My Links  Fun  Music  Educational-ish   Site Building   Fanpages/collections   Game Resources   Neocities w/out buttons   Archived Geocites  Wiki articles 

  • My Links:




  • Fun

    Cursor Game

    Kill Barney Game

    Break the Code

    A code breaking experince set in 1999

    Boomer Email

    A weekly newsletter where we forward unhinged email chains sourced from thousands of real, anonymous boomers

    Can You Stop Hitler?

    Drive Me Insane

    Control this guy's lights, and drive him crazy

    Motherfucking Website

    Better Motherfucking Website

    Yvettesbrid alformal

    Really weird bridal/formal store


    Orb Farm

    A personal aquatic ecosystem to nurture, sculpt, and observe.

    Pixel Space

    Watch Grass Grow

    My 90s TV

    Make Word Art

    Windows 93

    Windows 95 in your browser

    Your World of Text

    Sexy Girls Moan Your IP Adress

    This Does Not Exist

    Not Pron

    Pointer Pointer

    Pictures that point at your pointer

    Blob Opera

    Mom's Spaghetti

    Speach Synthesizer

    Type Drummer

    Ransom Note Generater


    Fo' all y'all biotches who wanna find shiznit!

    Real Life Cam

    Tv Tropes


    Mystery Fleshpit National Park

    Squirrel Stapler


    Staggering Beauty (flash Warning!!!)

    Quick Draw

    Can a neural network learn to recognize doodling?

    Pug in a Rug

    Cameron's World

    Koalas to the Max


    Neal's Games

    Aesthetic Generator

    Happpy Hues

    Archived Boobah Games

    Archived Journal

    Interactive Personal Site

    Miku Tap

    Pimp That Snack

    No paint

    Paint Stuff idk

    Sadgrlonline's Magnetic Poetry

    Busy Simulator


    The Worst User Interface Ever

    Fruits of the web

    Pizza Maker

    Doll Printies

    DND charecter maker

    Bang on the door

    The Nostalgic 2000s Brand

    Wonder of wonder art

    Draw a Little Guy and Make Them Dance

    The old net

    Welcome Back to the Old Net


    It's like your in the Bacherlor, but there's rats

    Pinball map

    Finf the closet pinball machines to you

    Find quotes by clip

    Play clip

    Type in a phrase and it will say it in movie clips


    The Internet has a Cat

    Guess the correlation

    Media easter eggs


    Stumble on a random web page

    Rate my life

    Pronoun dressing room

    Live cams


    Learn about renaissance fairs

    Windows gone bad

    A collection of quizzes


    The History of The Future


    Guess animals from their taxonomy

    Effed up movies

    Wild bread pictures

    Cowboy Frank

    Cowboy Frank Welcomes You

    Liminal Earth

    Submit and explore reports of liminality

    Blast! Comic

    The amazingly funny chav comic by x-squishy-mushroom-x

    Humans for sale

    If you sold yourself how much would you be worth?

    Just the Recipe

    Cut the crap, just get the recipe

    Gurl World

    "G.URL Magazine is dedicated to reshaping perceptions of female gamers and the 'online girl' within the gaming community."

    Magnetic Poetry

    Pixel Sea

    Search for icons and smilies!

    Does the Dog Die?

    Crowdsourced trigger warnings for movies, tv, books and more.


    An index of homophobes that turned out to be the other kind of homo


    A very satisfying color matching game

    Waddleskele's Sauce Packet Collection

    Electric Zine Maker

    Mobile Phone Muesum


    Endless Driving Zen Game

    I'm gonna brown

    I'm SHITTSING ??!!

    McMansion Hell

    McMansions are ugly and dumb

    Tokyo Street Fashion Photography

    Username Fourtune Telling

    Kitten Live Cam

    Queering the Map

    "Queering the Map is a community generated counter-mapping platform for digitally archiving LGBTQ2IA+ experience in relation to physical space."

    Capacedebere's Beer Cap Collection

    Cats on stamps

    Archive of McDonald Toys

    Archive of Hungry Jacks Toys

    Hungry Jacks = Burger King

    Michelle Selwa

    They do cool internet stuff, like the 99c gif shop

    Cat stuff

    Schizo Rides

    Dead Drops

    Un-cloud your files in cement! ‘Dead Drops’ is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space.

    Cloud hiker

    Discover the most interesting, weird and awesome websites of the Internet

    Look out someone's window

    End of the world countdown


    The idea is simple: for each postcard you send, you will receive one back from a random postcrosser from somewhere in the world.

    List of all the pressed penny machines in the world

    Zero Day Official Report

    The "official" police report from the movie Zero Day
  • Music


    What color is your music?

    How Music Tastes Have Changed Over Time

    Every Noise at Once

    Index of Genres

    Radio Garden

    Listen to Live Radio Stations from Around the World

    The Musical Time Machine

    Explore music by it's country of origin and time period

    Music Map

    Find new music based on what you already like


    Discover songs that have few streams on Spotify

    "Over 30 unique channels of listener-supported, commercial-free, underground/alternative radio broadcasting to the world."

    Tune Finder

    Find a song you heard in the background of a show/movie/game
  • Educational-ish

    Havard Dialect Study

    Dialect maps of America, displaying what terms and pronunciations are used, and where they are used.

    Awful Library Books

    After the Raprure Pet Care

    What will happen to your pet when the rapture arrives?

    The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement

    Save the world, kill yourself

    Live Flight Tracker

    Banned Books and Conspiracy Theories

    Last Words in Plane Crashes

    Heaven's Gate

    Yes, the cult's website

    Dylan Klebolds's Journal

    Eric Harris's Journal

    The columbine shooters

    Dalle Mini

    AI that makes photos

    E-Zines (I reccomend Australian Phreak Scene)

    More E-Zines

    What's The Harm?

    What's the harm of misonformation?

    Russell's Guide to Interdimensional Entities

    What If?

    Serious answers to absurd questions

    How Many People are in Space Right Now?

    A Collection of End of World Scenarios

    The Queer Zine Archive Project

    My Grandmother's Lingo (Aboriginal Australia)

    Museum of Endangered Sounds

    Physics Simulations

    The Deep Sea

    What's in the deep sea?

    Wall of Birds

    Discover a world full of birds

    Here is Today

    Today vs the begining fo the universe


    Current stats about the world


    The Encyclopedia of Murderers

    Death Row Inmate's Last Words

    Sacred Text Archive

    AI Inferer

    Type some text and neural network will generate more

    Is X an MLM?

    Worried the buissness your friend from 8th grade is trying to get you to join is an MLM? Check here.

    Wiki Trivia

    Order historical events from wikipedia

    When Will I Die?

    A Columbine Site

    Geocities Archive

    Spurious Conclusions

    Correlation does not equal causation

    Don't ask just to ask


    Active vintage websites

    Just Delete Me

    Delete yourself from the internet

    Internet Map

    A map of the internet

    Apologetics Index

    Research resources on religious movements, cults, sects, world religions and related issues

    Zine Library


    An Index of Aesthetics

    9/11 in real time

    Penis percentile calulator

    You feel like shit.

    An interactive self care guide

    UK sex offender database

    Holy Land USA

    An interesting theme park

    If it were my home

    How does your home country compare to others?

    USA incarceration in real numbers

    ICP explain cognitive dissonance

    Excel formula bot

    Password tester

    Wearing gay history

    Proxy list

    Autistic traits checklist

    Religious values test

    History skips

    Acknowledging street names in Narmm (Melbourne) that come from violent colonists

    Cognitive biases

    Waldorf curriculum

    First Waldorf school

    George Bush's paintings

    Alphaetize lists

    Feelings chart

    Serial killer Blog

    Mental models

    Interactive sky

    Plane crash info

    People and places of the world

    An amazing collection of photos by Dr. Galen R. Frysinger of Sheboygan, Wisconsin USA

    The Joy of stats

    Psychology Vizuliser


    Fifty psychological and psychiatric terms to avoid

    Neuralink and the Brain’s Magical Future

    Psy tool list - library of questionnaires

    Test your vocab

    Fungi collection manual


    Native Languages of the Americas


    Exposing medical nutjobs


    The restoration of the planet begins in people. The restoration of the planet begins in you

    The republic of resort


    Buddhism resource

    Hate symbol directery

    Hate Symbol Database

    The Racial Slur Database

    Museum of web design

    Insect Images

    Common Psycholinguistic Themes in Mass Murderer Manifestos

    Bug Stamps


    Learn to hack

    Melon King's Introduction to the web revival

    The Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education

    Warning- Images of medical disection

    Black friday death counts

    A tally of all the deaths related to the black friday shopping sales

    Theme park ride accidents

    House Creep

    Has anyone died in your house? Are you sure?

    Therapist aid

    Free worksheets, treatment guides, and videos for mental health professionals

    Psychiatric medication A to Z

    A guide to mixing drinks

    Explorable Explanations

    Learn theories and ideas from various subjects through interactive play


    The preservation of the history of girls' electronic games and toys

    List of Atrocities committed by US authorities

    Firearm Wiki

    Ray's Miscellany

    An almost 25 yr old personal site with cool postcards amongst other things

    Jim Crow Muesum

    The History of the Web

    Bad Astronomy

    Debunking space myths

    Women Active in Buddhism

    Sacred Texts Archieve

    Native Land

    A Map of Indigenous territories, treaties, and languages.

    Government Cats + Riot Dogs

    Traiter Cats and Based dogs

    Bug Guide

    Identification, Images, Information For Insects, Spiders and Their Kin For the United States and Canada

    Tone Indicators Masterlist

    Crossfit Lingo


    How the Death of a Muslim Recruit Revealed a Culture

    Farm Transparency Map

    "Mapping animal exploitation facilities across Australia, including factory farms, slaughterhouses, knackeries, hatcheries, race training centres and more."

    Goblin Tools is a collection of small, simple, single-task tools, mostly designed to help neurodivergent people with tasks they find overwhelming or difficult.

    Watch some docos

    Cyber Mauseoleums

    Am I a lesbian masterdoc?

    Sundown town map

    Digital Transgender archive

    LHA Button archieve

    Activist Pin and Button Exhibit

    Politics and protest badge collec

    Button Museum

    Shit Rentals

    Encyclopediadramatica: An hero

    Encyclopediadramatica: Columbine

    Homicide Moniter

    The Homicide Monitor is the most comprehensive publicly available dataset on murder in the world.
  • Site Building


    scans of a sticker collection

    Sanrio Sticker Collection

    Pixal art to CSS


    A place for clipart and transparent picture


    Blinkie Maker

    Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool

    Id card maker

    Lovely Designs

    "This is a site that offers free, linkware graphics for others to use--from avatars and buttons, to banners and layouts"

    Sadgrl's webrings

    Sadgrl's layouts

    Phoenix Code

    Browser based coding platform

    Archieved GeoCities Neighborhoods

    Women of the internet webring

    A webring list


    "Chattable is a FREE, simple, embeddable, and CSS style-able live chat for your Neocities website."

    Collection of small pixels

    Web Badges

    Horror gifs

    Live tracker map

    Glitter cursor

    Nonkiru's Layouts

    CSS for falling objects

    Heather's Graphics Collection

    Free Animations - Free Graphics - Animated Gifs

    Glitter Graphics

    Color Palette Generator

    Dollzmania Doll Makers

    Webamp on Desktop

    Webamp Skins Museum

    All active

    Moon Phase Widget For Websites

  • Mini Graphics

    Add a cute cat to your page :)

    Get a pet

    Cursors 4 u

    Site templates

    Petrapixel's layout generater

    Deadlink checker

    Doqmeat's fonts

    HTML Color Map

  • Fanpages/Collections

    Rugrats Fanpage

    Sea Monkeys

    Nitro's Seamonkey Paradise


    Nuka Furbs

    Mimitchi Furby

    Phobe Furby

    MCR5 is real

    The Futrama Outlet

    Cathy Cassidy

    My childhood favourite author, I still have all her books in storage.

    Beanie kids

    Jeff's robots

    Computer closet

    PC museum

    The old robots

    Tama shell

    Tamagotchi planet

    Littlest Pet Shop Archieve


    Only Polly Pocket

    Red Dwarf Fan Club

    Archieved Red Dwarf Fan Club


    Button Museum

    Religious Games Index


    Connecting collecters
  • Game Resources

    All Nancy Drew PC Games

    Old Games Download

  • Flashpoint

    Play Flash Games

    Lookin Bratz

  • Neocities w/out buttons

    Stik's Neocities


    Meikaideshou's Neocities

    Betty's Graphics

    Jessie's Girl Neocities


    Viperman's Place

    Empty Boat Cult

    The Buddha's Shadow



    Digital Ephemerality



    Maaar Space

    Nina's stamps

    Ophelia's Garden

    I reccomend the linguistics blog!





  • Archived Geocites

    Bing's Bit

    A Weed Heaven

    Sunset Strip Studio

    Guilherme C's Homepage

    Chibi Ningyo's Homepage

    Whimsical Hippy

    Bowers the family

    Hollie Mae

    Laurie Benz

    Gillyboo's Gay Graphics

    Safe Haven 902000

    Ponyboy Zine

    Enchanted Forest

    MB Graphic Warehouse

    Freaks in love

  • Wiki Articles


    Inventers killed by their own inventions

    List of common misconceptions

    List of women's firsts

    Project artichoke

    List of missing treasures

    Lists of peoplep who've disappeared

    Dryococelus australis

    My fave bugs

    List of paradoxes

    Dylatov pass incident

    Baseball Metaphors for Sex

    List of Pasta

    Context for the next few entries, I went on a deep dive on the wiki page of US hazing related deaths . I came across the case of 23 year old oil rig employee Shawn Davis, who died in a horrific work place hazing ritual. The guy who did it to him, Louis Goodman (the irony) died in a simailar fashion on the anaversiary of Shawn's funeral. His death was ruled an accident but some believe it be suicide or murder. An informative reddit thread, Goodman vs. State court transcript Goodman's death

    Frank and Louie

    Frank and Louie (Frankenlouie) the oldest living cat with diprosopia