 45 minutes out of town, to another beach, to stay in a beautiful airbnb his dad had rented out for the Christmas season. His little brother was there too, he is walking and talking now. We went swimming and to the beach and I also went fishing for the first time !! I didn't catch anything but what the others catched we threw back and I watched them swim away so I hope we didn't hurt them or anything. I ended up looking under rocks for crabs and things for most of the time. After a few days I went back home, and last night I celebrated NYE at J's house, we had Japanese curry and sushi for dinner, watched fireworks on tv, took some cute photos, drank some (non alcoholic) wine/champagne and kissed at midnight ofc! There's no one else I'd wanna ring the new years in with.
I go back to uni in Feb and I'm so excited I miss it a lot. I'm only taking 3 classes instead of 4 this semester, cause 2 are gonna be 3rd year. I'm taking a developmental psych class, one specifily on dementia and one on advanced research techniquies. I am seeing MCR in a few months in a place in my country I've never been to. I am so so so excited. Until next time x
Listening to: The wind
Well it has been quite a while and a lot has happened. I left uni and I did pass all my exams and classes. I also moved out into a sharehouse for a few months but I moved back home again be the landlord sucked. I got a new job which I did enjoy even though it made me very stressed. I quit though, due to both mental and physical health issues. I had a laproscopic surgery and I only have minor endometrosis which is great, but it doesn't explain the unbarable pain I regulary experience. I have been referred to a chronic pain specialist. I have also had two fainting episodes. I have gotten dizzy before but never passed out. The first time happened at hospital in the emergency room and I had to stay over night. The second happened while I was having high tea with my bestie, L. It's really scary but I am going to talk to a doctor about it soon. J and I are better then ever we travelled to Melbourne for a combined birthday trip, we had some amazing experiences that I am so glad I got to share with him.
I have been studying more Buddhism and yesterday J, my mum and I went to the monastry's yearly picnic in the park and it was amazing! There were so many lovely people and I even worked up the courage to introduce myself to the Lama, even though I was apperantly bright red. He said that it's good that I am reading a lot, and trying to meditate more. I told him I am not familer with all the formalities like Prostrations, and he told me not to worry at all because we are all the same here. He said he looked fowards to seeing me more. I am super excited for Christmas, it is one of my favourite times of the year, gift giving is my main love langauge and I love all the food and seeing my family. Anyway, bye x
Drinking: Iced green tea
Watching: some random youtube videos idk
Hello again.Today it rained all day.All I did was read, nap and play Minecraft. It was lovely. I read 200 pages of "My year of rest and relaxation" by Ottessa Moshfegh, I read her book Homesick for another world a while ago and I loved it so much, so when I went shopping a couple of days of ago I picked it up. I'm almost finished it and I think it will be one of my new favourite books. I took my best friend to hightea for her birthday and we went shopping, I brought an animal crossing puzzle, the book, bath bombs and this fancy blooming tea. The day after I met up with an old friend from highschool, which was nice. I've decided to take 6 months from uni for my mental health. I'm going to try and relax more but also get more work/a new job. I had my first exam of the season yesterday for my reasearch skills class, I think I went well and I'm confident for my other two.
Drinking: Iced green tea
Eating: Chinese food
Watching: "You Can't Ask That - Gay Men"
Hiya.I've had a really great month.I travelled to *redacted* by myself and it was so awesome, I'm keen to travel again. I did so many fun things. I saw my first drag show. I met J's half brother and he is very cute. He turns one soon. School has been pretty hard lately, I'm currently revising for exams and I'm feeling pretty meh about it. I've also had no shifts at work :( I met some of J's friends and it was really nice! Last night I went to a party with him, where all the guys wore dresses and all the girls wore tradionally male clothes, I dress like a guy a lot of the time anyway, but it was a good laugh. I wore a deer hunting shirt which really made my fit (I detest hunting for sport/fun and consider all sentiant beings equal). On the way home we found a dead dog on the road. I used to work at a vet clinic and I am confident in pet first aid and animal care. It would've been killed on impact. It was warm but it had no heartbeat, wasn't breathing, had a blue tounge, had no eye movements or reaction to the inner eyes being touched, his nose was bleeding too. It was a horrible thing to see, after we determined it wasn't going be saved, while the others were organising notifying the owner, I held it and patted it. It was very sad, I feel sorry for him. Apart from that, and watching "Graveyard of fireflies" I've have a pretty happy time lately. I've been playing sims a lot on J's computer, we made our own charecters that look like us and his dog. I mad a siamise cat called peanut butter and an italian greyhound called max, but he got taken away :( J and I live together but we aren't in a reletionship even though I'm pregnant with his kid AHAHA.
Anyway I gotta finish eating dinner, and watch this show with my mum.
Watching: Hoarders
Drinking: Rose and mango green tea
I'm doing a whole lot better then the last entry, I think I was just having a moment. I don't have too many updates. There's only a few weeks of semester one left. I dropped my coding class and I'm making up for it with a creative writing analyse class over the winter. I'm not particulary intersted in the subject but atleast it won't be too difficult or long. I'm now the second year representitive for the university's psych society, which is cool. I didn't really apply but I was still elected. The only other notable school related thing is that I got a 62/64 or a high distinction (The highest mark you can get) for a data analyses on fishing fleets in my state. I think thats my highest mark so far. I treated myself to a little shopping trip, sushi and bubble tea for that one :)
I've been spending more time with J, at eachothers houses and on outings. We went with my mum to the local Buddhist Monstary for some meditation and teachings last week. Mum and I have been before and both at least somewhat idenify with Buddhism. J had never been but he really enjoyed it and wants to go again. It always makes me feel better after I go there, like my mind, body and spirit have been reset, theres something just so warm and comforting about that place and the lama. I feel safe there.
I have a few exciting things coming up, my best friend and her bf meeting J and I for lunch, mum, my brother, J and I going to visit my realitives in a place J's never been for Easter, and me meeting J's stepmum and baby half brother. Also semester break coming up! I promise over the break I'll write a new article (and maybe get around to rewriting some old ones). I am very happy and excited for autumn and winter. Until next time.
Watching: Skins
Listeing to: Lana Del Rey
I’m doing so much better since the last entry, even though I wasn’t doing particularly bad or anything lmao. It’s O week this week, uni goes back next week. I’m taking two stats classes this semester, which I’m secretly really looking forwards to. I prefer the math/science/medical classes that I have to take way more than the wishy-washy theory ones. I just find it so much easier when it’s black and white. And it’s fun to work towards a solution and have the satisfaction of finally getting it. I know it’s going to be hard though since this year my marks go towards my GPA and have an effect on what I can do after this degree but I’ve done harder things, so I know I’ll be okay. I also finally got my L’s, which is big deal. Driving is fun and I’m actually going pretty well in my lessons, I haven’t died yet. I also had a bit of a breakthrough with my psych a while ago, we didn’t have much to talk about, but we were talking about the fact I’m in my second year of uni, and I honestly can’t believe it, I didn’t think I’d be alive this long. I’ve said it a million times, usually when I’m complaing about something. “I don’t know how to file my taxes, I didn’t plan this fair ahead, I thought I would’ve offed myself by now.” But this time it was an overwhelming feeling of like oh shit like I survived, I did it, like I’m an actual adult now, I have so much freedom and I can finally see my future. I know I’ve been 18 for a while so idk why it’s hit me so hard now, maybe because I’m not being abused I dunno. I can’t wait until I can just drive away by myself and disappear for a bit. I’m flying to *redacted* for a while by myself in a few months, I’m so excited, I’m thinking of moving there. I just realised one night I could buy plane tickets to anywhere and just go!! It’s awesome, It’s what I’ve been waiting for, like if high school me could see how I’m doing now shed be amazed. I also met some awesome, cool, beautiful people in the last few weeks, including online friends. I’ve been invited to lunches, dinners, gigs, parties, and I think, ironically, the only thing that’s changed is that I’ve stopped living to please other people. And that I know I’m loved because I love myself. I just do whatever I feel will make me happy and I think it’s the best way to live. I know I won’t feel this good forever but the fact I’m feeling anything at all is enough to celebrate. Also we got a cat, I love the little bastard boy.
Listening to: Pick Me Up I'm Scared the Podcast
I'm not really sure what I'm going to write in here. Nothing too personal cause people I know in real life have acess to this website and I don't wanna be too embarrasing. I'm pretty tired today, I haven't been sleeping well. This is one of my favourite times of the year though, right before school goes back. I have so much to look fowards to and I'm very excited and happy, but I've been having such a constant deep feeling of anxiety in my pit of my stomach that I just want to go away. I know that it'll go away soon enough but it's very unpleasant. I've been distracting myself as much as I can but it's still there. I'm seeing my psych tomorrow so that's good. I can't wait for school to start.
It's been a while and some good and bad stuff stuff has happened. I'll get the bad out of the way. J and I both spent some time in hospital but we have recovered. The main news is that J and I moved out! We have a beautiful little apartment, it's perfect and living together hasn't been hard. We have our own spaces. We like to cook alot, Joe is always baking. We have just finished unpacking, our familes have visited and one of J's friends will come over tonight! Uni starts next week, my last first semester. I'm doing another neuropsych one, human behaviour in extreme environments, and as my last elective, intro to japanese! Both J and I have been to Japan and I can speak a little. My little brother just started highschool which is insane !! Much love, Arli
Drinking: Iced green tea
Listening: Queen Nicki Minaj
HI! Welcome to 2024
A bits happens since my last entry! J went to Japan with his family for three weeks and I house/pet sat for them! The first week was lonely but over time it got WAY easier! I had L, my mum and lil brother over. J's mum gave me 1.5k and lots of gifts. In the last week of the trip they all got really sick, J's brother got influenza a and covid and almost went to hospital. It wasn't clear for a while wether they could come home on time or not, but they did! J brought me back so may gifts!
My lil brother graduated from primary school too, which is insane bc he is still a lil baby to me. I helped put up J's family's christmas tree and decorations and a couple of days later it was my lil brother's 13th birthday!!! J and I decorated gingerbread houses, watched christmas movies and drove around looking at christmas lights. J's family started fostering four, 6 week old tabby kittens, they are so tiny and sweet, I wish I could keep them. They got a bit sick but they are on the mend now.
On the 22nd of dec my family exchanged gifts, I got a lot of little things like candles and books as well as a $100 giftcard to an online bookshop. I preordered Maddiline Pendelton's book the other day. She is the host of the Pick me up I'm scared podcast I always listen to. Everyone enjoyed the gifts I brought them. Then I went to J's house to swap gifts with him. He got me so much that I got overwhelmed and had to take breaks in between opening them. He gotme so much candy and chocolate, tea. trinkets from Japan, candles and he preordered Penelope Scott's latest album. On the 23rd I took J out to see the boy and the heron, it was beautiful and I love the cinema sm. On CHristmas eve I travelled up the coast with my mum and lil brother to stay w some relitives. We stopped at this sick giftshop that I love and I found a phrenology bust for only $80, I had been looking at them online for like $300. We stopped in at a family friends house and she gifted me some amaxing Buddhist loot, including, a prayer wheel, khutas, many books and a handpainted nepalese cabnet which she will deliever to my house soon. I have been studying Buddhism a lot more and in April I am going on a week long mediation retreat at a female focused monastry. It's in the mountains. I am very excited! I went swimming in the ocean w lil brother and in the evening we watched the christmas parade.
On christmas we had a little lunch and a big dinner as usual. I had two lunches because I went to visit a new (2yr old) little cousin that I hadn't met before. Back at where we were staying I met my REALLY new little cousin, she was a month or two old I think. I held her and she spat up milk on my arm which was gross, but she was so cute. After dinner we opened up gifts, I got a few little things, a plant, candy and chocolate and ofc money!!!
On the 26th I went back home and visted J's dad, we went out to dinner and they got me these sick red dwarf earrings. I felt really sick that night, and a few days later I tested positive for covid
It was the first time I had covid, and the hardest part was not going out and not seeing J. I stayed up on NYE and J showed me the fireworks and we kissed on the phone at midnight.
As everyone knows Gypsy Rose is out of prison, I am very happy for her. During my isolation I really read up on her story. I saw j for the first time since isolating the other day, we applied to a bunch of places, and yesterday we had another inspection, I really hope we get this one!
My new years resolutions are to watch more movies, get my license and sort out my stamp collection!
I hope y'all had/are having a good holiday season. Talk soon.
Drinking: Water
Listening: Pick me up I'm scared
Hello ! It's been a while ! My fave month is over and spooky month!
I'm reading my journal to help me remember what I've done lately. In early September, J gave me a lil gift basket w lots of treats, flowers, pens, white out and a card. A few days later I had a sleepover w bestie L, one like we used to have in highschool, we spent like $120 on snacks, we watch the monster high movie and fionna and cake. On the 23rd it was J's bday, he got a lot of cool stuff including camping things, we had a bbq lunch and indian for dinner and he had a caramel mudcake.
On the 27th it was my bday! I had high tea w L and she got me some nail polishes, lip gloss and a few other things. Joe got my the communist manifestop, a lush gift set, a lana viynl and a coffee scented candle. His dad and step mum gave me a lush set and his mum gave me the antiquarian sticker book. My little brother drew me a picture of me and my doggie. My parents gave me a bass guitar !!!! I also got some money which I put away for the Bicheno trip. J and I got maccas for breakkie and then we went to some arcades! L came over and dad made ravioli for dinner and we had tiramasu for dessert.
I also got a big backpay from centrelink so I brought glasses, new docs and I had a dental check up! J, my little brother, D and I went camping too, we only stayed one night bc we forgot some food, got bored and it got rainy, we still had a great a time ! We went on a 5km hike and went fishing ( we didnt catch anything lol ) J and I went to a goth ball w drag and stuff and T and B drove up and a bunch of our friends came !!! Itr was awesome !! J and D and I went to show, L and E were sick so they didn't come :( We went on some rides and got showbags and looked at animals. J and I went down the coast w my mum to visit family, ,it was good! We went to a flower farm and there were so many bugs !!!! I brought some dark purple tulips. One of my friends gifted me a buddhist book and a meditation cushion! I finished all my exams and I think I did alright ! yahooo !
A few days before halloween J and I adopted to mice!! Honey and Lavender, they are SO sweet ! I also got some angel bites. On the 28th J and I went to a halloween party! There were a lot of cool people. A few days later we went to a halloween carnival event, they had free popcorn and fairyfloss, we got tokens to play games for prizes, we won quite a bit! On the 30th we saw the fnaf movie and on the 31st j and i went trick or treating w his dad, step mum and lil brother, we got HEAPS of candy! When we got home we watched a horror movie and ate the halloween cookies we baked earlier.
On the 3rd of Nov J and I drove to Bicheno, J planned and payed for it all aaaaa we had lunch at the beach and dinner at a fancy restuaront. The next morning we had breakfast at a cafe and went to a wildlife park, the next day we drove a few hours away and looked at a bookshop and lnch before going to a serpentarium, there were lots of reptiles and cool artefacts. I held a snake called russel !! Then we drove further away and went to a small and quite strange camel farm, on the last day we went on a glass bottom boat tour, we saw seals, star fish, jelly fish, little sharks and many other fish !!
I've been going to the gym and I'm still losing weight :) Soon J and his family will be in Japan and I'll be house/pet sitting, his mum is paying me very generously. I plan to watch a lot of movies. J and I are planning on moving into an apartment/small house soon. when he gets back from Japan we are going to some viewings. We wrote a list of all the furniture and appliences we'll need and came up with an estimate. I'm super excited to move out, it'll just be me, him our meeses and my lil dog !! I'm excited to have all my friends/family over for a house warming dinner party and then later in the night have proper party. Until next time !
Drinking: Water
Listening: Mitski-Bug like an angel
HIIII!!!! More fun stuff has been happening as of late and I have so many fun things coming up in the next month and so!
As I said in the last entry J and I were gonna drive to Hobart and do a bunch of fun stuff, we did that and it was fun! We caught a ferry to an art museum, w ent to a sushi train, had hot pot with some of my family members that we stayed with, went to some opshops and tipshops, we walked in a beautiful rain forest and enjoyed the natural hotsprings, we also went to one of the countries last pizza hut buffets! I also did a NUMBER on my bank account lmao, we went to a really cute stationary shop, lush and some little boutique stores.
A few days before we went I took J to his first drag show! We both had an awesome time and it was so heartwarming seeing so many queer people in my area. I also went to a games night with J and his friends which was nice!
What I'm really happy about is the fact its my favourite month !!!! SEPTEMBER !!!! This month is my birthday (27th) and J's (23rd). I know what I'm getting him and I know that I am getting a bass guitar, some books from my wishlist and ik L will take me to high tea as it's tradition. I will be 22! and J will be 24!, I don't feel like I should be 22, even though its not old, I still feel like a kid lmao.
I also love september because it is spring where I live! It marks the end of winter, which is often a depressing time for me. Spring is when all new life come out, so many little animals and plants and it's so sunny! Uni is also winding down now, before the exam season atleast. I've got a few assignments that are due soon but I've already finished most of them.
One of my cousins is currently expecting and another one just had a baby! The new baby is a girl and the one on the way is a boy! I am very excited to meet them.
I've been going to the gym 3 times a week, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! Which is SO weird cause I was never at fitness girly, but I've made some friends and started weight lifting! I might build up to going 5 times a week but idk yet hehe. I've lost about 10kg since I started working out which is so crazy but I still have a fair bit to go until I reach my goal.
Some of the exciting stuff I have coming up this month and next include, an increase in my pay and maybe a bigger increase later, I'm just waiting for a confirmation. Going to a goth drag ball !! A sleepover w L tomorrow (We are gonna eat sushi and snack and watch monster high and barbie movies hehe), J and I's bdays, the show (like a big fair w rides and showbags and stuff), my dad's bday, my doggies bday, end of semester 2 !!, house sitting for a house w 6 cats, 3 chickens and 2 dogs for 3 weeks, and a surprise trip to Bicheno (the seaside town i fell in love with) with J! (I know we are going on a glass bottom boat tour, to a camel farm and to a snake zoo and I am gonna hold a snake!! I think they are cool!)
Drinking: Sugar-free raspberry Mother Energy
Listening: Behind the bastards podcast
Wah It’s literally been 8 months since my last entry! Whoops hehe.
I have so much to say! I’m going to recap the best moments of the last 8 months:
Started pole dancing
to first “real” house party
J got his lisence and a new cat
J and I went to berry farm
J and I had a Valentines day picnic, he gifted me flowers, chocolates, Strawberry Shortcake PJs and a cute handmade card
J and I drove to *redeacted* for a relatives wedding and I met my new little cousin
J and I celebrated out 1st anniversary, we went to a fancy restaurant, and I was gifted flowers, heaps of my fave snacks and an adorable handmade card
Saw Priscilla the Queen of the Desert live on stage w/ my mum
Flew to Sydney and saw My CHEM AAAAA
Many beach trips
Celebrated T’s 18th
J and I stayed in a cute lil airbnb in Bicheno we had SUCH a great time and I fell in love with the little seaside town
Had a proper English roast
Shaved eyebrows off
J, T and I went to sick sick science museum
Celebrated a successful semester 1 with ramen
Found a kitten
Went camping x2
A few good parties
Got new tatt and a sick haircut
Started working out and playing bass (almost) everyday
Went to Labcoat gig with L, E, J and W
Went to drag show with J
Connected with old friends
Yeah! Alot has happened! I’m doing so so good like I’m happier then I’ve ever been, I’m making so many new lovely friends. In a few days J and I are driving down to *redeacted* and I am SO excited! We have so much planned! Uni is going great, I’m thinking of going into social work after this degree but I’m not super sure yet. I am so excited to graduate next year! I know what dress I am going to buy and some of the gifts I’m getting hehe.
Drinking: Iced Green Tea
Listening: "Margo Guryan - Sunday Morning"
Hello and Happy New Year !!
I've been doing good lately and I had a great holiday season. It started on the 18th of Dec. I've never celebrated Hannukah before but I attended the Menorah lighting on the first night of Hannukah and I had an awesome time! Even though my close family and I aren't Christian, like a lot of Australia we still celebrate Christmas. I opened my gifts with my parents and brother at home on Christmas morning. My favourite gifts were money, Adrift by Tracey Williams, and a beautiful heart shaped philodenron ( I am starting to aquire plants). We then travelled to the coast to visit my grandparents and other relitives. We had a small lunch and a big dinner. My Granpa lives on the beach and I went swimming for hours, it was awesome, I saw weird seabugs on the seaweed and swam out further then I ever had before. I got really sunburnt though.The next day I went swimming again, and visited a close friend who lives near by. On the 27th I went to J's house and him, his brother and I travelled about 45 minutes out of town, to another beach, to stay in a beautiful airbnb his dad had rented out for the Christmas season. His little brother was there too, he is walking and talking now. We went swimming and to the beach and I also went fishing for the first time !! I didn't catch anything but what the others catched we threw back and I watched them swim away so I hope we didn't hurt them or anything. I ended up looking under rocks for crabs and things for most of the time. After a few days I went back home, and last night I celebrated NYE at J's house, we had Japanese curry and sushi for dinner, watched fireworks on tv, took some cute photos, drank some (non alcoholic) wine/champagne and kissed at midnight ofc! There's no one else I'd wanna ring the new years in with.
I go back to uni in Feb and I'm so excited I miss it a lot. I'm only taking 3 classes instead of 4 this semester, cause 2 are gonna be 3rd year. I'm taking a developmental psych class, one specifily on dementia and one on advanced research techniquies. I am seeing MCR in a few months in a place in my country I've never been to. I am so so so excited. Until next time x
Listening to: The wind
Well it has been quite a while and a lot has happened. I left uni and I did pass all my exams and classes. I also moved out into a sharehouse for a few months but I moved back home again be the landlord sucked. I got a new job which I did enjoy even though it made me very stressed. I quit though, due to both mental and physical health issues. I had a laproscopic surgery and I only have minor endometrosis which is great, but it doesn't explain the unbarable pain I regulary experience. I have been referred to a chronic pain specialist. I have also had two fainting episodes. I have gotten dizzy before but never passed out. The first time happened at hospital in the emergency room and I had to stay over night. The second happened while I was having high tea with my bestie, L. It's really scary but I am going to talk to a doctor about it soon. J and I are better then ever we travelled to Melbourne for a combined birthday trip, we had some amazing experiences that I am so glad I got to share with him.
I have been studying more Buddhism and yesterday J, my mum and I went to the monastry's yearly picnic in the park and it was amazing! There were so many lovely people and I even worked up the courage to introduce myself to the Lama, even though I was apperantly bright red. He said that it's good that I am reading a lot, and trying to meditate more. I told him I am not familer with all the formalities like Prostrations, and he told me not to worry at all because we are all the same here. He said he looked fowards to seeing me more. I am super excited for Christmas, it is one of my favourite times of the year, gift giving is my main love langauge and I love all the food and seeing my family. Anyway, bye x
Drinking: Iced green tea
Watching: some random youtube videos idk
Hello again.Today it rained all day.All I did was read, nap and play Minecraft. It was lovely. I read 200 pages of "My year of rest and relaxation" by Ottessa Moshfegh, I read her book Homesick for another world a while ago and I loved it so much, so when I went shopping a couple of days of ago I picked it up. I'm almost finished it and I think it will be one of my new favourite books. I took my best friend to hightea for her birthday and we went shopping, I brought an animal crossing puzzle, the book, bath bombs and this fancy blooming tea. The day after I met up with an old friend from highschool, which was nice. I've decided to take 6 months from uni for my mental health. I'm going to try and relax more but also get more work/a new job. I had my first exam of the season yesterday for my reasearch skills class, I think I went well and I'm confident for my other two.
Drinking: Iced green tea
Eating: Chinese food
Watching: "You Can't Ask That - Gay Men"
Hiya.I've had a really great month.I travelled to *redacted* by myself and it was so awesome, I'm keen to travel again. I did so many fun things. I saw my first drag show. I met J's half brother and he is very cute. He turns one soon. School has been pretty hard lately, I'm currently revising for exams and I'm feeling pretty meh about it. I've also had no shifts at work :( I met some of J's friends and it was really nice! Last night I went to a party with him, where all the guys wore dresses and all the girls wore tradionally male clothes, I dress like a guy a lot of the time anyway, but it was a good laugh. I wore a deer hunting shirt which really made my fit (I detest hunting for sport/fun and consider all sentiant beings equal). On the way home we found a dead dog on the road. I used to work at a vet clinic and I am confident in pet first aid and animal care. It would've been killed on impact. It was warm but it had no heartbeat, wasn't breathing, had a blue tounge, had no eye movements or reaction to the inner eyes being touched, his nose was bleeding too. It was a horrible thing to see, after we determined it wasn't going be saved, while the others were organising notifying the owner, I held it and patted it. It was very sad, I feel sorry for him. Apart from that, and watching "Graveyard of fireflies" I've have a pretty happy time lately. I've been playing sims a lot on J's computer, we made our own charecters that look like us and his dog. I mad a siamise cat called peanut butter and an italian greyhound called max, but he got taken away :( J and I live together but we aren't in a reletionship even though I'm pregnant with his kid AHAHA.
Anyway I gotta finish eating dinner, and watch this show with my mum.
Watching: Hoarders
Drinking: Rose and mango green tea
I'm doing a whole lot better then the last entry, I think I was just having a moment. I don't have too many updates. There's only a few weeks of semester one left. I dropped my coding class and I'm making up for it with a creative writing analyse class over the winter. I'm not particulary intersted in the subject but atleast it won't be too difficult or long. I'm now the second year representitive for the university's psych society, which is cool. I didn't really apply but I was still elected. The only other notable school related thing is that I got a 62/64 or a high distinction (The highest mark you can get) for a data analyses on fishing fleets in my state. I think thats my highest mark so far. I treated myself to a little shopping trip, sushi and bubble tea for that one :)
I've been spending more time with J, at eachothers houses and on outings. We went with my mum to the local Buddhist Monstary for some meditation and teachings last week. Mum and I have been before and both at least somewhat idenify with Buddhism. J had never been but he really enjoyed it and wants to go again. It always makes me feel better after I go there, like my mind, body and spirit have been reset, theres something just so warm and comforting about that place and the lama. I feel safe there.
I have a few exciting things coming up, my best friend and her bf meeting J and I for lunch, mum, my brother, J and I going to visit my realitives in a place J's never been for Easter, and me meeting J's stepmum and baby half brother. Also semester break coming up! I promise over the break I'll write a new article (and maybe get around to rewriting some old ones). I am very happy and excited for autumn and winter. Until next time.
Watching: Skins
Listeing to: Lana Del Rey
I’m doing so much better since the last entry, even though I wasn’t doing particularly bad or anything lmao. It’s O week this week, uni goes back next week. I’m taking two stats classes this semester, which I’m secretly really looking forwards to. I prefer the math/science/medical classes that I have to take way more than the wishy-washy theory ones. I just find it so much easier when it’s black and white. And it’s fun to work towards a solution and have the satisfaction of finally getting it. I know it’s going to be hard though since this year my marks go towards my GPA and have an effect on what I can do after this degree but I’ve done harder things, so I know I’ll be okay. I also finally got my L’s, which is big deal. Driving is fun and I’m actually going pretty well in my lessons, I haven’t died yet. I also had a bit of a breakthrough with my psych a while ago, we didn’t have much to talk about, but we were talking about the fact I’m in my second year of uni, and I honestly can’t believe it, I didn’t think I’d be alive this long. I’ve said it a million times, usually when I’m complaing about something. “I don’t know how to file my taxes, I didn’t plan this fair ahead, I thought I would’ve offed myself by now.” But this time it was an overwhelming feeling of like oh shit like I survived, I did it, like I’m an actual adult now, I have so much freedom and I can finally see my future. I know I’ve been 18 for a while so idk why it’s hit me so hard now, maybe because I’m not being abused I dunno. I can’t wait until I can just drive away by myself and disappear for a bit. I’m flying to *redacted* for a while by myself in a few months, I’m so excited, I’m thinking of moving there. I just realised one night I could buy plane tickets to anywhere and just go!! It’s awesome, It’s what I’ve been waiting for, like if high school me could see how I’m doing now shed be amazed. I also met some awesome, cool, beautiful people in the last few weeks, including online friends. I’ve been invited to lunches, dinners, gigs, parties, and I think, ironically, the only thing that’s changed is that I’ve stopped living to please other people. And that I know I’m loved because I love myself. I just do whatever I feel will make me happy and I think it’s the best way to live. I know I won’t feel this good forever but the fact I’m feeling anything at all is enough to celebrate. Also we got a cat, I love the little bastard boy.
Listening to: Pick Me Up I'm Scared the Podcast
I'm not really sure what I'm going to write in here. Nothing too personal cause people I know in real life have acess to this website and I don't wanna be too embarrasing. I'm pretty tired today, I haven't been sleeping well. This is one of my favourite times of the year though, right before school goes back. I have so much to look fowards to and I'm very excited and happy, but I've been having such a constant deep feeling of anxiety in my pit of my stomach that I just want to go away. I know that it'll go away soon enough but it's very unpleasant. I've been distracting myself as much as I can but it's still there. I'm seeing my psych tomorrow so that's good. I can't wait for school to start.
Drinking: Iced green tea
Listening: Queen Nicki Minaj
HI! Welcome to 2024
A bits happens since my last entry! J went to Japan with his family for three weeks and I house/pet sat for them! The first week was lonely but over time it got WAY easier! I had L, my mum and lil brother over. J's mum gave me 1.5k and lots of gifts. In the last week of the trip they all got really sick, J's brother got influenza a and covid and almost went to hospital. It wasn't clear for a while wether they could come home on time or not, but they did! J brought me back so may gifts!
My lil brother graduated from primary school too, which is insane bc he is still a lil baby to me. I helped put up J's family's christmas tree and decorations and a couple of days later it was my lil brother's 13th birthday!!! J and I decorated gingerbread houses, watched christmas movies and drove around looking at christmas lights. J's family started fostering four, 6 week old tabby kittens, they are so tiny and sweet, I wish I could keep them. They got a bit sick but they are on the mend now.
On the 22nd of dec my family exchanged gifts, I got a lot of little things like candles and books as well as a $100 giftcard to an online bookshop. I preordered Maddiline Pendelton's book the other day. She is the host of the Pick me up I'm scared podcast I always listen to. Everyone enjoyed the gifts I brought them. Then I went to J's house to swap gifts with him. He got me so much that I got overwhelmed and had to take breaks in between opening them. He gotme so much candy and chocolate, tea. trinkets from Japan, candles and he preordered Penelope Scott's latest album. On the 23rd I took J out to see the boy and the heron, it was beautiful and I love the cinema sm. On CHristmas eve I travelled up the coast with my mum and lil brother to stay w some relitives. We stopped at this sick giftshop that I love and I found a phrenology bust for only $80, I had been looking at them online for like $300. We stopped in at a family friends house and she gifted me some amaxing Buddhist loot, including, a prayer wheel, khutas, many books and a handpainted nepalese cabnet which she will deliever to my house soon. I have been studying Buddhism a lot more and in April I am going on a week long mediation retreat at a female focused monastry. It's in the mountains. I am very excited! I went swimming in the ocean w lil brother and in the evening we watched the christmas parade.
On christmas we had a little lunch and a big dinner as usual. I had two lunches because I went to visit a new (2yr old) little cousin that I hadn't met before. Back at where we were staying I met my REALLY new little cousin, she was a month or two old I think. I held her and she spat up milk on my arm which was gross, but she was so cute. After dinner we opened up gifts, I got a few little things, a plant, candy and chocolate and ofc money!!!
On the 26th I went back home and visted J's dad, we went out to dinner and they got me these sick red dwarf earrings. I felt really sick that night, and a few days later I tested positive for covid
It was the first time I had covid, and the hardest part was not going out and not seeing J. I stayed up on NYE and J showed me the fireworks and we kissed on the phone at midnight.
As everyone knows Gypsy Rose is out of prison, I am very happy for her. During my isolation I really read up on her story. I saw j for the first time since isolating the other day, we applied to a bunch of places, and yesterday we had another inspection, I really hope we get this one!
My new years resolutions are to watch more movies, get my license and sort out my stamp collection!
I hope y'all had/are having a good holiday season. Talk soon.
Drinking: Water
Listening: Pick me up I'm scared
Hello ! It's been a while ! My fave month is over and spooky month!
I'm reading my journal to help me remember what I've done lately. In early September, J gave me a lil gift basket w lots of treats, flowers, pens, white out and a card. A few days later I had a sleepover w bestie L, one like we used to have in highschool, we spent like $120 on snacks, we watch the monster high movie and fionna and cake. On the 23rd it was J's bday, he got a lot of cool stuff including camping things, we had a bbq lunch and indian for dinner and he had a caramel mudcake.
On the 27th it was my bday! I had high tea w L and she got me some nail polishes, lip gloss and a few other things. Joe got my the communist manifestop, a lush gift set, a lana viynl and a coffee scented candle. His dad and step mum gave me a lush set and his mum gave me the antiquarian sticker book. My little brother drew me a picture of me and my doggie. My parents gave me a bass guitar !!!! I also got some money which I put away for the Bicheno trip. J and I got maccas for breakkie and then we went to some arcades! L came over and dad made ravioli for dinner and we had tiramasu for dessert.
I also got a big backpay from centrelink so I brought glasses, new docs and I had a dental check up! J, my little brother, D and I went camping too, we only stayed one night bc we forgot some food, got bored and it got rainy, we still had a great a time ! We went on a 5km hike and went fishing ( we didnt catch anything lol ) J and I went to a goth ball w drag and stuff and T and B drove up and a bunch of our friends came !!! Itr was awesome !! J and D and I went to show, L and E were sick so they didn't come :( We went on some rides and got showbags and looked at animals. J and I went down the coast w my mum to visit family, ,it was good! We went to a flower farm and there were so many bugs !!!! I brought some dark purple tulips. One of my friends gifted me a buddhist book and a meditation cushion! I finished all my exams and I think I did alright ! yahooo !
A few days before halloween J and I adopted to mice!! Honey and Lavender, they are SO sweet ! I also got some angel bites. On the 28th J and I went to a halloween party! There were a lot of cool people. A few days later we went to a halloween carnival event, they had free popcorn and fairyfloss, we got tokens to play games for prizes, we won quite a bit! On the 30th we saw the fnaf movie and on the 31st j and i went trick or treating w his dad, step mum and lil brother, we got HEAPS of candy! When we got home we watched a horror movie and ate the halloween cookies we baked earlier.
On the 3rd of Nov J and I drove to Bicheno, J planned and payed for it all aaaaa we had lunch at the beach and dinner at a fancy restuaront. The next morning we had breakfast at a cafe and went to a wildlife park, the next day we drove a few hours away and looked at a bookshop and lnch before going to a serpentarium, there were lots of reptiles and cool artefacts. I held a snake called russel !! Then we drove further away and went to a small and quite strange camel farm, on the last day we went on a glass bottom boat tour, we saw seals, star fish, jelly fish, little sharks and many other fish !!
I've been going to the gym and I'm still losing weight :) Soon J and his family will be in Japan and I'll be house/pet sitting, his mum is paying me very generously. I plan to watch a lot of movies. J and I are planning on moving into an apartment/small house soon. when he gets back from Japan we are going to some viewings. We wrote a list of all the furniture and appliences we'll need and came up with an estimate. I'm super excited to move out, it'll just be me, him our meeses and my lil dog !! I'm excited to have all my friends/family over for a house warming dinner party and then later in the night have proper party. Until next time !
Drinking: Water
Listening: Mitski-Bug like an angel
HIIII!!!! More fun stuff has been happening as of late and I have so many fun things coming up in the next month and so!
As I said in the last entry J and I were gonna drive to Hobart and do a bunch of fun stuff, we did that and it was fun! We caught a ferry to an art museum, w ent to a sushi train, had hot pot with some of my family members that we stayed with, went to some opshops and tipshops, we walked in a beautiful rain forest and enjoyed the natural hotsprings, we also went to one of the countries last pizza hut buffets! I also did a NUMBER on my bank account lmao, we went to a really cute stationary shop, lush and some little boutique stores.
A few days before we went I took J to his first drag show! We both had an awesome time and it was so heartwarming seeing so many queer people in my area. I also went to a games night with J and his friends which was nice!
What I'm really happy about is the fact its my favourite month !!!! SEPTEMBER !!!! This month is my birthday (27th) and J's (23rd). I know what I'm getting him and I know that I am getting a bass guitar, some books from my wishlist and ik L will take me to high tea as it's tradition. I will be 22! and J will be 24!, I don't feel like I should be 22, even though its not old, I still feel like a kid lmao.
I also love september because it is spring where I live! It marks the end of winter, which is often a depressing time for me. Spring is when all new life come out, so many little animals and plants and it's so sunny! Uni is also winding down now, before the exam season atleast. I've got a few assignments that are due soon but I've already finished most of them.
One of my cousins is currently expecting and another one just had a baby! The new baby is a girl and the one on the way is a boy! I am very excited to meet them.
I've been going to the gym 3 times a week, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! Which is SO weird cause I was never at fitness girly, but I've made some friends and started weight lifting! I might build up to going 5 times a week but idk yet hehe. I've lost about 10kg since I started working out which is so crazy but I still have a fair bit to go until I reach my goal.
Some of the exciting stuff I have coming up this month and next include, an increase in my pay and maybe a bigger increase later, I'm just waiting for a confirmation. Going to a goth drag ball !! A sleepover w L tomorrow (We are gonna eat sushi and snack and watch monster high and barbie movies hehe), J and I's bdays, the show (like a big fair w rides and showbags and stuff), my dad's bday, my doggies bday, end of semester 2 !!, house sitting for a house w 6 cats, 3 chickens and 2 dogs for 3 weeks, and a surprise trip to Bicheno (the seaside town i fell in love with) with J! (I know we are going on a glass bottom boat tour, to a camel farm and to a snake zoo and I am gonna hold a snake!! I think they are cool!)
Drinking: Sugar-free raspberry Mother Energy
Listening: Behind the bastards podcast
Wah It’s literally been 8 months since my last entry! Whoops hehe.
I have so much to say! I’m going to recap the best moments of the last 8 months:
Started pole dancing
to first “real” house party
J got his lisence and a new cat
J and I went to berry farm
J and I had a Valentines day picnic, he gifted me flowers, chocolates, Strawberry Shortcake PJs and a cute handmade card
J and I drove to *redeacted* for a relatives wedding and I met my new little cousin
J and I celebrated out 1st anniversary, we went to a fancy restaurant, and I was gifted flowers, heaps of my fave snacks and an adorable handmade card
Saw Priscilla the Queen of the Desert live on stage w/ my mum
Flew to Sydney and saw My CHEM AAAAA
Many beach trips
Celebrated T’s 18th
J and I stayed in a cute lil airbnb in Bicheno we had SUCH a great time and I fell in love with the little seaside town
Had a proper English roast
Shaved eyebrows off
J, T and I went to sick sick science museum
Celebrated a successful semester 1 with ramen
Found a kitten
Went camping x2
A few good parties
Got new tatt and a sick haircut
Started working out and playing bass (almost) everyday
Went to Labcoat gig with L, E, J and W
Went to drag show with J
Connected with old friends
Yeah! Alot has happened! I’m doing so so good like I’m happier then I’ve ever been, I’m making so many new lovely friends. In a few days J and I are driving down to *redeacted* and I am SO excited! We have so much planned! Uni is going great, I’m thinking of going into social work after this degree but I’m not super sure yet. I am so excited to graduate next year! I know what dress I am going to buy and some of the gifts I’m getting hehe.
Drinking: Iced Green Tea
Listening: "Margo Guryan - Sunday Morning"
Hello and Happy New Year !!
I've been doing good lately and I had a great holiday season. It started on the 18th of Dec. I've never celebrated Hannukah before but I attended the Menorah lighting on the first night of Hannukah and I had an awesome time! Even though my close family and I aren't Christian, like a lot of Australia we still celebrate Christmas. I opened my gifts with my parents and brother at home on Christmas morning. My favourite gifts were money, Adrift by Tracey Williams, and a beautiful heart shaped philodenron ( I am starting to aquire plants). We then travelled to the coast to visit my grandparents and other relitives. We had a small lunch and a big dinner. My Granpa lives on the beach and I went swimming for hours, it was awesome, I saw weird seabugs on the seaweed and swam out further then I ever had before. I got really sunburnt though.The next day I went swimming again, and visited a close friend who lives near by. On the 27th I went to J's house and him, his brother and I travelled about 45 minutes out of town, to another beach, to stay in a beautiful airbnb his dad had rented out for the Christmas season. His little brother was there too, he is walking and talking now. We went swimming and to the beach and I also went fishing for the first time !! I didn't catch anything but what the others catched we threw back and I watched them swim away so I hope we didn't hurt them or anything. I ended up looking under rocks for crabs and things for most of the time. After a few days I went back home, and last night I celebrated NYE at J's house, we had Japanese curry and sushi for dinner, watched fireworks on tv, took some cute photos, drank some (non alcoholic) wine/champagne and kissed at midnight ofc! There's no one else I'd wanna ring the new years in with.
I go back to uni in Feb and I'm so excited I miss it a lot. I'm only taking 3 classes instead of 4 this semester, cause 2 are gonna be 3rd year. I'm taking a developmental psych class, one specifily on dementia and one on advanced research techniquies. I am seeing MCR in a few months in a place in my country I've never been to. I am so so so excited. Until next time x
Listening to: The wind
Well it has been quite a while and a lot has happened. I left uni and I did pass all my exams and classes. I also moved out into a sharehouse for a few months but I moved back home again be the landlord sucked. I got a new job which I did enjoy even though it made me very stressed. I quit though, due to both mental and physical health issues. I had a laproscopic surgery and I only have minor endometrosis which is great, but it doesn't explain the unbarable pain I regulary experience. I have been referred to a chronic pain specialist. I have also had two fainting episodes. I have gotten dizzy before but never passed out. The first time happened at hospital in the emergency room and I had to stay over night. The second happened while I was having high tea with my bestie, L. It's really scary but I am going to talk to a doctor about it soon. J and I are better then ever we travelled to Melbourne for a combined birthday trip, we had some amazing experiences that I am so glad I got to share with him.
I have been studying more Buddhism and yesterday J, my mum and I went to the monastry's yearly picnic in the park and it was amazing! There were so many lovely people and I even worked up the courage to introduce myself to the Lama, even though I was apperantly bright red. He said that it's good that I am reading a lot, and trying to meditate more. I told him I am not familer with all the formalities like Prostrations, and he told me not to worry at all because we are all the same here. He said he looked fowards to seeing me more. I am super excited for Christmas, it is one of my favourite times of the year, gift giving is my main love langauge and I love all the food and seeing my family. Anyway, bye x
Drinking: Iced green tea
Watching: some random youtube videos idk
Hello again.Today it rained all day.All I did was read, nap and play Minecraft. It was lovely. I read 200 pages of "My year of rest and relaxation" by Ottessa Moshfegh, I read her book Homesick for another world a while ago and I loved it so much, so when I went shopping a couple of days of ago I picked it up. I'm almost finished it and I think it will be one of my new favourite books. I took my best friend to hightea for her birthday and we went shopping, I brought an animal crossing puzzle, the book, bath bombs and this fancy blooming tea. The day after I met up with an old friend from highschool, which was nice. I've decided to take 6 months from uni for my mental health. I'm going to try and relax more but also get more work/a new job. I had my first exam of the season yesterday for my reasearch skills class, I think I went well and I'm confident for my other two.
Drinking: Iced green tea
Eating: Chinese food
Watching: "You Can't Ask That - Gay Men"
Hiya.I've had a really great month.I travelled to *redacted* by myself and it was so awesome, I'm keen to travel again. I did so many fun things. I saw my first drag show. I met J's half brother and he is very cute. He turns one soon. School has been pretty hard lately, I'm currently revising for exams and I'm feeling pretty meh about it. I've also had no shifts at work :( I met some of J's friends and it was really nice! Last night I went to a party with him, where all the guys wore dresses and all the girls wore tradionally male clothes, I dress like a guy a lot of the time anyway, but it was a good laugh. I wore a deer hunting shirt which really made my fit (I detest hunting for sport/fun and consider all sentiant beings equal). On the way home we found a dead dog on the road. I used to work at a vet clinic and I am confident in pet first aid and animal care. It would've been killed on impact. It was warm but it had no heartbeat, wasn't breathing, had a blue tounge, had no eye movements or reaction to the inner eyes being touched, his nose was bleeding too. It was a horrible thing to see, after we determined it wasn't going be saved, while the others were organising notifying the owner, I held it and patted it. It was very sad, I feel sorry for him. Apart from that, and watching "Graveyard of fireflies" I've have a pretty happy time lately. I've been playing sims a lot on J's computer, we made our own charecters that look like us and his dog. I mad a siamise cat called peanut butter and an italian greyhound called max, but he got taken away :( J and I live together but we aren't in a reletionship even though I'm pregnant with his kid AHAHA.
Anyway I gotta finish eating dinner, and watch this show with my mum.
Watching: Hoarders
Drinking: Rose and mango green tea
I'm doing a whole lot better then the last entry, I think I was just having a moment. I don't have too many updates. There's only a few weeks of semester one left. I dropped my coding class and I'm making up for it with a creative writing analyse class over the winter. I'm not particulary intersted in the subject but atleast it won't be too difficult or long. I'm now the second year representitive for the university's psych society, which is cool. I didn't really apply but I was still elected. The only other notable school related thing is that I got a 62/64 or a high distinction (The highest mark you can get) for a data analyses on fishing fleets in my state. I think thats my highest mark so far. I treated myself to a little shopping trip, sushi and bubble tea for that one :)
I've been spending more time with J, at eachothers houses and on outings. We went with my mum to the local Buddhist Monstary for some meditation and teachings last week. Mum and I have been before and both at least somewhat idenify with Buddhism. J had never been but he really enjoyed it and wants to go again. It always makes me feel better after I go there, like my mind, body and spirit have been reset, theres something just so warm and comforting about that place and the lama. I feel safe there.
I have a few exciting things coming up, my best friend and her bf meeting J and I for lunch, mum, my brother, J and I going to visit my realitives in a place J's never been for Easter, and me meeting J's stepmum and baby half brother. Also semester break coming up! I promise over the break I'll write a new article (and maybe get around to rewriting some old ones). I am very happy and excited for autumn and winter. Until next time.
Watching: Skins
Listeing to: Lana Del Rey
I’m doing so much better since the last entry, even though I wasn’t doing particularly bad or anything lmao. It’s O week this week, uni goes back next week. I’m taking two stats classes this semester, which I’m secretly really looking forwards to. I prefer the math/science/medical classes that I have to take way more than the wishy-washy theory ones. I just find it so much easier when it’s black and white. And it’s fun to work towards a solution and have the satisfaction of finally getting it. I know it’s going to be hard though since this year my marks go towards my GPA and have an effect on what I can do after this degree but I’ve done harder things, so I know I’ll be okay. I also finally got my L’s, which is big deal. Driving is fun and I’m actually going pretty well in my lessons, I haven’t died yet. I also had a bit of a breakthrough with my psych a while ago, we didn’t have much to talk about, but we were talking about the fact I’m in my second year of uni, and I honestly can’t believe it, I didn’t think I’d be alive this long. I’ve said it a million times, usually when I’m complaing about something. “I don’t know how to file my taxes, I didn’t plan this fair ahead, I thought I would’ve offed myself by now.” But this time it was an overwhelming feeling of like oh shit like I survived, I did it, like I’m an actual adult now, I have so much freedom and I can finally see my future. I know I’ve been 18 for a while so idk why it’s hit me so hard now, maybe because I’m not being abused I dunno. I can’t wait until I can just drive away by myself and disappear for a bit. I’m flying to *redacted* for a while by myself in a few months, I’m so excited, I’m thinking of moving there. I just realised one night I could buy plane tickets to anywhere and just go!! It’s awesome, It’s what I’ve been waiting for, like if high school me could see how I’m doing now shed be amazed. I also met some awesome, cool, beautiful people in the last few weeks, including online friends. I’ve been invited to lunches, dinners, gigs, parties, and I think, ironically, the only thing that’s changed is that I’ve stopped living to please other people. And that I know I’m loved because I love myself. I just do whatever I feel will make me happy and I think it’s the best way to live. I know I won’t feel this good forever but the fact I’m feeling anything at all is enough to celebrate. Also we got a cat, I love the little bastard boy.
Listening to: Pick Me Up I'm Scared the Podcast
I'm not really sure what I'm going to write in here. Nothing too personal cause people I know in real life have acess to this website and I don't wanna be too embarrasing. I'm pretty tired today, I haven't been sleeping well. This is one of my favourite times of the year though, right before school goes back. I have so much to look fowards to and I'm very excited and happy, but I've been having such a constant deep feeling of anxiety in my pit of my stomach that I just want to go away. I know that it'll go away soon enough but it's very unpleasant. I've been distracting myself as much as I can but it's still there. I'm seeing my psych tomorrow so that's good. I can't wait for school to start.
HI! Welcome to 2024
A bits happens since my last entry! J went to Japan with his family for three weeks and I house/pet sat for them! The first week was lonely but over time it got WAY easier! I had L, my mum and lil brother over. J's mum gave me 1.5k and lots of gifts. In the last week of the trip they all got really sick, J's brother got influenza a and covid and almost went to hospital. It wasn't clear for a while wether they could come home on time or not, but they did! J brought me back so may gifts!
My lil brother graduated from primary school too, which is insane bc he is still a lil baby to me. I helped put up J's family's christmas tree and decorations and a couple of days later it was my lil brother's 13th birthday!!! J and I decorated gingerbread houses, watched christmas movies and drove around looking at christmas lights. J's family started fostering four, 6 week old tabby kittens, they are so tiny and sweet, I wish I could keep them. They got a bit sick but they are on the mend now.
On the 22nd of dec my family exchanged gifts, I got a lot of little things like candles and books as well as a $100 giftcard to an online bookshop. I preordered Maddiline Pendelton's book the other day. She is the host of the Pick me up I'm scared podcast I always listen to. Everyone enjoyed the gifts I brought them. Then I went to J's house to swap gifts with him. He got me so much that I got overwhelmed and had to take breaks in between opening them. He gotme so much candy and chocolate, tea. trinkets from Japan, candles and he preordered Penelope Scott's latest album. On the 23rd I took J out to see the boy and the heron, it was beautiful and I love the cinema sm. On CHristmas eve I travelled up the coast with my mum and lil brother to stay w some relitives. We stopped at this sick giftshop that I love and I found a phrenology bust for only $80, I had been looking at them online for like $300. We stopped in at a family friends house and she gifted me some amaxing Buddhist loot, including, a prayer wheel, khutas, many books and a handpainted nepalese cabnet which she will deliever to my house soon. I have been studying Buddhism a lot more and in April I am going on a week long mediation retreat at a female focused monastry. It's in the mountains. I am very excited! I went swimming in the ocean w lil brother and in the evening we watched the christmas parade.
On christmas we had a little lunch and a big dinner as usual. I had two lunches because I went to visit a new (2yr old) little cousin that I hadn't met before. Back at where we were staying I met my REALLY new little cousin, she was a month or two old I think. I held her and she spat up milk on my arm which was gross, but she was so cute. After dinner we opened up gifts, I got a few little things, a plant, candy and chocolate and ofc money!!!
On the 26th I went back home and visted J's dad, we went out to dinner and they got me these sick red dwarf earrings. I felt really sick that night, and a few days later I tested positive for covid
It was the first time I had covid, and the hardest part was not going out and not seeing J. I stayed up on NYE and J showed me the fireworks and we kissed on the phone at midnight.
As everyone knows Gypsy Rose is out of prison, I am very happy for her. During my isolation I really read up on her story. I saw j for the first time since isolating the other day, we applied to a bunch of places, and yesterday we had another inspection, I really hope we get this one!
My new years resolutions are to watch more movies, get my license and sort out my stamp collection!
I hope y'all had/are having a good holiday season. Talk soon.
Drinking: Water
Listening: Pick me up I'm scared
Hello ! It's been a while ! My fave month is over and spooky month!
I'm reading my journal to help me remember what I've done lately. In early September, J gave me a lil gift basket w lots of treats, flowers, pens, white out and a card. A few days later I had a sleepover w bestie L, one like we used to have in highschool, we spent like $120 on snacks, we watch the monster high movie and fionna and cake. On the 23rd it was J's bday, he got a lot of cool stuff including camping things, we had a bbq lunch and indian for dinner and he had a caramel mudcake.
On the 27th it was my bday! I had high tea w L and she got me some nail polishes, lip gloss and a few other things. Joe got my the communist manifestop, a lush gift set, a lana viynl and a coffee scented candle. His dad and step mum gave me a lush set and his mum gave me the antiquarian sticker book. My little brother drew me a picture of me and my doggie. My parents gave me a bass guitar !!!! I also got some money which I put away for the Bicheno trip. J and I got maccas for breakkie and then we went to some arcades! L came over and dad made ravioli for dinner and we had tiramasu for dessert.
I also got a big backpay from centrelink so I brought glasses, new docs and I had a dental check up! J, my little brother, D and I went camping too, we only stayed one night bc we forgot some food, got bored and it got rainy, we still had a great a time ! We went on a 5km hike and went fishing ( we didnt catch anything lol ) J and I went to a goth ball w drag and stuff and T and B drove up and a bunch of our friends came !!! Itr was awesome !! J and D and I went to show, L and E were sick so they didn't come :( We went on some rides and got showbags and looked at animals. J and I went down the coast w my mum to visit family, ,it was good! We went to a flower farm and there were so many bugs !!!! I brought some dark purple tulips. One of my friends gifted me a buddhist book and a meditation cushion! I finished all my exams and I think I did alright ! yahooo !
A few days before halloween J and I adopted to mice!! Honey and Lavender, they are SO sweet ! I also got some angel bites. On the 28th J and I went to a halloween party! There were a lot of cool people. A few days later we went to a halloween carnival event, they had free popcorn and fairyfloss, we got tokens to play games for prizes, we won quite a bit! On the 30th we saw the fnaf movie and on the 31st j and i went trick or treating w his dad, step mum and lil brother, we got HEAPS of candy! When we got home we watched a horror movie and ate the halloween cookies we baked earlier.
On the 3rd of Nov J and I drove to Bicheno, J planned and payed for it all aaaaa we had lunch at the beach and dinner at a fancy restuaront. The next morning we had breakfast at a cafe and went to a wildlife park, the next day we drove a few hours away and looked at a bookshop and lnch before going to a serpentarium, there were lots of reptiles and cool artefacts. I held a snake called russel !! Then we drove further away and went to a small and quite strange camel farm, on the last day we went on a glass bottom boat tour, we saw seals, star fish, jelly fish, little sharks and many other fish !!
I've been going to the gym and I'm still losing weight :) Soon J and his family will be in Japan and I'll be house/pet sitting, his mum is paying me very generously. I plan to watch a lot of movies. J and I are planning on moving into an apartment/small house soon. when he gets back from Japan we are going to some viewings. We wrote a list of all the furniture and appliences we'll need and came up with an estimate. I'm super excited to move out, it'll just be me, him our meeses and my lil dog !! I'm excited to have all my friends/family over for a house warming dinner party and then later in the night have proper party. Until next time !
Drinking: Water
Listening: Mitski-Bug like an angel
HIIII!!!! More fun stuff has been happening as of late and I have so many fun things coming up in the next month and so!
As I said in the last entry J and I were gonna drive to Hobart and do a bunch of fun stuff, we did that and it was fun! We caught a ferry to an art museum, w ent to a sushi train, had hot pot with some of my family members that we stayed with, went to some opshops and tipshops, we walked in a beautiful rain forest and enjoyed the natural hotsprings, we also went to one of the countries last pizza hut buffets! I also did a NUMBER on my bank account lmao, we went to a really cute stationary shop, lush and some little boutique stores.
A few days before we went I took J to his first drag show! We both had an awesome time and it was so heartwarming seeing so many queer people in my area. I also went to a games night with J and his friends which was nice!
What I'm really happy about is the fact its my favourite month !!!! SEPTEMBER !!!! This month is my birthday (27th) and J's (23rd). I know what I'm getting him and I know that I am getting a bass guitar, some books from my wishlist and ik L will take me to high tea as it's tradition. I will be 22! and J will be 24!, I don't feel like I should be 22, even though its not old, I still feel like a kid lmao.
I also love september because it is spring where I live! It marks the end of winter, which is often a depressing time for me. Spring is when all new life come out, so many little animals and plants and it's so sunny! Uni is also winding down now, before the exam season atleast. I've got a few assignments that are due soon but I've already finished most of them.
One of my cousins is currently expecting and another one just had a baby! The new baby is a girl and the one on the way is a boy! I am very excited to meet them.
I've been going to the gym 3 times a week, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! Which is SO weird cause I was never at fitness girly, but I've made some friends and started weight lifting! I might build up to going 5 times a week but idk yet hehe. I've lost about 10kg since I started working out which is so crazy but I still have a fair bit to go until I reach my goal.
Some of the exciting stuff I have coming up this month and next include, an increase in my pay and maybe a bigger increase later, I'm just waiting for a confirmation. Going to a goth drag ball !! A sleepover w L tomorrow (We are gonna eat sushi and snack and watch monster high and barbie movies hehe), J and I's bdays, the show (like a big fair w rides and showbags and stuff), my dad's bday, my doggies bday, end of semester 2 !!, house sitting for a house w 6 cats, 3 chickens and 2 dogs for 3 weeks, and a surprise trip to Bicheno (the seaside town i fell in love with) with J! (I know we are going on a glass bottom boat tour, to a camel farm and to a snake zoo and I am gonna hold a snake!! I think they are cool!)
Drinking: Sugar-free raspberry Mother Energy
Listening: Behind the bastards podcast
Wah It’s literally been 8 months since my last entry! Whoops hehe.
I have so much to say! I’m going to recap the best moments of the last 8 months:
Started pole dancing
to first “real” house party
J got his lisence and a new cat
J and I went to berry farm
J and I had a Valentines day picnic, he gifted me flowers, chocolates, Strawberry Shortcake PJs and a cute handmade card
J and I drove to *redeacted* for a relatives wedding and I met my new little cousin
J and I celebrated out 1st anniversary, we went to a fancy restaurant, and I was gifted flowers, heaps of my fave snacks and an adorable handmade card
Saw Priscilla the Queen of the Desert live on stage w/ my mum
Flew to Sydney and saw My CHEM AAAAA
Many beach trips
Celebrated T’s 18th
J and I stayed in a cute lil airbnb in Bicheno we had SUCH a great time and I fell in love with the little seaside town
Had a proper English roast
Shaved eyebrows off
J, T and I went to sick sick science museum
Celebrated a successful semester 1 with ramen
Found a kitten
Went camping x2
A few good parties
Got new tatt and a sick haircut
Started working out and playing bass (almost) everyday
Went to Labcoat gig with L, E, J and W
Went to drag show with J
Connected with old friends
Yeah! Alot has happened! I’m doing so so good like I’m happier then I’ve ever been, I’m making so many new lovely friends. In a few days J and I are driving down to *redeacted* and I am SO excited! We have so much planned! Uni is going great, I’m thinking of going into social work after this degree but I’m not super sure yet. I am so excited to graduate next year! I know what dress I am going to buy and some of the gifts I’m getting hehe.
Drinking: Iced Green Tea
Listening: "Margo Guryan - Sunday Morning"
Hello and Happy New Year !!
I've been doing good lately and I had a great holiday season. It started on the 18th of Dec. I've never celebrated Hannukah before but I attended the Menorah lighting on the first night of Hannukah and I had an awesome time! Even though my close family and I aren't Christian, like a lot of Australia we still celebrate Christmas. I opened my gifts with my parents and brother at home on Christmas morning. My favourite gifts were money, Adrift by Tracey Williams, and a beautiful heart shaped philodenron ( I am starting to aquire plants). We then travelled to the coast to visit my grandparents and other relitives. We had a small lunch and a big dinner. My Granpa lives on the beach and I went swimming for hours, it was awesome, I saw weird seabugs on the seaweed and swam out further then I ever had before. I got really sunburnt though.The next day I went swimming again, and visited a close friend who lives near by. On the 27th I went to J's house and him, his brother and I travelled about 45 minutes out of town, to another beach, to stay in a beautiful airbnb his dad had rented out for the Christmas season. His little brother was there too, he is walking and talking now. We went swimming and to the beach and I also went fishing for the first time !! I didn't catch anything but what the others catched we threw back and I watched them swim away so I hope we didn't hurt them or anything. I ended up looking under rocks for crabs and things for most of the time. After a few days I went back home, and last night I celebrated NYE at J's house, we had Japanese curry and sushi for dinner, watched fireworks on tv, took some cute photos, drank some (non alcoholic) wine/champagne and kissed at midnight ofc! There's no one else I'd wanna ring the new years in with.
I go back to uni in Feb and I'm so excited I miss it a lot. I'm only taking 3 classes instead of 4 this semester, cause 2 are gonna be 3rd year. I'm taking a developmental psych class, one specifily on dementia and one on advanced research techniquies. I am seeing MCR in a few months in a place in my country I've never been to. I am so so so excited. Until next time x
Listening to: The wind
Well it has been quite a while and a lot has happened. I left uni and I did pass all my exams and classes. I also moved out into a sharehouse for a few months but I moved back home again be the landlord sucked. I got a new job which I did enjoy even though it made me very stressed. I quit though, due to both mental and physical health issues. I had a laproscopic surgery and I only have minor endometrosis which is great, but it doesn't explain the unbarable pain I regulary experience. I have been referred to a chronic pain specialist. I have also had two fainting episodes. I have gotten dizzy before but never passed out. The first time happened at hospital in the emergency room and I had to stay over night. The second happened while I was having high tea with my bestie, L. It's really scary but I am going to talk to a doctor about it soon. J and I are better then ever we travelled to Melbourne for a combined birthday trip, we had some amazing experiences that I am so glad I got to share with him.
I have been studying more Buddhism and yesterday J, my mum and I went to the monastry's yearly picnic in the park and it was amazing! There were so many lovely people and I even worked up the courage to introduce myself to the Lama, even though I was apperantly bright red. He said that it's good that I am reading a lot, and trying to meditate more. I told him I am not familer with all the formalities like Prostrations, and he told me not to worry at all because we are all the same here. He said he looked fowards to seeing me more. I am super excited for Christmas, it is one of my favourite times of the year, gift giving is my main love langauge and I love all the food and seeing my family. Anyway, bye x
Drinking: Iced green tea
Watching: some random youtube videos idk
Hello again.Today it rained all day.All I did was read, nap and play Minecraft. It was lovely. I read 200 pages of "My year of rest and relaxation" by Ottessa Moshfegh, I read her book Homesick for another world a while ago and I loved it so much, so when I went shopping a couple of days of ago I picked it up. I'm almost finished it and I think it will be one of my new favourite books. I took my best friend to hightea for her birthday and we went shopping, I brought an animal crossing puzzle, the book, bath bombs and this fancy blooming tea. The day after I met up with an old friend from highschool, which was nice. I've decided to take 6 months from uni for my mental health. I'm going to try and relax more but also get more work/a new job. I had my first exam of the season yesterday for my reasearch skills class, I think I went well and I'm confident for my other two.
Drinking: Iced green tea
Eating: Chinese food
Watching: "You Can't Ask That - Gay Men"
Hiya.I've had a really great month.I travelled to *redacted* by myself and it was so awesome, I'm keen to travel again. I did so many fun things. I saw my first drag show. I met J's half brother and he is very cute. He turns one soon. School has been pretty hard lately, I'm currently revising for exams and I'm feeling pretty meh about it. I've also had no shifts at work :( I met some of J's friends and it was really nice! Last night I went to a party with him, where all the guys wore dresses and all the girls wore tradionally male clothes, I dress like a guy a lot of the time anyway, but it was a good laugh. I wore a deer hunting shirt which really made my fit (I detest hunting for sport/fun and consider all sentiant beings equal). On the way home we found a dead dog on the road. I used to work at a vet clinic and I am confident in pet first aid and animal care. It would've been killed on impact. It was warm but it had no heartbeat, wasn't breathing, had a blue tounge, had no eye movements or reaction to the inner eyes being touched, his nose was bleeding too. It was a horrible thing to see, after we determined it wasn't going be saved, while the others were organising notifying the owner, I held it and patted it. It was very sad, I feel sorry for him. Apart from that, and watching "Graveyard of fireflies" I've have a pretty happy time lately. I've been playing sims a lot on J's computer, we made our own charecters that look like us and his dog. I mad a siamise cat called peanut butter and an italian greyhound called max, but he got taken away :( J and I live together but we aren't in a reletionship even though I'm pregnant with his kid AHAHA.
Anyway I gotta finish eating dinner, and watch this show with my mum.
Watching: Hoarders
Drinking: Rose and mango green tea
I'm doing a whole lot better then the last entry, I think I was just having a moment. I don't have too many updates. There's only a few weeks of semester one left. I dropped my coding class and I'm making up for it with a creative writing analyse class over the winter. I'm not particulary intersted in the subject but atleast it won't be too difficult or long. I'm now the second year representitive for the university's psych society, which is cool. I didn't really apply but I was still elected. The only other notable school related thing is that I got a 62/64 or a high distinction (The highest mark you can get) for a data analyses on fishing fleets in my state. I think thats my highest mark so far. I treated myself to a little shopping trip, sushi and bubble tea for that one :)
I've been spending more time with J, at eachothers houses and on outings. We went with my mum to the local Buddhist Monstary for some meditation and teachings last week. Mum and I have been before and both at least somewhat idenify with Buddhism. J had never been but he really enjoyed it and wants to go again. It always makes me feel better after I go there, like my mind, body and spirit have been reset, theres something just so warm and comforting about that place and the lama. I feel safe there.
I have a few exciting things coming up, my best friend and her bf meeting J and I for lunch, mum, my brother, J and I going to visit my realitives in a place J's never been for Easter, and me meeting J's stepmum and baby half brother. Also semester break coming up! I promise over the break I'll write a new article (and maybe get around to rewriting some old ones). I am very happy and excited for autumn and winter. Until next time.
Watching: Skins
Listeing to: Lana Del Rey
I’m doing so much better since the last entry, even though I wasn’t doing particularly bad or anything lmao. It’s O week this week, uni goes back next week. I’m taking two stats classes this semester, which I’m secretly really looking forwards to. I prefer the math/science/medical classes that I have to take way more than the wishy-washy theory ones. I just find it so much easier when it’s black and white. And it’s fun to work towards a solution and have the satisfaction of finally getting it. I know it’s going to be hard though since this year my marks go towards my GPA and have an effect on what I can do after this degree but I’ve done harder things, so I know I’ll be okay. I also finally got my L’s, which is big deal. Driving is fun and I’m actually going pretty well in my lessons, I haven’t died yet. I also had a bit of a breakthrough with my psych a while ago, we didn’t have much to talk about, but we were talking about the fact I’m in my second year of uni, and I honestly can’t believe it, I didn’t think I’d be alive this long. I’ve said it a million times, usually when I’m complaing about something. “I don’t know how to file my taxes, I didn’t plan this fair ahead, I thought I would’ve offed myself by now.” But this time it was an overwhelming feeling of like oh shit like I survived, I did it, like I’m an actual adult now, I have so much freedom and I can finally see my future. I know I’ve been 18 for a while so idk why it’s hit me so hard now, maybe because I’m not being abused I dunno. I can’t wait until I can just drive away by myself and disappear for a bit. I’m flying to *redacted* for a while by myself in a few months, I’m so excited, I’m thinking of moving there. I just realised one night I could buy plane tickets to anywhere and just go!! It’s awesome, It’s what I’ve been waiting for, like if high school me could see how I’m doing now shed be amazed. I also met some awesome, cool, beautiful people in the last few weeks, including online friends. I’ve been invited to lunches, dinners, gigs, parties, and I think, ironically, the only thing that’s changed is that I’ve stopped living to please other people. And that I know I’m loved because I love myself. I just do whatever I feel will make me happy and I think it’s the best way to live. I know I won’t feel this good forever but the fact I’m feeling anything at all is enough to celebrate. Also we got a cat, I love the little bastard boy.
Listening to: Pick Me Up I'm Scared the Podcast
I'm not really sure what I'm going to write in here. Nothing too personal cause people I know in real life have acess to this website and I don't wanna be too embarrasing. I'm pretty tired today, I haven't been sleeping well. This is one of my favourite times of the year though, right before school goes back. I have so much to look fowards to and I'm very excited and happy, but I've been having such a constant deep feeling of anxiety in my pit of my stomach that I just want to go away. I know that it'll go away soon enough but it's very unpleasant. I've been distracting myself as much as I can but it's still there. I'm seeing my psych tomorrow so that's good. I can't wait for school to start.
Drinking: Water
Listening: Pick me up I'm scared
Hello ! It's been a while ! My fave month is over and spooky month!
I'm reading my journal to help me remember what I've done lately. In early September, J gave me a lil gift basket w lots of treats, flowers, pens, white out and a card. A few days later I had a sleepover w bestie L, one like we used to have in highschool, we spent like $120 on snacks, we watch the monster high movie and fionna and cake. On the 23rd it was J's bday, he got a lot of cool stuff including camping things, we had a bbq lunch and indian for dinner and he had a caramel mudcake.
On the 27th it was my bday! I had high tea w L and she got me some nail polishes, lip gloss and a few other things. Joe got my the communist manifestop, a lush gift set, a lana viynl and a coffee scented candle. His dad and step mum gave me a lush set and his mum gave me the antiquarian sticker book. My little brother drew me a picture of me and my doggie. My parents gave me a bass guitar !!!! I also got some money which I put away for the Bicheno trip. J and I got maccas for breakkie and then we went to some arcades! L came over and dad made ravioli for dinner and we had tiramasu for dessert.
I also got a big backpay from centrelink so I brought glasses, new docs and I had a dental check up! J, my little brother, D and I went camping too, we only stayed one night bc we forgot some food, got bored and it got rainy, we still had a great a time ! We went on a 5km hike and went fishing ( we didnt catch anything lol ) J and I went to a goth ball w drag and stuff and T and B drove up and a bunch of our friends came !!! Itr was awesome !! J and D and I went to show, L and E were sick so they didn't come :( We went on some rides and got showbags and looked at animals. J and I went down the coast w my mum to visit family, ,it was good! We went to a flower farm and there were so many bugs !!!! I brought some dark purple tulips. One of my friends gifted me a buddhist book and a meditation cushion! I finished all my exams and I think I did alright ! yahooo !
A few days before halloween J and I adopted to mice!! Honey and Lavender, they are SO sweet ! I also got some angel bites. On the 28th J and I went to a halloween party! There were a lot of cool people. A few days later we went to a halloween carnival event, they had free popcorn and fairyfloss, we got tokens to play games for prizes, we won quite a bit! On the 30th we saw the fnaf movie and on the 31st j and i went trick or treating w his dad, step mum and lil brother, we got HEAPS of candy! When we got home we watched a horror movie and ate the halloween cookies we baked earlier.
On the 3rd of Nov J and I drove to Bicheno, J planned and payed for it all aaaaa we had lunch at the beach and dinner at a fancy restuaront. The next morning we had breakfast at a cafe and went to a wildlife park, the next day we drove a few hours away and looked at a bookshop and lnch before going to a serpentarium, there were lots of reptiles and cool artefacts. I held a snake called russel !! Then we drove further away and went to a small and quite strange camel farm, on the last day we went on a glass bottom boat tour, we saw seals, star fish, jelly fish, little sharks and many other fish !!
I've been going to the gym and I'm still losing weight :) Soon J and his family will be in Japan and I'll be house/pet sitting, his mum is paying me very generously. I plan to watch a lot of movies. J and I are planning on moving into an apartment/small house soon. when he gets back from Japan we are going to some viewings. We wrote a list of all the furniture and appliences we'll need and came up with an estimate. I'm super excited to move out, it'll just be me, him our meeses and my lil dog !! I'm excited to have all my friends/family over for a house warming dinner party and then later in the night have proper party. Until next time !
Drinking: Water
Listening: Mitski-Bug like an angel
HIIII!!!! More fun stuff has been happening as of late and I have so many fun things coming up in the next month and so!
As I said in the last entry J and I were gonna drive to Hobart and do a bunch of fun stuff, we did that and it was fun! We caught a ferry to an art museum, w ent to a sushi train, had hot pot with some of my family members that we stayed with, went to some opshops and tipshops, we walked in a beautiful rain forest and enjoyed the natural hotsprings, we also went to one of the countries last pizza hut buffets! I also did a NUMBER on my bank account lmao, we went to a really cute stationary shop, lush and some little boutique stores.
A few days before we went I took J to his first drag show! We both had an awesome time and it was so heartwarming seeing so many queer people in my area. I also went to a games night with J and his friends which was nice!
What I'm really happy about is the fact its my favourite month !!!! SEPTEMBER !!!! This month is my birthday (27th) and J's (23rd). I know what I'm getting him and I know that I am getting a bass guitar, some books from my wishlist and ik L will take me to high tea as it's tradition. I will be 22! and J will be 24!, I don't feel like I should be 22, even though its not old, I still feel like a kid lmao.
I also love september because it is spring where I live! It marks the end of winter, which is often a depressing time for me. Spring is when all new life come out, so many little animals and plants and it's so sunny! Uni is also winding down now, before the exam season atleast. I've got a few assignments that are due soon but I've already finished most of them.
One of my cousins is currently expecting and another one just had a baby! The new baby is a girl and the one on the way is a boy! I am very excited to meet them.
I've been going to the gym 3 times a week, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! Which is SO weird cause I was never at fitness girly, but I've made some friends and started weight lifting! I might build up to going 5 times a week but idk yet hehe. I've lost about 10kg since I started working out which is so crazy but I still have a fair bit to go until I reach my goal.
Some of the exciting stuff I have coming up this month and next include, an increase in my pay and maybe a bigger increase later, I'm just waiting for a confirmation. Going to a goth drag ball !! A sleepover w L tomorrow (We are gonna eat sushi and snack and watch monster high and barbie movies hehe), J and I's bdays, the show (like a big fair w rides and showbags and stuff), my dad's bday, my doggies bday, end of semester 2 !!, house sitting for a house w 6 cats, 3 chickens and 2 dogs for 3 weeks, and a surprise trip to Bicheno (the seaside town i fell in love with) with J! (I know we are going on a glass bottom boat tour, to a camel farm and to a snake zoo and I am gonna hold a snake!! I think they are cool!)
Drinking: Sugar-free raspberry Mother Energy
Listening: Behind the bastards podcast
Wah It’s literally been 8 months since my last entry! Whoops hehe.
I have so much to say! I’m going to recap the best moments of the last 8 months:
Started pole dancing
to first “real” house party
J got his lisence and a new cat
J and I went to berry farm
J and I had a Valentines day picnic, he gifted me flowers, chocolates, Strawberry Shortcake PJs and a cute handmade card
J and I drove to *redeacted* for a relatives wedding and I met my new little cousin
J and I celebrated out 1st anniversary, we went to a fancy restaurant, and I was gifted flowers, heaps of my fave snacks and an adorable handmade card
Saw Priscilla the Queen of the Desert live on stage w/ my mum
Flew to Sydney and saw My CHEM AAAAA
Many beach trips
Celebrated T’s 18th
J and I stayed in a cute lil airbnb in Bicheno we had SUCH a great time and I fell in love with the little seaside town
Had a proper English roast
Shaved eyebrows off
J, T and I went to sick sick science museum
Celebrated a successful semester 1 with ramen
Found a kitten
Went camping x2
A few good parties
Got new tatt and a sick haircut
Started working out and playing bass (almost) everyday
Went to Labcoat gig with L, E, J and W
Went to drag show with J
Connected with old friends
Yeah! Alot has happened! I’m doing so so good like I’m happier then I’ve ever been, I’m making so many new lovely friends. In a few days J and I are driving down to *redeacted* and I am SO excited! We have so much planned! Uni is going great, I’m thinking of going into social work after this degree but I’m not super sure yet. I am so excited to graduate next year! I know what dress I am going to buy and some of the gifts I’m getting hehe.
Drinking: Iced Green Tea
Listening: "Margo Guryan - Sunday Morning"
Hello and Happy New Year !!
I've been doing good lately and I had a great holiday season. It started on the 18th of Dec. I've never celebrated Hannukah before but I attended the Menorah lighting on the first night of Hannukah and I had an awesome time! Even though my close family and I aren't Christian, like a lot of Australia we still celebrate Christmas. I opened my gifts with my parents and brother at home on Christmas morning. My favourite gifts were money, Adrift by Tracey Williams, and a beautiful heart shaped philodenron ( I am starting to aquire plants). We then travelled to the coast to visit my grandparents and other relitives. We had a small lunch and a big dinner. My Granpa lives on the beach and I went swimming for hours, it was awesome, I saw weird seabugs on the seaweed and swam out further then I ever had before. I got really sunburnt though.The next day I went swimming again, and visited a close friend who lives near by. On the 27th I went to J's house and him, his brother and I travelled about 45 minutes out of town, to another beach, to stay in a beautiful airbnb his dad had rented out for the Christmas season. His little brother was there too, he is walking and talking now. We went swimming and to the beach and I also went fishing for the first time !! I didn't catch anything but what the others catched we threw back and I watched them swim away so I hope we didn't hurt them or anything. I ended up looking under rocks for crabs and things for most of the time. After a few days I went back home, and last night I celebrated NYE at J's house, we had Japanese curry and sushi for dinner, watched fireworks on tv, took some cute photos, drank some (non alcoholic) wine/champagne and kissed at midnight ofc! There's no one else I'd wanna ring the new years in with.
I go back to uni in Feb and I'm so excited I miss it a lot. I'm only taking 3 classes instead of 4 this semester, cause 2 are gonna be 3rd year. I'm taking a developmental psych class, one specifily on dementia and one on advanced research techniquies. I am seeing MCR in a few months in a place in my country I've never been to. I am so so so excited. Until next time x
Listening to: The wind
Well it has been quite a while and a lot has happened. I left uni and I did pass all my exams and classes. I also moved out into a sharehouse for a few months but I moved back home again be the landlord sucked. I got a new job which I did enjoy even though it made me very stressed. I quit though, due to both mental and physical health issues. I had a laproscopic surgery and I only have minor endometrosis which is great, but it doesn't explain the unbarable pain I regulary experience. I have been referred to a chronic pain specialist. I have also had two fainting episodes. I have gotten dizzy before but never passed out. The first time happened at hospital in the emergency room and I had to stay over night. The second happened while I was having high tea with my bestie, L. It's really scary but I am going to talk to a doctor about it soon. J and I are better then ever we travelled to Melbourne for a combined birthday trip, we had some amazing experiences that I am so glad I got to share with him.
I have been studying more Buddhism and yesterday J, my mum and I went to the monastry's yearly picnic in the park and it was amazing! There were so many lovely people and I even worked up the courage to introduce myself to the Lama, even though I was apperantly bright red. He said that it's good that I am reading a lot, and trying to meditate more. I told him I am not familer with all the formalities like Prostrations, and he told me not to worry at all because we are all the same here. He said he looked fowards to seeing me more. I am super excited for Christmas, it is one of my favourite times of the year, gift giving is my main love langauge and I love all the food and seeing my family. Anyway, bye x
Drinking: Iced green tea
Watching: some random youtube videos idk
Hello again.Today it rained all day.All I did was read, nap and play Minecraft. It was lovely. I read 200 pages of "My year of rest and relaxation" by Ottessa Moshfegh, I read her book Homesick for another world a while ago and I loved it so much, so when I went shopping a couple of days of ago I picked it up. I'm almost finished it and I think it will be one of my new favourite books. I took my best friend to hightea for her birthday and we went shopping, I brought an animal crossing puzzle, the book, bath bombs and this fancy blooming tea. The day after I met up with an old friend from highschool, which was nice. I've decided to take 6 months from uni for my mental health. I'm going to try and relax more but also get more work/a new job. I had my first exam of the season yesterday for my reasearch skills class, I think I went well and I'm confident for my other two.
Drinking: Iced green tea
Eating: Chinese food
Watching: "You Can't Ask That - Gay Men"
Hiya.I've had a really great month.I travelled to *redacted* by myself and it was so awesome, I'm keen to travel again. I did so many fun things. I saw my first drag show. I met J's half brother and he is very cute. He turns one soon. School has been pretty hard lately, I'm currently revising for exams and I'm feeling pretty meh about it. I've also had no shifts at work :( I met some of J's friends and it was really nice! Last night I went to a party with him, where all the guys wore dresses and all the girls wore tradionally male clothes, I dress like a guy a lot of the time anyway, but it was a good laugh. I wore a deer hunting shirt which really made my fit (I detest hunting for sport/fun and consider all sentiant beings equal). On the way home we found a dead dog on the road. I used to work at a vet clinic and I am confident in pet first aid and animal care. It would've been killed on impact. It was warm but it had no heartbeat, wasn't breathing, had a blue tounge, had no eye movements or reaction to the inner eyes being touched, his nose was bleeding too. It was a horrible thing to see, after we determined it wasn't going be saved, while the others were organising notifying the owner, I held it and patted it. It was very sad, I feel sorry for him. Apart from that, and watching "Graveyard of fireflies" I've have a pretty happy time lately. I've been playing sims a lot on J's computer, we made our own charecters that look like us and his dog. I mad a siamise cat called peanut butter and an italian greyhound called max, but he got taken away :( J and I live together but we aren't in a reletionship even though I'm pregnant with his kid AHAHA.
Anyway I gotta finish eating dinner, and watch this show with my mum.
Watching: Hoarders
Drinking: Rose and mango green tea
I'm doing a whole lot better then the last entry, I think I was just having a moment. I don't have too many updates. There's only a few weeks of semester one left. I dropped my coding class and I'm making up for it with a creative writing analyse class over the winter. I'm not particulary intersted in the subject but atleast it won't be too difficult or long. I'm now the second year representitive for the university's psych society, which is cool. I didn't really apply but I was still elected. The only other notable school related thing is that I got a 62/64 or a high distinction (The highest mark you can get) for a data analyses on fishing fleets in my state. I think thats my highest mark so far. I treated myself to a little shopping trip, sushi and bubble tea for that one :)
I've been spending more time with J, at eachothers houses and on outings. We went with my mum to the local Buddhist Monstary for some meditation and teachings last week. Mum and I have been before and both at least somewhat idenify with Buddhism. J had never been but he really enjoyed it and wants to go again. It always makes me feel better after I go there, like my mind, body and spirit have been reset, theres something just so warm and comforting about that place and the lama. I feel safe there.
I have a few exciting things coming up, my best friend and her bf meeting J and I for lunch, mum, my brother, J and I going to visit my realitives in a place J's never been for Easter, and me meeting J's stepmum and baby half brother. Also semester break coming up! I promise over the break I'll write a new article (and maybe get around to rewriting some old ones). I am very happy and excited for autumn and winter. Until next time.
Watching: Skins
Listeing to: Lana Del Rey
I’m doing so much better since the last entry, even though I wasn’t doing particularly bad or anything lmao. It’s O week this week, uni goes back next week. I’m taking two stats classes this semester, which I’m secretly really looking forwards to. I prefer the math/science/medical classes that I have to take way more than the wishy-washy theory ones. I just find it so much easier when it’s black and white. And it’s fun to work towards a solution and have the satisfaction of finally getting it. I know it’s going to be hard though since this year my marks go towards my GPA and have an effect on what I can do after this degree but I’ve done harder things, so I know I’ll be okay. I also finally got my L’s, which is big deal. Driving is fun and I’m actually going pretty well in my lessons, I haven’t died yet. I also had a bit of a breakthrough with my psych a while ago, we didn’t have much to talk about, but we were talking about the fact I’m in my second year of uni, and I honestly can’t believe it, I didn’t think I’d be alive this long. I’ve said it a million times, usually when I’m complaing about something. “I don’t know how to file my taxes, I didn’t plan this fair ahead, I thought I would’ve offed myself by now.” But this time it was an overwhelming feeling of like oh shit like I survived, I did it, like I’m an actual adult now, I have so much freedom and I can finally see my future. I know I’ve been 18 for a while so idk why it’s hit me so hard now, maybe because I’m not being abused I dunno. I can’t wait until I can just drive away by myself and disappear for a bit. I’m flying to *redacted* for a while by myself in a few months, I’m so excited, I’m thinking of moving there. I just realised one night I could buy plane tickets to anywhere and just go!! It’s awesome, It’s what I’ve been waiting for, like if high school me could see how I’m doing now shed be amazed. I also met some awesome, cool, beautiful people in the last few weeks, including online friends. I’ve been invited to lunches, dinners, gigs, parties, and I think, ironically, the only thing that’s changed is that I’ve stopped living to please other people. And that I know I’m loved because I love myself. I just do whatever I feel will make me happy and I think it’s the best way to live. I know I won’t feel this good forever but the fact I’m feeling anything at all is enough to celebrate. Also we got a cat, I love the little bastard boy.
Listening to: Pick Me Up I'm Scared the Podcast
I'm not really sure what I'm going to write in here. Nothing too personal cause people I know in real life have acess to this website and I don't wanna be too embarrasing. I'm pretty tired today, I haven't been sleeping well. This is one of my favourite times of the year though, right before school goes back. I have so much to look fowards to and I'm very excited and happy, but I've been having such a constant deep feeling of anxiety in my pit of my stomach that I just want to go away. I know that it'll go away soon enough but it's very unpleasant. I've been distracting myself as much as I can but it's still there. I'm seeing my psych tomorrow so that's good. I can't wait for school to start.
Hello ! It's been a while ! My fave month is over and spooky month!
I'm reading my journal to help me remember what I've done lately. In early September, J gave me a lil gift basket w lots of treats, flowers, pens, white out and a card. A few days later I had a sleepover w bestie L, one like we used to have in highschool, we spent like $120 on snacks, we watch the monster high movie and fionna and cake. On the 23rd it was J's bday, he got a lot of cool stuff including camping things, we had a bbq lunch and indian for dinner and he had a caramel mudcake.
On the 27th it was my bday! I had high tea w L and she got me some nail polishes, lip gloss and a few other things. Joe got my the communist manifestop, a lush gift set, a lana viynl and a coffee scented candle. His dad and step mum gave me a lush set and his mum gave me the antiquarian sticker book. My little brother drew me a picture of me and my doggie. My parents gave me a bass guitar !!!! I also got some money which I put away for the Bicheno trip. J and I got maccas for breakkie and then we went to some arcades! L came over and dad made ravioli for dinner and we had tiramasu for dessert.
I also got a big backpay from centrelink so I brought glasses, new docs and I had a dental check up! J, my little brother, D and I went camping too, we only stayed one night bc we forgot some food, got bored and it got rainy, we still had a great a time ! We went on a 5km hike and went fishing ( we didnt catch anything lol ) J and I went to a goth ball w drag and stuff and T and B drove up and a bunch of our friends came !!! Itr was awesome !! J and D and I went to show, L and E were sick so they didn't come :( We went on some rides and got showbags and looked at animals. J and I went down the coast w my mum to visit family, ,it was good! We went to a flower farm and there were so many bugs !!!! I brought some dark purple tulips. One of my friends gifted me a buddhist book and a meditation cushion! I finished all my exams and I think I did alright ! yahooo !
A few days before halloween J and I adopted to mice!! Honey and Lavender, they are SO sweet ! I also got some angel bites. On the 28th J and I went to a halloween party! There were a lot of cool people. A few days later we went to a halloween carnival event, they had free popcorn and fairyfloss, we got tokens to play games for prizes, we won quite a bit! On the 30th we saw the fnaf movie and on the 31st j and i went trick or treating w his dad, step mum and lil brother, we got HEAPS of candy! When we got home we watched a horror movie and ate the halloween cookies we baked earlier.
On the 3rd of Nov J and I drove to Bicheno, J planned and payed for it all aaaaa we had lunch at the beach and dinner at a fancy restuaront. The next morning we had breakfast at a cafe and went to a wildlife park, the next day we drove a few hours away and looked at a bookshop and lnch before going to a serpentarium, there were lots of reptiles and cool artefacts. I held a snake called russel !! Then we drove further away and went to a small and quite strange camel farm, on the last day we went on a glass bottom boat tour, we saw seals, star fish, jelly fish, little sharks and many other fish !!
I've been going to the gym and I'm still losing weight :) Soon J and his family will be in Japan and I'll be house/pet sitting, his mum is paying me very generously. I plan to watch a lot of movies. J and I are planning on moving into an apartment/small house soon. when he gets back from Japan we are going to some viewings. We wrote a list of all the furniture and appliences we'll need and came up with an estimate. I'm super excited to move out, it'll just be me, him our meeses and my lil dog !! I'm excited to have all my friends/family over for a house warming dinner party and then later in the night have proper party. Until next time !
Drinking: Water
Listening: Mitski-Bug like an angel
HIIII!!!! More fun stuff has been happening as of late and I have so many fun things coming up in the next month and so!
As I said in the last entry J and I were gonna drive to Hobart and do a bunch of fun stuff, we did that and it was fun! We caught a ferry to an art museum, w ent to a sushi train, had hot pot with some of my family members that we stayed with, went to some opshops and tipshops, we walked in a beautiful rain forest and enjoyed the natural hotsprings, we also went to one of the countries last pizza hut buffets! I also did a NUMBER on my bank account lmao, we went to a really cute stationary shop, lush and some little boutique stores.
A few days before we went I took J to his first drag show! We both had an awesome time and it was so heartwarming seeing so many queer people in my area. I also went to a games night with J and his friends which was nice!
What I'm really happy about is the fact its my favourite month !!!! SEPTEMBER !!!! This month is my birthday (27th) and J's (23rd). I know what I'm getting him and I know that I am getting a bass guitar, some books from my wishlist and ik L will take me to high tea as it's tradition. I will be 22! and J will be 24!, I don't feel like I should be 22, even though its not old, I still feel like a kid lmao.
I also love september because it is spring where I live! It marks the end of winter, which is often a depressing time for me. Spring is when all new life come out, so many little animals and plants and it's so sunny! Uni is also winding down now, before the exam season atleast. I've got a few assignments that are due soon but I've already finished most of them.
One of my cousins is currently expecting and another one just had a baby! The new baby is a girl and the one on the way is a boy! I am very excited to meet them.
I've been going to the gym 3 times a week, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! Which is SO weird cause I was never at fitness girly, but I've made some friends and started weight lifting! I might build up to going 5 times a week but idk yet hehe. I've lost about 10kg since I started working out which is so crazy but I still have a fair bit to go until I reach my goal.
Some of the exciting stuff I have coming up this month and next include, an increase in my pay and maybe a bigger increase later, I'm just waiting for a confirmation. Going to a goth drag ball !! A sleepover w L tomorrow (We are gonna eat sushi and snack and watch monster high and barbie movies hehe), J and I's bdays, the show (like a big fair w rides and showbags and stuff), my dad's bday, my doggies bday, end of semester 2 !!, house sitting for a house w 6 cats, 3 chickens and 2 dogs for 3 weeks, and a surprise trip to Bicheno (the seaside town i fell in love with) with J! (I know we are going on a glass bottom boat tour, to a camel farm and to a snake zoo and I am gonna hold a snake!! I think they are cool!)
Drinking: Sugar-free raspberry Mother Energy
Listening: Behind the bastards podcast
Wah It’s literally been 8 months since my last entry! Whoops hehe.
I have so much to say! I’m going to recap the best moments of the last 8 months:
Started pole dancing
to first “real” house party
J got his lisence and a new cat
J and I went to berry farm
J and I had a Valentines day picnic, he gifted me flowers, chocolates, Strawberry Shortcake PJs and a cute handmade card
J and I drove to *redeacted* for a relatives wedding and I met my new little cousin
J and I celebrated out 1st anniversary, we went to a fancy restaurant, and I was gifted flowers, heaps of my fave snacks and an adorable handmade card
Saw Priscilla the Queen of the Desert live on stage w/ my mum
Flew to Sydney and saw My CHEM AAAAA
Many beach trips
Celebrated T’s 18th
J and I stayed in a cute lil airbnb in Bicheno we had SUCH a great time and I fell in love with the little seaside town
Had a proper English roast
Shaved eyebrows off
J, T and I went to sick sick science museum
Celebrated a successful semester 1 with ramen
Found a kitten
Went camping x2
A few good parties
Got new tatt and a sick haircut
Started working out and playing bass (almost) everyday
Went to Labcoat gig with L, E, J and W
Went to drag show with J
Connected with old friends
Yeah! Alot has happened! I’m doing so so good like I’m happier then I’ve ever been, I’m making so many new lovely friends. In a few days J and I are driving down to *redeacted* and I am SO excited! We have so much planned! Uni is going great, I’m thinking of going into social work after this degree but I’m not super sure yet. I am so excited to graduate next year! I know what dress I am going to buy and some of the gifts I’m getting hehe.
Drinking: Iced Green Tea
Listening: "Margo Guryan - Sunday Morning"
Hello and Happy New Year !!
I've been doing good lately and I had a great holiday season. It started on the 18th of Dec. I've never celebrated Hannukah before but I attended the Menorah lighting on the first night of Hannukah and I had an awesome time! Even though my close family and I aren't Christian, like a lot of Australia we still celebrate Christmas. I opened my gifts with my parents and brother at home on Christmas morning. My favourite gifts were money, Adrift by Tracey Williams, and a beautiful heart shaped philodenron ( I am starting to aquire plants). We then travelled to the coast to visit my grandparents and other relitives. We had a small lunch and a big dinner. My Granpa lives on the beach and I went swimming for hours, it was awesome, I saw weird seabugs on the seaweed and swam out further then I ever had before. I got really sunburnt though.The next day I went swimming again, and visited a close friend who lives near by. On the 27th I went to J's house and him, his brother and I travelled about 45 minutes out of town, to another beach, to stay in a beautiful airbnb his dad had rented out for the Christmas season. His little brother was there too, he is walking and talking now. We went swimming and to the beach and I also went fishing for the first time !! I didn't catch anything but what the others catched we threw back and I watched them swim away so I hope we didn't hurt them or anything. I ended up looking under rocks for crabs and things for most of the time. After a few days I went back home, and last night I celebrated NYE at J's house, we had Japanese curry and sushi for dinner, watched fireworks on tv, took some cute photos, drank some (non alcoholic) wine/champagne and kissed at midnight ofc! There's no one else I'd wanna ring the new years in with.
I go back to uni in Feb and I'm so excited I miss it a lot. I'm only taking 3 classes instead of 4 this semester, cause 2 are gonna be 3rd year. I'm taking a developmental psych class, one specifily on dementia and one on advanced research techniquies. I am seeing MCR in a few months in a place in my country I've never been to. I am so so so excited. Until next time x
Listening to: The wind
Well it has been quite a while and a lot has happened. I left uni and I did pass all my exams and classes. I also moved out into a sharehouse for a few months but I moved back home again be the landlord sucked. I got a new job which I did enjoy even though it made me very stressed. I quit though, due to both mental and physical health issues. I had a laproscopic surgery and I only have minor endometrosis which is great, but it doesn't explain the unbarable pain I regulary experience. I have been referred to a chronic pain specialist. I have also had two fainting episodes. I have gotten dizzy before but never passed out. The first time happened at hospital in the emergency room and I had to stay over night. The second happened while I was having high tea with my bestie, L. It's really scary but I am going to talk to a doctor about it soon. J and I are better then ever we travelled to Melbourne for a combined birthday trip, we had some amazing experiences that I am so glad I got to share with him.
I have been studying more Buddhism and yesterday J, my mum and I went to the monastry's yearly picnic in the park and it was amazing! There were so many lovely people and I even worked up the courage to introduce myself to the Lama, even though I was apperantly bright red. He said that it's good that I am reading a lot, and trying to meditate more. I told him I am not familer with all the formalities like Prostrations, and he told me not to worry at all because we are all the same here. He said he looked fowards to seeing me more. I am super excited for Christmas, it is one of my favourite times of the year, gift giving is my main love langauge and I love all the food and seeing my family. Anyway, bye x
Drinking: Iced green tea
Watching: some random youtube videos idk
Hello again.Today it rained all day.All I did was read, nap and play Minecraft. It was lovely. I read 200 pages of "My year of rest and relaxation" by Ottessa Moshfegh, I read her book Homesick for another world a while ago and I loved it so much, so when I went shopping a couple of days of ago I picked it up. I'm almost finished it and I think it will be one of my new favourite books. I took my best friend to hightea for her birthday and we went shopping, I brought an animal crossing puzzle, the book, bath bombs and this fancy blooming tea. The day after I met up with an old friend from highschool, which was nice. I've decided to take 6 months from uni for my mental health. I'm going to try and relax more but also get more work/a new job. I had my first exam of the season yesterday for my reasearch skills class, I think I went well and I'm confident for my other two.
Drinking: Iced green tea
Eating: Chinese food
Watching: "You Can't Ask That - Gay Men"
Hiya.I've had a really great month.I travelled to *redacted* by myself and it was so awesome, I'm keen to travel again. I did so many fun things. I saw my first drag show. I met J's half brother and he is very cute. He turns one soon. School has been pretty hard lately, I'm currently revising for exams and I'm feeling pretty meh about it. I've also had no shifts at work :( I met some of J's friends and it was really nice! Last night I went to a party with him, where all the guys wore dresses and all the girls wore tradionally male clothes, I dress like a guy a lot of the time anyway, but it was a good laugh. I wore a deer hunting shirt which really made my fit (I detest hunting for sport/fun and consider all sentiant beings equal). On the way home we found a dead dog on the road. I used to work at a vet clinic and I am confident in pet first aid and animal care. It would've been killed on impact. It was warm but it had no heartbeat, wasn't breathing, had a blue tounge, had no eye movements or reaction to the inner eyes being touched, his nose was bleeding too. It was a horrible thing to see, after we determined it wasn't going be saved, while the others were organising notifying the owner, I held it and patted it. It was very sad, I feel sorry for him. Apart from that, and watching "Graveyard of fireflies" I've have a pretty happy time lately. I've been playing sims a lot on J's computer, we made our own charecters that look like us and his dog. I mad a siamise cat called peanut butter and an italian greyhound called max, but he got taken away :( J and I live together but we aren't in a reletionship even though I'm pregnant with his kid AHAHA.
Anyway I gotta finish eating dinner, and watch this show with my mum.
Watching: Hoarders
Drinking: Rose and mango green tea
I'm doing a whole lot better then the last entry, I think I was just having a moment. I don't have too many updates. There's only a few weeks of semester one left. I dropped my coding class and I'm making up for it with a creative writing analyse class over the winter. I'm not particulary intersted in the subject but atleast it won't be too difficult or long. I'm now the second year representitive for the university's psych society, which is cool. I didn't really apply but I was still elected. The only other notable school related thing is that I got a 62/64 or a high distinction (The highest mark you can get) for a data analyses on fishing fleets in my state. I think thats my highest mark so far. I treated myself to a little shopping trip, sushi and bubble tea for that one :)
I've been spending more time with J, at eachothers houses and on outings. We went with my mum to the local Buddhist Monstary for some meditation and teachings last week. Mum and I have been before and both at least somewhat idenify with Buddhism. J had never been but he really enjoyed it and wants to go again. It always makes me feel better after I go there, like my mind, body and spirit have been reset, theres something just so warm and comforting about that place and the lama. I feel safe there.
I have a few exciting things coming up, my best friend and her bf meeting J and I for lunch, mum, my brother, J and I going to visit my realitives in a place J's never been for Easter, and me meeting J's stepmum and baby half brother. Also semester break coming up! I promise over the break I'll write a new article (and maybe get around to rewriting some old ones). I am very happy and excited for autumn and winter. Until next time.
Watching: Skins
Listeing to: Lana Del Rey
I’m doing so much better since the last entry, even though I wasn’t doing particularly bad or anything lmao. It’s O week this week, uni goes back next week. I’m taking two stats classes this semester, which I’m secretly really looking forwards to. I prefer the math/science/medical classes that I have to take way more than the wishy-washy theory ones. I just find it so much easier when it’s black and white. And it’s fun to work towards a solution and have the satisfaction of finally getting it. I know it’s going to be hard though since this year my marks go towards my GPA and have an effect on what I can do after this degree but I’ve done harder things, so I know I’ll be okay. I also finally got my L’s, which is big deal. Driving is fun and I’m actually going pretty well in my lessons, I haven’t died yet. I also had a bit of a breakthrough with my psych a while ago, we didn’t have much to talk about, but we were talking about the fact I’m in my second year of uni, and I honestly can’t believe it, I didn’t think I’d be alive this long. I’ve said it a million times, usually when I’m complaing about something. “I don’t know how to file my taxes, I didn’t plan this fair ahead, I thought I would’ve offed myself by now.” But this time it was an overwhelming feeling of like oh shit like I survived, I did it, like I’m an actual adult now, I have so much freedom and I can finally see my future. I know I’ve been 18 for a while so idk why it’s hit me so hard now, maybe because I’m not being abused I dunno. I can’t wait until I can just drive away by myself and disappear for a bit. I’m flying to *redacted* for a while by myself in a few months, I’m so excited, I’m thinking of moving there. I just realised one night I could buy plane tickets to anywhere and just go!! It’s awesome, It’s what I’ve been waiting for, like if high school me could see how I’m doing now shed be amazed. I also met some awesome, cool, beautiful people in the last few weeks, including online friends. I’ve been invited to lunches, dinners, gigs, parties, and I think, ironically, the only thing that’s changed is that I’ve stopped living to please other people. And that I know I’m loved because I love myself. I just do whatever I feel will make me happy and I think it’s the best way to live. I know I won’t feel this good forever but the fact I’m feeling anything at all is enough to celebrate. Also we got a cat, I love the little bastard boy.
Listening to: Pick Me Up I'm Scared the Podcast
I'm not really sure what I'm going to write in here. Nothing too personal cause people I know in real life have acess to this website and I don't wanna be too embarrasing. I'm pretty tired today, I haven't been sleeping well. This is one of my favourite times of the year though, right before school goes back. I have so much to look fowards to and I'm very excited and happy, but I've been having such a constant deep feeling of anxiety in my pit of my stomach that I just want to go away. I know that it'll go away soon enough but it's very unpleasant. I've been distracting myself as much as I can but it's still there. I'm seeing my psych tomorrow so that's good. I can't wait for school to start.
Drinking: Water
Listening: Mitski-Bug like an angel
HIIII!!!! More fun stuff has been happening as of late and I have so many fun things coming up in the next month and so!
As I said in the last entry J and I were gonna drive to Hobart and do a bunch of fun stuff, we did that and it was fun! We caught a ferry to an art museum, w ent to a sushi train, had hot pot with some of my family members that we stayed with, went to some opshops and tipshops, we walked in a beautiful rain forest and enjoyed the natural hotsprings, we also went to one of the countries last pizza hut buffets! I also did a NUMBER on my bank account lmao, we went to a really cute stationary shop, lush and some little boutique stores.
A few days before we went I took J to his first drag show! We both had an awesome time and it was so heartwarming seeing so many queer people in my area. I also went to a games night with J and his friends which was nice!
What I'm really happy about is the fact its my favourite month !!!! SEPTEMBER !!!! This month is my birthday (27th) and J's (23rd). I know what I'm getting him and I know that I am getting a bass guitar, some books from my wishlist and ik L will take me to high tea as it's tradition. I will be 22! and J will be 24!, I don't feel like I should be 22, even though its not old, I still feel like a kid lmao.
I also love september because it is spring where I live! It marks the end of winter, which is often a depressing time for me. Spring is when all new life come out, so many little animals and plants and it's so sunny! Uni is also winding down now, before the exam season atleast. I've got a few assignments that are due soon but I've already finished most of them.
One of my cousins is currently expecting and another one just had a baby! The new baby is a girl and the one on the way is a boy! I am very excited to meet them.
I've been going to the gym 3 times a week, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! Which is SO weird cause I was never at fitness girly, but I've made some friends and started weight lifting! I might build up to going 5 times a week but idk yet hehe. I've lost about 10kg since I started working out which is so crazy but I still have a fair bit to go until I reach my goal.
Some of the exciting stuff I have coming up this month and next include, an increase in my pay and maybe a bigger increase later, I'm just waiting for a confirmation. Going to a goth drag ball !! A sleepover w L tomorrow (We are gonna eat sushi and snack and watch monster high and barbie movies hehe), J and I's bdays, the show (like a big fair w rides and showbags and stuff), my dad's bday, my doggies bday, end of semester 2 !!, house sitting for a house w 6 cats, 3 chickens and 2 dogs for 3 weeks, and a surprise trip to Bicheno (the seaside town i fell in love with) with J! (I know we are going on a glass bottom boat tour, to a camel farm and to a snake zoo and I am gonna hold a snake!! I think they are cool!)
Drinking: Sugar-free raspberry Mother Energy
Listening: Behind the bastards podcast
Wah It’s literally been 8 months since my last entry! Whoops hehe.
I have so much to say! I’m going to recap the best moments of the last 8 months:
Started pole dancing
to first “real” house party
J got his lisence and a new cat
J and I went to berry farm
J and I had a Valentines day picnic, he gifted me flowers, chocolates, Strawberry Shortcake PJs and a cute handmade card
J and I drove to *redeacted* for a relatives wedding and I met my new little cousin
J and I celebrated out 1st anniversary, we went to a fancy restaurant, and I was gifted flowers, heaps of my fave snacks and an adorable handmade card
Saw Priscilla the Queen of the Desert live on stage w/ my mum
Flew to Sydney and saw My CHEM AAAAA
Many beach trips
Celebrated T’s 18th
J and I stayed in a cute lil airbnb in Bicheno we had SUCH a great time and I fell in love with the little seaside town
Had a proper English roast
Shaved eyebrows off
J, T and I went to sick sick science museum
Celebrated a successful semester 1 with ramen
Found a kitten
Went camping x2
A few good parties
Got new tatt and a sick haircut
Started working out and playing bass (almost) everyday
Went to Labcoat gig with L, E, J and W
Went to drag show with J
Connected with old friends
Yeah! Alot has happened! I’m doing so so good like I’m happier then I’ve ever been, I’m making so many new lovely friends. In a few days J and I are driving down to *redeacted* and I am SO excited! We have so much planned! Uni is going great, I’m thinking of going into social work after this degree but I’m not super sure yet. I am so excited to graduate next year! I know what dress I am going to buy and some of the gifts I’m getting hehe.
Drinking: Iced Green Tea
Listening: "Margo Guryan - Sunday Morning"
Hello and Happy New Year !!
I've been doing good lately and I had a great holiday season. It started on the 18th of Dec. I've never celebrated Hannukah before but I attended the Menorah lighting on the first night of Hannukah and I had an awesome time! Even though my close family and I aren't Christian, like a lot of Australia we still celebrate Christmas. I opened my gifts with my parents and brother at home on Christmas morning. My favourite gifts were money, Adrift by Tracey Williams, and a beautiful heart shaped philodenron ( I am starting to aquire plants). We then travelled to the coast to visit my grandparents and other relitives. We had a small lunch and a big dinner. My Granpa lives on the beach and I went swimming for hours, it was awesome, I saw weird seabugs on the seaweed and swam out further then I ever had before. I got really sunburnt though.The next day I went swimming again, and visited a close friend who lives near by. On the 27th I went to J's house and him, his brother and I travelled about 45 minutes out of town, to another beach, to stay in a beautiful airbnb his dad had rented out for the Christmas season. His little brother was there too, he is walking and talking now. We went swimming and to the beach and I also went fishing for the first time !! I didn't catch anything but what the others catched we threw back and I watched them swim away so I hope we didn't hurt them or anything. I ended up looking under rocks for crabs and things for most of the time. After a few days I went back home, and last night I celebrated NYE at J's house, we had Japanese curry and sushi for dinner, watched fireworks on tv, took some cute photos, drank some (non alcoholic) wine/champagne and kissed at midnight ofc! There's no one else I'd wanna ring the new years in with.
I go back to uni in Feb and I'm so excited I miss it a lot. I'm only taking 3 classes instead of 4 this semester, cause 2 are gonna be 3rd year. I'm taking a developmental psych class, one specifily on dementia and one on advanced research techniquies. I am seeing MCR in a few months in a place in my country I've never been to. I am so so so excited. Until next time x
Listening to: The wind
Well it has been quite a while and a lot has happened. I left uni and I did pass all my exams and classes. I also moved out into a sharehouse for a few months but I moved back home again be the landlord sucked. I got a new job which I did enjoy even though it made me very stressed. I quit though, due to both mental and physical health issues. I had a laproscopic surgery and I only have minor endometrosis which is great, but it doesn't explain the unbarable pain I regulary experience. I have been referred to a chronic pain specialist. I have also had two fainting episodes. I have gotten dizzy before but never passed out. The first time happened at hospital in the emergency room and I had to stay over night. The second happened while I was having high tea with my bestie, L. It's really scary but I am going to talk to a doctor about it soon. J and I are better then ever we travelled to Melbourne for a combined birthday trip, we had some amazing experiences that I am so glad I got to share with him.
I have been studying more Buddhism and yesterday J, my mum and I went to the monastry's yearly picnic in the park and it was amazing! There were so many lovely people and I even worked up the courage to introduce myself to the Lama, even though I was apperantly bright red. He said that it's good that I am reading a lot, and trying to meditate more. I told him I am not familer with all the formalities like Prostrations, and he told me not to worry at all because we are all the same here. He said he looked fowards to seeing me more. I am super excited for Christmas, it is one of my favourite times of the year, gift giving is my main love langauge and I love all the food and seeing my family. Anyway, bye x
Drinking: Iced green tea
Watching: some random youtube videos idk
Hello again.Today it rained all day.All I did was read, nap and play Minecraft. It was lovely. I read 200 pages of "My year of rest and relaxation" by Ottessa Moshfegh, I read her book Homesick for another world a while ago and I loved it so much, so when I went shopping a couple of days of ago I picked it up. I'm almost finished it and I think it will be one of my new favourite books. I took my best friend to hightea for her birthday and we went shopping, I brought an animal crossing puzzle, the book, bath bombs and this fancy blooming tea. The day after I met up with an old friend from highschool, which was nice. I've decided to take 6 months from uni for my mental health. I'm going to try and relax more but also get more work/a new job. I had my first exam of the season yesterday for my reasearch skills class, I think I went well and I'm confident for my other two.
Drinking: Iced green tea
Eating: Chinese food
Watching: "You Can't Ask That - Gay Men"
Hiya.I've had a really great month.I travelled to *redacted* by myself and it was so awesome, I'm keen to travel again. I did so many fun things. I saw my first drag show. I met J's half brother and he is very cute. He turns one soon. School has been pretty hard lately, I'm currently revising for exams and I'm feeling pretty meh about it. I've also had no shifts at work :( I met some of J's friends and it was really nice! Last night I went to a party with him, where all the guys wore dresses and all the girls wore tradionally male clothes, I dress like a guy a lot of the time anyway, but it was a good laugh. I wore a deer hunting shirt which really made my fit (I detest hunting for sport/fun and consider all sentiant beings equal). On the way home we found a dead dog on the road. I used to work at a vet clinic and I am confident in pet first aid and animal care. It would've been killed on impact. It was warm but it had no heartbeat, wasn't breathing, had a blue tounge, had no eye movements or reaction to the inner eyes being touched, his nose was bleeding too. It was a horrible thing to see, after we determined it wasn't going be saved, while the others were organising notifying the owner, I held it and patted it. It was very sad, I feel sorry for him. Apart from that, and watching "Graveyard of fireflies" I've have a pretty happy time lately. I've been playing sims a lot on J's computer, we made our own charecters that look like us and his dog. I mad a siamise cat called peanut butter and an italian greyhound called max, but he got taken away :( J and I live together but we aren't in a reletionship even though I'm pregnant with his kid AHAHA.
Anyway I gotta finish eating dinner, and watch this show with my mum.
Watching: Hoarders
Drinking: Rose and mango green tea
I'm doing a whole lot better then the last entry, I think I was just having a moment. I don't have too many updates. There's only a few weeks of semester one left. I dropped my coding class and I'm making up for it with a creative writing analyse class over the winter. I'm not particulary intersted in the subject but atleast it won't be too difficult or long. I'm now the second year representitive for the university's psych society, which is cool. I didn't really apply but I was still elected. The only other notable school related thing is that I got a 62/64 or a high distinction (The highest mark you can get) for a data analyses on fishing fleets in my state. I think thats my highest mark so far. I treated myself to a little shopping trip, sushi and bubble tea for that one :)
I've been spending more time with J, at eachothers houses and on outings. We went with my mum to the local Buddhist Monstary for some meditation and teachings last week. Mum and I have been before and both at least somewhat idenify with Buddhism. J had never been but he really enjoyed it and wants to go again. It always makes me feel better after I go there, like my mind, body and spirit have been reset, theres something just so warm and comforting about that place and the lama. I feel safe there.
I have a few exciting things coming up, my best friend and her bf meeting J and I for lunch, mum, my brother, J and I going to visit my realitives in a place J's never been for Easter, and me meeting J's stepmum and baby half brother. Also semester break coming up! I promise over the break I'll write a new article (and maybe get around to rewriting some old ones). I am very happy and excited for autumn and winter. Until next time.
Watching: Skins
Listeing to: Lana Del Rey
I’m doing so much better since the last entry, even though I wasn’t doing particularly bad or anything lmao. It’s O week this week, uni goes back next week. I’m taking two stats classes this semester, which I’m secretly really looking forwards to. I prefer the math/science/medical classes that I have to take way more than the wishy-washy theory ones. I just find it so much easier when it’s black and white. And it’s fun to work towards a solution and have the satisfaction of finally getting it. I know it’s going to be hard though since this year my marks go towards my GPA and have an effect on what I can do after this degree but I’ve done harder things, so I know I’ll be okay. I also finally got my L’s, which is big deal. Driving is fun and I’m actually going pretty well in my lessons, I haven’t died yet. I also had a bit of a breakthrough with my psych a while ago, we didn’t have much to talk about, but we were talking about the fact I’m in my second year of uni, and I honestly can’t believe it, I didn’t think I’d be alive this long. I’ve said it a million times, usually when I’m complaing about something. “I don’t know how to file my taxes, I didn’t plan this fair ahead, I thought I would’ve offed myself by now.” But this time it was an overwhelming feeling of like oh shit like I survived, I did it, like I’m an actual adult now, I have so much freedom and I can finally see my future. I know I’ve been 18 for a while so idk why it’s hit me so hard now, maybe because I’m not being abused I dunno. I can’t wait until I can just drive away by myself and disappear for a bit. I’m flying to *redacted* for a while by myself in a few months, I’m so excited, I’m thinking of moving there. I just realised one night I could buy plane tickets to anywhere and just go!! It’s awesome, It’s what I’ve been waiting for, like if high school me could see how I’m doing now shed be amazed. I also met some awesome, cool, beautiful people in the last few weeks, including online friends. I’ve been invited to lunches, dinners, gigs, parties, and I think, ironically, the only thing that’s changed is that I’ve stopped living to please other people. And that I know I’m loved because I love myself. I just do whatever I feel will make me happy and I think it’s the best way to live. I know I won’t feel this good forever but the fact I’m feeling anything at all is enough to celebrate. Also we got a cat, I love the little bastard boy.
Listening to: Pick Me Up I'm Scared the Podcast
I'm not really sure what I'm going to write in here. Nothing too personal cause people I know in real life have acess to this website and I don't wanna be too embarrasing. I'm pretty tired today, I haven't been sleeping well. This is one of my favourite times of the year though, right before school goes back. I have so much to look fowards to and I'm very excited and happy, but I've been having such a constant deep feeling of anxiety in my pit of my stomach that I just want to go away. I know that it'll go away soon enough but it's very unpleasant. I've been distracting myself as much as I can but it's still there. I'm seeing my psych tomorrow so that's good. I can't wait for school to start.
HIIII!!!! More fun stuff has been happening as of late and I have so many fun things coming up in the next month and so!
As I said in the last entry J and I were gonna drive to Hobart and do a bunch of fun stuff, we did that and it was fun! We caught a ferry to an art museum, w ent to a sushi train, had hot pot with some of my family members that we stayed with, went to some opshops and tipshops, we walked in a beautiful rain forest and enjoyed the natural hotsprings, we also went to one of the countries last pizza hut buffets! I also did a NUMBER on my bank account lmao, we went to a really cute stationary shop, lush and some little boutique stores.
A few days before we went I took J to his first drag show! We both had an awesome time and it was so heartwarming seeing so many queer people in my area. I also went to a games night with J and his friends which was nice!
What I'm really happy about is the fact its my favourite month !!!! SEPTEMBER !!!! This month is my birthday (27th) and J's (23rd). I know what I'm getting him and I know that I am getting a bass guitar, some books from my wishlist and ik L will take me to high tea as it's tradition. I will be 22! and J will be 24!, I don't feel like I should be 22, even though its not old, I still feel like a kid lmao.
I also love september because it is spring where I live! It marks the end of winter, which is often a depressing time for me. Spring is when all new life come out, so many little animals and plants and it's so sunny! Uni is also winding down now, before the exam season atleast. I've got a few assignments that are due soon but I've already finished most of them.
One of my cousins is currently expecting and another one just had a baby! The new baby is a girl and the one on the way is a boy! I am very excited to meet them.
I've been going to the gym 3 times a week, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! Which is SO weird cause I was never at fitness girly, but I've made some friends and started weight lifting! I might build up to going 5 times a week but idk yet hehe. I've lost about 10kg since I started working out which is so crazy but I still have a fair bit to go until I reach my goal.
Some of the exciting stuff I have coming up this month and next include, an increase in my pay and maybe a bigger increase later, I'm just waiting for a confirmation. Going to a goth drag ball !! A sleepover w L tomorrow (We are gonna eat sushi and snack and watch monster high and barbie movies hehe), J and I's bdays, the show (like a big fair w rides and showbags and stuff), my dad's bday, my doggies bday, end of semester 2 !!, house sitting for a house w 6 cats, 3 chickens and 2 dogs for 3 weeks, and a surprise trip to Bicheno (the seaside town i fell in love with) with J! (I know we are going on a glass bottom boat tour, to a camel farm and to a snake zoo and I am gonna hold a snake!! I think they are cool!)
Drinking: Sugar-free raspberry Mother Energy
Listening: Behind the bastards podcast
Wah It’s literally been 8 months since my last entry! Whoops hehe.
I have so much to say! I’m going to recap the best moments of the last 8 months:
Started pole dancing
to first “real” house party
J got his lisence and a new cat
J and I went to berry farm
J and I had a Valentines day picnic, he gifted me flowers, chocolates, Strawberry Shortcake PJs and a cute handmade card
J and I drove to *redeacted* for a relatives wedding and I met my new little cousin
J and I celebrated out 1st anniversary, we went to a fancy restaurant, and I was gifted flowers, heaps of my fave snacks and an adorable handmade card
Saw Priscilla the Queen of the Desert live on stage w/ my mum
Flew to Sydney and saw My CHEM AAAAA
Many beach trips
Celebrated T’s 18th
J and I stayed in a cute lil airbnb in Bicheno we had SUCH a great time and I fell in love with the little seaside town
Had a proper English roast
Shaved eyebrows off
J, T and I went to sick sick science museum
Celebrated a successful semester 1 with ramen
Found a kitten
Went camping x2
A few good parties
Got new tatt and a sick haircut
Started working out and playing bass (almost) everyday
Went to Labcoat gig with L, E, J and W
Went to drag show with J
Connected with old friends
Yeah! Alot has happened! I’m doing so so good like I’m happier then I’ve ever been, I’m making so many new lovely friends. In a few days J and I are driving down to *redeacted* and I am SO excited! We have so much planned! Uni is going great, I’m thinking of going into social work after this degree but I’m not super sure yet. I am so excited to graduate next year! I know what dress I am going to buy and some of the gifts I’m getting hehe.
Drinking: Iced Green Tea
Listening: "Margo Guryan - Sunday Morning"
Hello and Happy New Year !!
I've been doing good lately and I had a great holiday season. It started on the 18th of Dec. I've never celebrated Hannukah before but I attended the Menorah lighting on the first night of Hannukah and I had an awesome time! Even though my close family and I aren't Christian, like a lot of Australia we still celebrate Christmas. I opened my gifts with my parents and brother at home on Christmas morning. My favourite gifts were money, Adrift by Tracey Williams, and a beautiful heart shaped philodenron ( I am starting to aquire plants). We then travelled to the coast to visit my grandparents and other relitives. We had a small lunch and a big dinner. My Granpa lives on the beach and I went swimming for hours, it was awesome, I saw weird seabugs on the seaweed and swam out further then I ever had before. I got really sunburnt though.The next day I went swimming again, and visited a close friend who lives near by. On the 27th I went to J's house and him, his brother and I travelled about 45 minutes out of town, to another beach, to stay in a beautiful airbnb his dad had rented out for the Christmas season. His little brother was there too, he is walking and talking now. We went swimming and to the beach and I also went fishing for the first time !! I didn't catch anything but what the others catched we threw back and I watched them swim away so I hope we didn't hurt them or anything. I ended up looking under rocks for crabs and things for most of the time. After a few days I went back home, and last night I celebrated NYE at J's house, we had Japanese curry and sushi for dinner, watched fireworks on tv, took some cute photos, drank some (non alcoholic) wine/champagne and kissed at midnight ofc! There's no one else I'd wanna ring the new years in with.
I go back to uni in Feb and I'm so excited I miss it a lot. I'm only taking 3 classes instead of 4 this semester, cause 2 are gonna be 3rd year. I'm taking a developmental psych class, one specifily on dementia and one on advanced research techniquies. I am seeing MCR in a few months in a place in my country I've never been to. I am so so so excited. Until next time x
Listening to: The wind
Well it has been quite a while and a lot has happened. I left uni and I did pass all my exams and classes. I also moved out into a sharehouse for a few months but I moved back home again be the landlord sucked. I got a new job which I did enjoy even though it made me very stressed. I quit though, due to both mental and physical health issues. I had a laproscopic surgery and I only have minor endometrosis which is great, but it doesn't explain the unbarable pain I regulary experience. I have been referred to a chronic pain specialist. I have also had two fainting episodes. I have gotten dizzy before but never passed out. The first time happened at hospital in the emergency room and I had to stay over night. The second happened while I was having high tea with my bestie, L. It's really scary but I am going to talk to a doctor about it soon. J and I are better then ever we travelled to Melbourne for a combined birthday trip, we had some amazing experiences that I am so glad I got to share with him.
I have been studying more Buddhism and yesterday J, my mum and I went to the monastry's yearly picnic in the park and it was amazing! There were so many lovely people and I even worked up the courage to introduce myself to the Lama, even though I was apperantly bright red. He said that it's good that I am reading a lot, and trying to meditate more. I told him I am not familer with all the formalities like Prostrations, and he told me not to worry at all because we are all the same here. He said he looked fowards to seeing me more. I am super excited for Christmas, it is one of my favourite times of the year, gift giving is my main love langauge and I love all the food and seeing my family. Anyway, bye x
Drinking: Iced green tea
Watching: some random youtube videos idk
Hello again.Today it rained all day.All I did was read, nap and play Minecraft. It was lovely. I read 200 pages of "My year of rest and relaxation" by Ottessa Moshfegh, I read her book Homesick for another world a while ago and I loved it so much, so when I went shopping a couple of days of ago I picked it up. I'm almost finished it and I think it will be one of my new favourite books. I took my best friend to hightea for her birthday and we went shopping, I brought an animal crossing puzzle, the book, bath bombs and this fancy blooming tea. The day after I met up with an old friend from highschool, which was nice. I've decided to take 6 months from uni for my mental health. I'm going to try and relax more but also get more work/a new job. I had my first exam of the season yesterday for my reasearch skills class, I think I went well and I'm confident for my other two.
Drinking: Iced green tea
Eating: Chinese food
Watching: "You Can't Ask That - Gay Men"
Hiya.I've had a really great month.I travelled to *redacted* by myself and it was so awesome, I'm keen to travel again. I did so many fun things. I saw my first drag show. I met J's half brother and he is very cute. He turns one soon. School has been pretty hard lately, I'm currently revising for exams and I'm feeling pretty meh about it. I've also had no shifts at work :( I met some of J's friends and it was really nice! Last night I went to a party with him, where all the guys wore dresses and all the girls wore tradionally male clothes, I dress like a guy a lot of the time anyway, but it was a good laugh. I wore a deer hunting shirt which really made my fit (I detest hunting for sport/fun and consider all sentiant beings equal). On the way home we found a dead dog on the road. I used to work at a vet clinic and I am confident in pet first aid and animal care. It would've been killed on impact. It was warm but it had no heartbeat, wasn't breathing, had a blue tounge, had no eye movements or reaction to the inner eyes being touched, his nose was bleeding too. It was a horrible thing to see, after we determined it wasn't going be saved, while the others were organising notifying the owner, I held it and patted it. It was very sad, I feel sorry for him. Apart from that, and watching "Graveyard of fireflies" I've have a pretty happy time lately. I've been playing sims a lot on J's computer, we made our own charecters that look like us and his dog. I mad a siamise cat called peanut butter and an italian greyhound called max, but he got taken away :( J and I live together but we aren't in a reletionship even though I'm pregnant with his kid AHAHA.
Anyway I gotta finish eating dinner, and watch this show with my mum.
Watching: Hoarders
Drinking: Rose and mango green tea
I'm doing a whole lot better then the last entry, I think I was just having a moment. I don't have too many updates. There's only a few weeks of semester one left. I dropped my coding class and I'm making up for it with a creative writing analyse class over the winter. I'm not particulary intersted in the subject but atleast it won't be too difficult or long. I'm now the second year representitive for the university's psych society, which is cool. I didn't really apply but I was still elected. The only other notable school related thing is that I got a 62/64 or a high distinction (The highest mark you can get) for a data analyses on fishing fleets in my state. I think thats my highest mark so far. I treated myself to a little shopping trip, sushi and bubble tea for that one :)
I've been spending more time with J, at eachothers houses and on outings. We went with my mum to the local Buddhist Monstary for some meditation and teachings last week. Mum and I have been before and both at least somewhat idenify with Buddhism. J had never been but he really enjoyed it and wants to go again. It always makes me feel better after I go there, like my mind, body and spirit have been reset, theres something just so warm and comforting about that place and the lama. I feel safe there.
I have a few exciting things coming up, my best friend and her bf meeting J and I for lunch, mum, my brother, J and I going to visit my realitives in a place J's never been for Easter, and me meeting J's stepmum and baby half brother. Also semester break coming up! I promise over the break I'll write a new article (and maybe get around to rewriting some old ones). I am very happy and excited for autumn and winter. Until next time.
Watching: Skins
Listeing to: Lana Del Rey
I’m doing so much better since the last entry, even though I wasn’t doing particularly bad or anything lmao. It’s O week this week, uni goes back next week. I’m taking two stats classes this semester, which I’m secretly really looking forwards to. I prefer the math/science/medical classes that I have to take way more than the wishy-washy theory ones. I just find it so much easier when it’s black and white. And it’s fun to work towards a solution and have the satisfaction of finally getting it. I know it’s going to be hard though since this year my marks go towards my GPA and have an effect on what I can do after this degree but I’ve done harder things, so I know I’ll be okay. I also finally got my L’s, which is big deal. Driving is fun and I’m actually going pretty well in my lessons, I haven’t died yet. I also had a bit of a breakthrough with my psych a while ago, we didn’t have much to talk about, but we were talking about the fact I’m in my second year of uni, and I honestly can’t believe it, I didn’t think I’d be alive this long. I’ve said it a million times, usually when I’m complaing about something. “I don’t know how to file my taxes, I didn’t plan this fair ahead, I thought I would’ve offed myself by now.” But this time it was an overwhelming feeling of like oh shit like I survived, I did it, like I’m an actual adult now, I have so much freedom and I can finally see my future. I know I’ve been 18 for a while so idk why it’s hit me so hard now, maybe because I’m not being abused I dunno. I can’t wait until I can just drive away by myself and disappear for a bit. I’m flying to *redacted* for a while by myself in a few months, I’m so excited, I’m thinking of moving there. I just realised one night I could buy plane tickets to anywhere and just go!! It’s awesome, It’s what I’ve been waiting for, like if high school me could see how I’m doing now shed be amazed. I also met some awesome, cool, beautiful people in the last few weeks, including online friends. I’ve been invited to lunches, dinners, gigs, parties, and I think, ironically, the only thing that’s changed is that I’ve stopped living to please other people. And that I know I’m loved because I love myself. I just do whatever I feel will make me happy and I think it’s the best way to live. I know I won’t feel this good forever but the fact I’m feeling anything at all is enough to celebrate. Also we got a cat, I love the little bastard boy.
Listening to: Pick Me Up I'm Scared the Podcast
I'm not really sure what I'm going to write in here. Nothing too personal cause people I know in real life have acess to this website and I don't wanna be too embarrasing. I'm pretty tired today, I haven't been sleeping well. This is one of my favourite times of the year though, right before school goes back. I have so much to look fowards to and I'm very excited and happy, but I've been having such a constant deep feeling of anxiety in my pit of my stomach that I just want to go away. I know that it'll go away soon enough but it's very unpleasant. I've been distracting myself as much as I can but it's still there. I'm seeing my psych tomorrow so that's good. I can't wait for school to start.
Drinking: Sugar-free raspberry Mother Energy
Listening: Behind the bastards podcast
Wah It’s literally been 8 months since my last entry! Whoops hehe.
I have so much to say! I’m going to recap the best moments of the last 8 months:
Started pole dancing
to first “real” house party
J got his lisence and a new cat
J and I went to berry farm
J and I had a Valentines day picnic, he gifted me flowers, chocolates, Strawberry Shortcake PJs and a cute handmade card
J and I drove to *redeacted* for a relatives wedding and I met my new little cousin
J and I celebrated out 1st anniversary, we went to a fancy restaurant, and I was gifted flowers, heaps of my fave snacks and an adorable handmade card
Saw Priscilla the Queen of the Desert live on stage w/ my mum
Flew to Sydney and saw My CHEM AAAAA
Many beach trips
Celebrated T’s 18th
J and I stayed in a cute lil airbnb in Bicheno we had SUCH a great time and I fell in love with the little seaside town
Had a proper English roast
Shaved eyebrows off
J, T and I went to sick sick science museum
Celebrated a successful semester 1 with ramen
Found a kitten
Went camping x2
A few good parties
Got new tatt and a sick haircut
Started working out and playing bass (almost) everyday
Went to Labcoat gig with L, E, J and W
Went to drag show with J
Connected with old friends
Yeah! Alot has happened! I’m doing so so good like I’m happier then I’ve ever been, I’m making so many new lovely friends. In a few days J and I are driving down to *redeacted* and I am SO excited! We have so much planned! Uni is going great, I’m thinking of going into social work after this degree but I’m not super sure yet. I am so excited to graduate next year! I know what dress I am going to buy and some of the gifts I’m getting hehe.
Drinking: Iced Green Tea
Listening: "Margo Guryan - Sunday Morning"
Hello and Happy New Year !!
I've been doing good lately and I had a great holiday season. It started on the 18th of Dec. I've never celebrated Hannukah before but I attended the Menorah lighting on the first night of Hannukah and I had an awesome time! Even though my close family and I aren't Christian, like a lot of Australia we still celebrate Christmas. I opened my gifts with my parents and brother at home on Christmas morning. My favourite gifts were money, Adrift by Tracey Williams, and a beautiful heart shaped philodenron ( I am starting to aquire plants). We then travelled to the coast to visit my grandparents and other relitives. We had a small lunch and a big dinner. My Granpa lives on the beach and I went swimming for hours, it was awesome, I saw weird seabugs on the seaweed and swam out further then I ever had before. I got really sunburnt though.The next day I went swimming again, and visited a close friend who lives near by. On the 27th I went to J's house and him, his brother and I travelled about 45 minutes out of town, to another beach, to stay in a beautiful airbnb his dad had rented out for the Christmas season. His little brother was there too, he is walking and talking now. We went swimming and to the beach and I also went fishing for the first time !! I didn't catch anything but what the others catched we threw back and I watched them swim away so I hope we didn't hurt them or anything. I ended up looking under rocks for crabs and things for most of the time. After a few days I went back home, and last night I celebrated NYE at J's house, we had Japanese curry and sushi for dinner, watched fireworks on tv, took some cute photos, drank some (non alcoholic) wine/champagne and kissed at midnight ofc! There's no one else I'd wanna ring the new years in with.
I go back to uni in Feb and I'm so excited I miss it a lot. I'm only taking 3 classes instead of 4 this semester, cause 2 are gonna be 3rd year. I'm taking a developmental psych class, one specifily on dementia and one on advanced research techniquies. I am seeing MCR in a few months in a place in my country I've never been to. I am so so so excited. Until next time x
Listening to: The wind
Well it has been quite a while and a lot has happened. I left uni and I did pass all my exams and classes. I also moved out into a sharehouse for a few months but I moved back home again be the landlord sucked. I got a new job which I did enjoy even though it made me very stressed. I quit though, due to both mental and physical health issues. I had a laproscopic surgery and I only have minor endometrosis which is great, but it doesn't explain the unbarable pain I regulary experience. I have been referred to a chronic pain specialist. I have also had two fainting episodes. I have gotten dizzy before but never passed out. The first time happened at hospital in the emergency room and I had to stay over night. The second happened while I was having high tea with my bestie, L. It's really scary but I am going to talk to a doctor about it soon. J and I are better then ever we travelled to Melbourne for a combined birthday trip, we had some amazing experiences that I am so glad I got to share with him.
I have been studying more Buddhism and yesterday J, my mum and I went to the monastry's yearly picnic in the park and it was amazing! There were so many lovely people and I even worked up the courage to introduce myself to the Lama, even though I was apperantly bright red. He said that it's good that I am reading a lot, and trying to meditate more. I told him I am not familer with all the formalities like Prostrations, and he told me not to worry at all because we are all the same here. He said he looked fowards to seeing me more. I am super excited for Christmas, it is one of my favourite times of the year, gift giving is my main love langauge and I love all the food and seeing my family. Anyway, bye x
Drinking: Iced green tea
Watching: some random youtube videos idk
Hello again.Today it rained all day.All I did was read, nap and play Minecraft. It was lovely. I read 200 pages of "My year of rest and relaxation" by Ottessa Moshfegh, I read her book Homesick for another world a while ago and I loved it so much, so when I went shopping a couple of days of ago I picked it up. I'm almost finished it and I think it will be one of my new favourite books. I took my best friend to hightea for her birthday and we went shopping, I brought an animal crossing puzzle, the book, bath bombs and this fancy blooming tea. The day after I met up with an old friend from highschool, which was nice. I've decided to take 6 months from uni for my mental health. I'm going to try and relax more but also get more work/a new job. I had my first exam of the season yesterday for my reasearch skills class, I think I went well and I'm confident for my other two.
Drinking: Iced green tea
Eating: Chinese food
Watching: "You Can't Ask That - Gay Men"
Hiya.I've had a really great month.I travelled to *redacted* by myself and it was so awesome, I'm keen to travel again. I did so many fun things. I saw my first drag show. I met J's half brother and he is very cute. He turns one soon. School has been pretty hard lately, I'm currently revising for exams and I'm feeling pretty meh about it. I've also had no shifts at work :( I met some of J's friends and it was really nice! Last night I went to a party with him, where all the guys wore dresses and all the girls wore tradionally male clothes, I dress like a guy a lot of the time anyway, but it was a good laugh. I wore a deer hunting shirt which really made my fit (I detest hunting for sport/fun and consider all sentiant beings equal). On the way home we found a dead dog on the road. I used to work at a vet clinic and I am confident in pet first aid and animal care. It would've been killed on impact. It was warm but it had no heartbeat, wasn't breathing, had a blue tounge, had no eye movements or reaction to the inner eyes being touched, his nose was bleeding too. It was a horrible thing to see, after we determined it wasn't going be saved, while the others were organising notifying the owner, I held it and patted it. It was very sad, I feel sorry for him. Apart from that, and watching "Graveyard of fireflies" I've have a pretty happy time lately. I've been playing sims a lot on J's computer, we made our own charecters that look like us and his dog. I mad a siamise cat called peanut butter and an italian greyhound called max, but he got taken away :( J and I live together but we aren't in a reletionship even though I'm pregnant with his kid AHAHA.
Anyway I gotta finish eating dinner, and watch this show with my mum.
Watching: Hoarders
Drinking: Rose and mango green tea
I'm doing a whole lot better then the last entry, I think I was just having a moment. I don't have too many updates. There's only a few weeks of semester one left. I dropped my coding class and I'm making up for it with a creative writing analyse class over the winter. I'm not particulary intersted in the subject but atleast it won't be too difficult or long. I'm now the second year representitive for the university's psych society, which is cool. I didn't really apply but I was still elected. The only other notable school related thing is that I got a 62/64 or a high distinction (The highest mark you can get) for a data analyses on fishing fleets in my state. I think thats my highest mark so far. I treated myself to a little shopping trip, sushi and bubble tea for that one :)
I've been spending more time with J, at eachothers houses and on outings. We went with my mum to the local Buddhist Monstary for some meditation and teachings last week. Mum and I have been before and both at least somewhat idenify with Buddhism. J had never been but he really enjoyed it and wants to go again. It always makes me feel better after I go there, like my mind, body and spirit have been reset, theres something just so warm and comforting about that place and the lama. I feel safe there.
I have a few exciting things coming up, my best friend and her bf meeting J and I for lunch, mum, my brother, J and I going to visit my realitives in a place J's never been for Easter, and me meeting J's stepmum and baby half brother. Also semester break coming up! I promise over the break I'll write a new article (and maybe get around to rewriting some old ones). I am very happy and excited for autumn and winter. Until next time.
Watching: Skins
Listeing to: Lana Del Rey
I’m doing so much better since the last entry, even though I wasn’t doing particularly bad or anything lmao. It’s O week this week, uni goes back next week. I’m taking two stats classes this semester, which I’m secretly really looking forwards to. I prefer the math/science/medical classes that I have to take way more than the wishy-washy theory ones. I just find it so much easier when it’s black and white. And it’s fun to work towards a solution and have the satisfaction of finally getting it. I know it’s going to be hard though since this year my marks go towards my GPA and have an effect on what I can do after this degree but I’ve done harder things, so I know I’ll be okay. I also finally got my L’s, which is big deal. Driving is fun and I’m actually going pretty well in my lessons, I haven’t died yet. I also had a bit of a breakthrough with my psych a while ago, we didn’t have much to talk about, but we were talking about the fact I’m in my second year of uni, and I honestly can’t believe it, I didn’t think I’d be alive this long. I’ve said it a million times, usually when I’m complaing about something. “I don’t know how to file my taxes, I didn’t plan this fair ahead, I thought I would’ve offed myself by now.” But this time it was an overwhelming feeling of like oh shit like I survived, I did it, like I’m an actual adult now, I have so much freedom and I can finally see my future. I know I’ve been 18 for a while so idk why it’s hit me so hard now, maybe because I’m not being abused I dunno. I can’t wait until I can just drive away by myself and disappear for a bit. I’m flying to *redacted* for a while by myself in a few months, I’m so excited, I’m thinking of moving there. I just realised one night I could buy plane tickets to anywhere and just go!! It’s awesome, It’s what I’ve been waiting for, like if high school me could see how I’m doing now shed be amazed. I also met some awesome, cool, beautiful people in the last few weeks, including online friends. I’ve been invited to lunches, dinners, gigs, parties, and I think, ironically, the only thing that’s changed is that I’ve stopped living to please other people. And that I know I’m loved because I love myself. I just do whatever I feel will make me happy and I think it’s the best way to live. I know I won’t feel this good forever but the fact I’m feeling anything at all is enough to celebrate. Also we got a cat, I love the little bastard boy.
Listening to: Pick Me Up I'm Scared the Podcast
I'm not really sure what I'm going to write in here. Nothing too personal cause people I know in real life have acess to this website and I don't wanna be too embarrasing. I'm pretty tired today, I haven't been sleeping well. This is one of my favourite times of the year though, right before school goes back. I have so much to look fowards to and I'm very excited and happy, but I've been having such a constant deep feeling of anxiety in my pit of my stomach that I just want to go away. I know that it'll go away soon enough but it's very unpleasant. I've been distracting myself as much as I can but it's still there. I'm seeing my psych tomorrow so that's good. I can't wait for school to start.
I have so much to say! I’m going to recap the best moments of the last 8 months:
Started pole dancing
to first “real” house party
J got his lisence and a new cat
J and I went to berry farm
J and I had a Valentines day picnic, he gifted me flowers, chocolates, Strawberry Shortcake PJs and a cute handmade card
J and I drove to *redeacted* for a relatives wedding and I met my new little cousin
J and I celebrated out 1st anniversary, we went to a fancy restaurant, and I was gifted flowers, heaps of my fave snacks and an adorable handmade card
Saw Priscilla the Queen of the Desert live on stage w/ my mum
Flew to Sydney and saw My CHEM AAAAA
Many beach trips
Celebrated T’s 18th
J and I stayed in a cute lil airbnb in Bicheno we had SUCH a great time and I fell in love with the little seaside town
Had a proper English roast
Shaved eyebrows off
J, T and I went to sick sick science museum
Celebrated a successful semester 1 with ramen
Found a kitten
Went camping x2
A few good parties
Got new tatt and a sick haircut
Started working out and playing bass (almost) everyday
Went to Labcoat gig with L, E, J and W
Went to drag show with J
Connected with old friends
Yeah! Alot has happened! I’m doing so so good like I’m happier then I’ve ever been, I’m making so many new lovely friends. In a few days J and I are driving down to *redeacted* and I am SO excited! We have so much planned! Uni is going great, I’m thinking of going into social work after this degree but I’m not super sure yet. I am so excited to graduate next year! I know what dress I am going to buy and some of the gifts I’m getting hehe.

Drinking: Iced Green Tea
Listening: "Margo Guryan - Sunday Morning"
Hello and Happy New Year !!
I've been doing good lately and I had a great holiday season. It started on the 18th of Dec. I've never celebrated Hannukah before but I attended the Menorah lighting on the first night of Hannukah and I had an awesome time! Even though my close family and I aren't Christian, like a lot of Australia we still celebrate Christmas. I opened my gifts with my parents and brother at home on Christmas morning. My favourite gifts were money, Adrift by Tracey Williams, and a beautiful heart shaped philodenron ( I am starting to aquire plants). We then travelled to the coast to visit my grandparents and other relitives. We had a small lunch and a big dinner. My Granpa lives on the beach and I went swimming for hours, it was awesome, I saw weird seabugs on the seaweed and swam out further then I ever had before. I got really sunburnt though.The next day I went swimming again, and visited a close friend who lives near by. On the 27th I went to J's house and him, his brother and I travelled about 45 minutes out of town, to another beach, to stay in a beautiful airbnb his dad had rented out for the Christmas season. His little brother was there too, he is walking and talking now. We went swimming and to the beach and I also went fishing for the first time !! I didn't catch anything but what the others catched we threw back and I watched them swim away so I hope we didn't hurt them or anything. I ended up looking under rocks for crabs and things for most of the time. After a few days I went back home, and last night I celebrated NYE at J's house, we had Japanese curry and sushi for dinner, watched fireworks on tv, took some cute photos, drank some (non alcoholic) wine/champagne and kissed at midnight ofc! There's no one else I'd wanna ring the new years in with.
I go back to uni in Feb and I'm so excited I miss it a lot. I'm only taking 3 classes instead of 4 this semester, cause 2 are gonna be 3rd year. I'm taking a developmental psych class, one specifily on dementia and one on advanced research techniquies. I am seeing MCR in a few months in a place in my country I've never been to. I am so so so excited. Until next time x

Listening to: The wind
Well it has been quite a while and a lot has happened. I left uni and I did pass all my exams and classes. I also moved out into a sharehouse for a few months but I moved back home again be the landlord sucked. I got a new job which I did enjoy even though it made me very stressed. I quit though, due to both mental and physical health issues. I had a laproscopic surgery and I only have minor endometrosis which is great, but it doesn't explain the unbarable pain I regulary experience. I have been referred to a chronic pain specialist. I have also had two fainting episodes. I have gotten dizzy before but never passed out. The first time happened at hospital in the emergency room and I had to stay over night. The second happened while I was having high tea with my bestie, L. It's really scary but I am going to talk to a doctor about it soon. J and I are better then ever we travelled to Melbourne for a combined birthday trip, we had some amazing experiences that I am so glad I got to share with him.
I have been studying more Buddhism and yesterday J, my mum and I went to the monastry's yearly picnic in the park and it was amazing! There were so many lovely people and I even worked up the courage to introduce myself to the Lama, even though I was apperantly bright red. He said that it's good that I am reading a lot, and trying to meditate more. I told him I am not familer with all the formalities like Prostrations, and he told me not to worry at all because we are all the same here. He said he looked fowards to seeing me more. I am super excited for Christmas, it is one of my favourite times of the year, gift giving is my main love langauge and I love all the food and seeing my family. Anyway, bye x
Drinking: Iced green tea
Watching: some random youtube videos idk
Hello again.Today it rained all day.All I did was read, nap and play Minecraft. It was lovely. I read 200 pages of "My year of rest and relaxation" by Ottessa Moshfegh, I read her book Homesick for another world a while ago and I loved it so much, so when I went shopping a couple of days of ago I picked it up. I'm almost finished it and I think it will be one of my new favourite books. I took my best friend to hightea for her birthday and we went shopping, I brought an animal crossing puzzle, the book, bath bombs and this fancy blooming tea. The day after I met up with an old friend from highschool, which was nice. I've decided to take 6 months from uni for my mental health. I'm going to try and relax more but also get more work/a new job. I had my first exam of the season yesterday for my reasearch skills class, I think I went well and I'm confident for my other two.
Drinking: Iced green tea
Eating: Chinese food
Watching: "You Can't Ask That - Gay Men"
Hiya.I've had a really great month.I travelled to *redacted* by myself and it was so awesome, I'm keen to travel again. I did so many fun things. I saw my first drag show. I met J's half brother and he is very cute. He turns one soon. School has been pretty hard lately, I'm currently revising for exams and I'm feeling pretty meh about it. I've also had no shifts at work :( I met some of J's friends and it was really nice! Last night I went to a party with him, where all the guys wore dresses and all the girls wore tradionally male clothes, I dress like a guy a lot of the time anyway, but it was a good laugh. I wore a deer hunting shirt which really made my fit (I detest hunting for sport/fun and consider all sentiant beings equal). On the way home we found a dead dog on the road. I used to work at a vet clinic and I am confident in pet first aid and animal care. It would've been killed on impact. It was warm but it had no heartbeat, wasn't breathing, had a blue tounge, had no eye movements or reaction to the inner eyes being touched, his nose was bleeding too. It was a horrible thing to see, after we determined it wasn't going be saved, while the others were organising notifying the owner, I held it and patted it. It was very sad, I feel sorry for him. Apart from that, and watching "Graveyard of fireflies" I've have a pretty happy time lately. I've been playing sims a lot on J's computer, we made our own charecters that look like us and his dog. I mad a siamise cat called peanut butter and an italian greyhound called max, but he got taken away :( J and I live together but we aren't in a reletionship even though I'm pregnant with his kid AHAHA.
Anyway I gotta finish eating dinner, and watch this show with my mum.
Watching: Hoarders
Drinking: Rose and mango green tea
I'm doing a whole lot better then the last entry, I think I was just having a moment. I don't have too many updates. There's only a few weeks of semester one left. I dropped my coding class and I'm making up for it with a creative writing analyse class over the winter. I'm not particulary intersted in the subject but atleast it won't be too difficult or long. I'm now the second year representitive for the university's psych society, which is cool. I didn't really apply but I was still elected. The only other notable school related thing is that I got a 62/64 or a high distinction (The highest mark you can get) for a data analyses on fishing fleets in my state. I think thats my highest mark so far. I treated myself to a little shopping trip, sushi and bubble tea for that one :)
I've been spending more time with J, at eachothers houses and on outings. We went with my mum to the local Buddhist Monstary for some meditation and teachings last week. Mum and I have been before and both at least somewhat idenify with Buddhism. J had never been but he really enjoyed it and wants to go again. It always makes me feel better after I go there, like my mind, body and spirit have been reset, theres something just so warm and comforting about that place and the lama. I feel safe there.
I have a few exciting things coming up, my best friend and her bf meeting J and I for lunch, mum, my brother, J and I going to visit my realitives in a place J's never been for Easter, and me meeting J's stepmum and baby half brother. Also semester break coming up! I promise over the break I'll write a new article (and maybe get around to rewriting some old ones). I am very happy and excited for autumn and winter. Until next time.
Watching: Skins
Listeing to: Lana Del Rey
I’m doing so much better since the last entry, even though I wasn’t doing particularly bad or anything lmao. It’s O week this week, uni goes back next week. I’m taking two stats classes this semester, which I’m secretly really looking forwards to. I prefer the math/science/medical classes that I have to take way more than the wishy-washy theory ones. I just find it so much easier when it’s black and white. And it’s fun to work towards a solution and have the satisfaction of finally getting it. I know it’s going to be hard though since this year my marks go towards my GPA and have an effect on what I can do after this degree but I’ve done harder things, so I know I’ll be okay. I also finally got my L’s, which is big deal. Driving is fun and I’m actually going pretty well in my lessons, I haven’t died yet. I also had a bit of a breakthrough with my psych a while ago, we didn’t have much to talk about, but we were talking about the fact I’m in my second year of uni, and I honestly can’t believe it, I didn’t think I’d be alive this long. I’ve said it a million times, usually when I’m complaing about something. “I don’t know how to file my taxes, I didn’t plan this fair ahead, I thought I would’ve offed myself by now.” But this time it was an overwhelming feeling of like oh shit like I survived, I did it, like I’m an actual adult now, I have so much freedom and I can finally see my future. I know I’ve been 18 for a while so idk why it’s hit me so hard now, maybe because I’m not being abused I dunno. I can’t wait until I can just drive away by myself and disappear for a bit. I’m flying to *redacted* for a while by myself in a few months, I’m so excited, I’m thinking of moving there. I just realised one night I could buy plane tickets to anywhere and just go!! It’s awesome, It’s what I’ve been waiting for, like if high school me could see how I’m doing now shed be amazed. I also met some awesome, cool, beautiful people in the last few weeks, including online friends. I’ve been invited to lunches, dinners, gigs, parties, and I think, ironically, the only thing that’s changed is that I’ve stopped living to please other people. And that I know I’m loved because I love myself. I just do whatever I feel will make me happy and I think it’s the best way to live. I know I won’t feel this good forever but the fact I’m feeling anything at all is enough to celebrate. Also we got a cat, I love the little bastard boy.
Listening to: Pick Me Up I'm Scared the Podcast
I'm not really sure what I'm going to write in here. Nothing too personal cause people I know in real life have acess to this website and I don't wanna be too embarrasing. I'm pretty tired today, I haven't been sleeping well. This is one of my favourite times of the year though, right before school goes back. I have so much to look fowards to and I'm very excited and happy, but I've been having such a constant deep feeling of anxiety in my pit of my stomach that I just want to go away. I know that it'll go away soon enough but it's very unpleasant. I've been distracting myself as much as I can but it's still there. I'm seeing my psych tomorrow so that's good. I can't wait for school to start.
I have been studying more Buddhism and yesterday J, my mum and I went to the monastry's yearly picnic in the park and it was amazing! There were so many lovely people and I even worked up the courage to introduce myself to the Lama, even though I was apperantly bright red. He said that it's good that I am reading a lot, and trying to meditate more. I told him I am not familer with all the formalities like Prostrations, and he told me not to worry at all because we are all the same here. He said he looked fowards to seeing me more. I am super excited for Christmas, it is one of my favourite times of the year, gift giving is my main love langauge and I love all the food and seeing my family. Anyway, bye x

Drinking: Iced green tea
Watching: some random youtube videos idk
Hello again.Today it rained all day.All I did was read, nap and play Minecraft. It was lovely. I read 200 pages of "My year of rest and relaxation" by Ottessa Moshfegh, I read her book Homesick for another world a while ago and I loved it so much, so when I went shopping a couple of days of ago I picked it up. I'm almost finished it and I think it will be one of my new favourite books. I took my best friend to hightea for her birthday and we went shopping, I brought an animal crossing puzzle, the book, bath bombs and this fancy blooming tea. The day after I met up with an old friend from highschool, which was nice. I've decided to take 6 months from uni for my mental health. I'm going to try and relax more but also get more work/a new job. I had my first exam of the season yesterday for my reasearch skills class, I think I went well and I'm confident for my other two.
Drinking: Iced green tea
Eating: Chinese food
Watching: "You Can't Ask That - Gay Men"
Hiya.I've had a really great month.I travelled to *redacted* by myself and it was so awesome, I'm keen to travel again. I did so many fun things. I saw my first drag show. I met J's half brother and he is very cute. He turns one soon. School has been pretty hard lately, I'm currently revising for exams and I'm feeling pretty meh about it. I've also had no shifts at work :( I met some of J's friends and it was really nice! Last night I went to a party with him, where all the guys wore dresses and all the girls wore tradionally male clothes, I dress like a guy a lot of the time anyway, but it was a good laugh. I wore a deer hunting shirt which really made my fit (I detest hunting for sport/fun and consider all sentiant beings equal). On the way home we found a dead dog on the road. I used to work at a vet clinic and I am confident in pet first aid and animal care. It would've been killed on impact. It was warm but it had no heartbeat, wasn't breathing, had a blue tounge, had no eye movements or reaction to the inner eyes being touched, his nose was bleeding too. It was a horrible thing to see, after we determined it wasn't going be saved, while the others were organising notifying the owner, I held it and patted it. It was very sad, I feel sorry for him. Apart from that, and watching "Graveyard of fireflies" I've have a pretty happy time lately. I've been playing sims a lot on J's computer, we made our own charecters that look like us and his dog. I mad a siamise cat called peanut butter and an italian greyhound called max, but he got taken away :( J and I live together but we aren't in a reletionship even though I'm pregnant with his kid AHAHA.
Anyway I gotta finish eating dinner, and watch this show with my mum.
Watching: Hoarders
Drinking: Rose and mango green tea
I'm doing a whole lot better then the last entry, I think I was just having a moment. I don't have too many updates. There's only a few weeks of semester one left. I dropped my coding class and I'm making up for it with a creative writing analyse class over the winter. I'm not particulary intersted in the subject but atleast it won't be too difficult or long. I'm now the second year representitive for the university's psych society, which is cool. I didn't really apply but I was still elected. The only other notable school related thing is that I got a 62/64 or a high distinction (The highest mark you can get) for a data analyses on fishing fleets in my state. I think thats my highest mark so far. I treated myself to a little shopping trip, sushi and bubble tea for that one :)
I've been spending more time with J, at eachothers houses and on outings. We went with my mum to the local Buddhist Monstary for some meditation and teachings last week. Mum and I have been before and both at least somewhat idenify with Buddhism. J had never been but he really enjoyed it and wants to go again. It always makes me feel better after I go there, like my mind, body and spirit have been reset, theres something just so warm and comforting about that place and the lama. I feel safe there.
I have a few exciting things coming up, my best friend and her bf meeting J and I for lunch, mum, my brother, J and I going to visit my realitives in a place J's never been for Easter, and me meeting J's stepmum and baby half brother. Also semester break coming up! I promise over the break I'll write a new article (and maybe get around to rewriting some old ones). I am very happy and excited for autumn and winter. Until next time.
Watching: Skins
Listeing to: Lana Del Rey
I’m doing so much better since the last entry, even though I wasn’t doing particularly bad or anything lmao. It’s O week this week, uni goes back next week. I’m taking two stats classes this semester, which I’m secretly really looking forwards to. I prefer the math/science/medical classes that I have to take way more than the wishy-washy theory ones. I just find it so much easier when it’s black and white. And it’s fun to work towards a solution and have the satisfaction of finally getting it. I know it’s going to be hard though since this year my marks go towards my GPA and have an effect on what I can do after this degree but I’ve done harder things, so I know I’ll be okay. I also finally got my L’s, which is big deal. Driving is fun and I’m actually going pretty well in my lessons, I haven’t died yet. I also had a bit of a breakthrough with my psych a while ago, we didn’t have much to talk about, but we were talking about the fact I’m in my second year of uni, and I honestly can’t believe it, I didn’t think I’d be alive this long. I’ve said it a million times, usually when I’m complaing about something. “I don’t know how to file my taxes, I didn’t plan this fair ahead, I thought I would’ve offed myself by now.” But this time it was an overwhelming feeling of like oh shit like I survived, I did it, like I’m an actual adult now, I have so much freedom and I can finally see my future. I know I’ve been 18 for a while so idk why it’s hit me so hard now, maybe because I’m not being abused I dunno. I can’t wait until I can just drive away by myself and disappear for a bit. I’m flying to *redacted* for a while by myself in a few months, I’m so excited, I’m thinking of moving there. I just realised one night I could buy plane tickets to anywhere and just go!! It’s awesome, It’s what I’ve been waiting for, like if high school me could see how I’m doing now shed be amazed. I also met some awesome, cool, beautiful people in the last few weeks, including online friends. I’ve been invited to lunches, dinners, gigs, parties, and I think, ironically, the only thing that’s changed is that I’ve stopped living to please other people. And that I know I’m loved because I love myself. I just do whatever I feel will make me happy and I think it’s the best way to live. I know I won’t feel this good forever but the fact I’m feeling anything at all is enough to celebrate. Also we got a cat, I love the little bastard boy.
Listening to: Pick Me Up I'm Scared the Podcast
I'm not really sure what I'm going to write in here. Nothing too personal cause people I know in real life have acess to this website and I don't wanna be too embarrasing. I'm pretty tired today, I haven't been sleeping well. This is one of my favourite times of the year though, right before school goes back. I have so much to look fowards to and I'm very excited and happy, but I've been having such a constant deep feeling of anxiety in my pit of my stomach that I just want to go away. I know that it'll go away soon enough but it's very unpleasant. I've been distracting myself as much as I can but it's still there. I'm seeing my psych tomorrow so that's good. I can't wait for school to start.
Hello again.Today it rained all day.All I did was read, nap and play Minecraft. It was lovely. I read 200 pages of "My year of rest and relaxation" by Ottessa Moshfegh, I read her book Homesick for another world a while ago and I loved it so much, so when I went shopping a couple of days of ago I picked it up. I'm almost finished it and I think it will be one of my new favourite books. I took my best friend to hightea for her birthday and we went shopping, I brought an animal crossing puzzle, the book, bath bombs and this fancy blooming tea. The day after I met up with an old friend from highschool, which was nice. I've decided to take 6 months from uni for my mental health. I'm going to try and relax more but also get more work/a new job. I had my first exam of the season yesterday for my reasearch skills class, I think I went well and I'm confident for my other two.

Drinking: Iced green tea
Eating: Chinese food
Watching: "You Can't Ask That - Gay Men"
Hiya.I've had a really great month.I travelled to *redacted* by myself and it was so awesome, I'm keen to travel again. I did so many fun things. I saw my first drag show. I met J's half brother and he is very cute. He turns one soon. School has been pretty hard lately, I'm currently revising for exams and I'm feeling pretty meh about it. I've also had no shifts at work :( I met some of J's friends and it was really nice! Last night I went to a party with him, where all the guys wore dresses and all the girls wore tradionally male clothes, I dress like a guy a lot of the time anyway, but it was a good laugh. I wore a deer hunting shirt which really made my fit (I detest hunting for sport/fun and consider all sentiant beings equal). On the way home we found a dead dog on the road. I used to work at a vet clinic and I am confident in pet first aid and animal care. It would've been killed on impact. It was warm but it had no heartbeat, wasn't breathing, had a blue tounge, had no eye movements or reaction to the inner eyes being touched, his nose was bleeding too. It was a horrible thing to see, after we determined it wasn't going be saved, while the others were organising notifying the owner, I held it and patted it. It was very sad, I feel sorry for him. Apart from that, and watching "Graveyard of fireflies" I've have a pretty happy time lately. I've been playing sims a lot on J's computer, we made our own charecters that look like us and his dog. I mad a siamise cat called peanut butter and an italian greyhound called max, but he got taken away :( J and I live together but we aren't in a reletionship even though I'm pregnant with his kid AHAHA.
Anyway I gotta finish eating dinner, and watch this show with my mum.

Watching: Hoarders
Drinking: Rose and mango green tea
I'm doing a whole lot better then the last entry, I think I was just having a moment. I don't have too many updates. There's only a few weeks of semester one left. I dropped my coding class and I'm making up for it with a creative writing analyse class over the winter. I'm not particulary intersted in the subject but atleast it won't be too difficult or long. I'm now the second year representitive for the university's psych society, which is cool. I didn't really apply but I was still elected. The only other notable school related thing is that I got a 62/64 or a high distinction (The highest mark you can get) for a data analyses on fishing fleets in my state. I think thats my highest mark so far. I treated myself to a little shopping trip, sushi and bubble tea for that one :)
I've been spending more time with J, at eachothers houses and on outings. We went with my mum to the local Buddhist Monstary for some meditation and teachings last week. Mum and I have been before and both at least somewhat idenify with Buddhism. J had never been but he really enjoyed it and wants to go again. It always makes me feel better after I go there, like my mind, body and spirit have been reset, theres something just so warm and comforting about that place and the lama. I feel safe there.
I have a few exciting things coming up, my best friend and her bf meeting J and I for lunch, mum, my brother, J and I going to visit my realitives in a place J's never been for Easter, and me meeting J's stepmum and baby half brother. Also semester break coming up! I promise over the break I'll write a new article (and maybe get around to rewriting some old ones). I am very happy and excited for autumn and winter. Until next time.
Watching: Skins
Listeing to: Lana Del Rey
I’m doing so much better since the last entry, even though I wasn’t doing particularly bad or anything lmao. It’s O week this week, uni goes back next week. I’m taking two stats classes this semester, which I’m secretly really looking forwards to. I prefer the math/science/medical classes that I have to take way more than the wishy-washy theory ones. I just find it so much easier when it’s black and white. And it’s fun to work towards a solution and have the satisfaction of finally getting it. I know it’s going to be hard though since this year my marks go towards my GPA and have an effect on what I can do after this degree but I’ve done harder things, so I know I’ll be okay. I also finally got my L’s, which is big deal. Driving is fun and I’m actually going pretty well in my lessons, I haven’t died yet. I also had a bit of a breakthrough with my psych a while ago, we didn’t have much to talk about, but we were talking about the fact I’m in my second year of uni, and I honestly can’t believe it, I didn’t think I’d be alive this long. I’ve said it a million times, usually when I’m complaing about something. “I don’t know how to file my taxes, I didn’t plan this fair ahead, I thought I would’ve offed myself by now.” But this time it was an overwhelming feeling of like oh shit like I survived, I did it, like I’m an actual adult now, I have so much freedom and I can finally see my future. I know I’ve been 18 for a while so idk why it’s hit me so hard now, maybe because I’m not being abused I dunno. I can’t wait until I can just drive away by myself and disappear for a bit. I’m flying to *redacted* for a while by myself in a few months, I’m so excited, I’m thinking of moving there. I just realised one night I could buy plane tickets to anywhere and just go!! It’s awesome, It’s what I’ve been waiting for, like if high school me could see how I’m doing now shed be amazed. I also met some awesome, cool, beautiful people in the last few weeks, including online friends. I’ve been invited to lunches, dinners, gigs, parties, and I think, ironically, the only thing that’s changed is that I’ve stopped living to please other people. And that I know I’m loved because I love myself. I just do whatever I feel will make me happy and I think it’s the best way to live. I know I won’t feel this good forever but the fact I’m feeling anything at all is enough to celebrate. Also we got a cat, I love the little bastard boy.
Listening to: Pick Me Up I'm Scared the Podcast
I'm not really sure what I'm going to write in here. Nothing too personal cause people I know in real life have acess to this website and I don't wanna be too embarrasing. I'm pretty tired today, I haven't been sleeping well. This is one of my favourite times of the year though, right before school goes back. I have so much to look fowards to and I'm very excited and happy, but I've been having such a constant deep feeling of anxiety in my pit of my stomach that I just want to go away. I know that it'll go away soon enough but it's very unpleasant. I've been distracting myself as much as I can but it's still there. I'm seeing my psych tomorrow so that's good. I can't wait for school to start.
I'm doing a whole lot better then the last entry, I think I was just having a moment. I don't have too many updates. There's only a few weeks of semester one left. I dropped my coding class and I'm making up for it with a creative writing analyse class over the winter. I'm not particulary intersted in the subject but atleast it won't be too difficult or long. I'm now the second year representitive for the university's psych society, which is cool. I didn't really apply but I was still elected. The only other notable school related thing is that I got a 62/64 or a high distinction (The highest mark you can get) for a data analyses on fishing fleets in my state. I think thats my highest mark so far. I treated myself to a little shopping trip, sushi and bubble tea for that one :)
I've been spending more time with J, at eachothers houses and on outings. We went with my mum to the local Buddhist Monstary for some meditation and teachings last week. Mum and I have been before and both at least somewhat idenify with Buddhism. J had never been but he really enjoyed it and wants to go again. It always makes me feel better after I go there, like my mind, body and spirit have been reset, theres something just so warm and comforting about that place and the lama. I feel safe there.
I have a few exciting things coming up, my best friend and her bf meeting J and I for lunch, mum, my brother, J and I going to visit my realitives in a place J's never been for Easter, and me meeting J's stepmum and baby half brother. Also semester break coming up! I promise over the break I'll write a new article (and maybe get around to rewriting some old ones). I am very happy and excited for autumn and winter. Until next time.
Watching: Skins
Listeing to: Lana Del Rey
I’m doing so much better since the last entry, even though I wasn’t doing particularly bad or anything lmao. It’s O week this week, uni goes back next week. I’m taking two stats classes this semester, which I’m secretly really looking forwards to. I prefer the math/science/medical classes that I have to take way more than the wishy-washy theory ones. I just find it so much easier when it’s black and white. And it’s fun to work towards a solution and have the satisfaction of finally getting it. I know it’s going to be hard though since this year my marks go towards my GPA and have an effect on what I can do after this degree but I’ve done harder things, so I know I’ll be okay. I also finally got my L’s, which is big deal. Driving is fun and I’m actually going pretty well in my lessons, I haven’t died yet. I also had a bit of a breakthrough with my psych a while ago, we didn’t have much to talk about, but we were talking about the fact I’m in my second year of uni, and I honestly can’t believe it, I didn’t think I’d be alive this long. I’ve said it a million times, usually when I’m complaing about something. “I don’t know how to file my taxes, I didn’t plan this fair ahead, I thought I would’ve offed myself by now.” But this time it was an overwhelming feeling of like oh shit like I survived, I did it, like I’m an actual adult now, I have so much freedom and I can finally see my future. I know I’ve been 18 for a while so idk why it’s hit me so hard now, maybe because I’m not being abused I dunno. I can’t wait until I can just drive away by myself and disappear for a bit. I’m flying to *redacted* for a while by myself in a few months, I’m so excited, I’m thinking of moving there. I just realised one night I could buy plane tickets to anywhere and just go!! It’s awesome, It’s what I’ve been waiting for, like if high school me could see how I’m doing now shed be amazed. I also met some awesome, cool, beautiful people in the last few weeks, including online friends. I’ve been invited to lunches, dinners, gigs, parties, and I think, ironically, the only thing that’s changed is that I’ve stopped living to please other people. And that I know I’m loved because I love myself. I just do whatever I feel will make me happy and I think it’s the best way to live. I know I won’t feel this good forever but the fact I’m feeling anything at all is enough to celebrate. Also we got a cat, I love the little bastard boy.
Listening to: Pick Me Up I'm Scared the Podcast
I'm not really sure what I'm going to write in here. Nothing too personal cause people I know in real life have acess to this website and I don't wanna be too embarrasing. I'm pretty tired today, I haven't been sleeping well. This is one of my favourite times of the year though, right before school goes back. I have so much to look fowards to and I'm very excited and happy, but I've been having such a constant deep feeling of anxiety in my pit of my stomach that I just want to go away. I know that it'll go away soon enough but it's very unpleasant. I've been distracting myself as much as I can but it's still there. I'm seeing my psych tomorrow so that's good. I can't wait for school to start.
I’m doing so much better since the last entry, even though I wasn’t doing particularly bad or anything lmao. It’s O week this week, uni goes back next week. I’m taking two stats classes this semester, which I’m secretly really looking forwards to. I prefer the math/science/medical classes that I have to take way more than the wishy-washy theory ones. I just find it so much easier when it’s black and white. And it’s fun to work towards a solution and have the satisfaction of finally getting it. I know it’s going to be hard though since this year my marks go towards my GPA and have an effect on what I can do after this degree but I’ve done harder things, so I know I’ll be okay. I also finally got my L’s, which is big deal. Driving is fun and I’m actually going pretty well in my lessons, I haven’t died yet. I also had a bit of a breakthrough with my psych a while ago, we didn’t have much to talk about, but we were talking about the fact I’m in my second year of uni, and I honestly can’t believe it, I didn’t think I’d be alive this long. I’ve said it a million times, usually when I’m complaing about something. “I don’t know how to file my taxes, I didn’t plan this fair ahead, I thought I would’ve offed myself by now.” But this time it was an overwhelming feeling of like oh shit like I survived, I did it, like I’m an actual adult now, I have so much freedom and I can finally see my future. I know I’ve been 18 for a while so idk why it’s hit me so hard now, maybe because I’m not being abused I dunno. I can’t wait until I can just drive away by myself and disappear for a bit. I’m flying to *redacted* for a while by myself in a few months, I’m so excited, I’m thinking of moving there. I just realised one night I could buy plane tickets to anywhere and just go!! It’s awesome, It’s what I’ve been waiting for, like if high school me could see how I’m doing now shed be amazed. I also met some awesome, cool, beautiful people in the last few weeks, including online friends. I’ve been invited to lunches, dinners, gigs, parties, and I think, ironically, the only thing that’s changed is that I’ve stopped living to please other people. And that I know I’m loved because I love myself. I just do whatever I feel will make me happy and I think it’s the best way to live. I know I won’t feel this good forever but the fact I’m feeling anything at all is enough to celebrate. Also we got a cat, I love the little bastard boy.