
Welcome to Arli's place!

Nice to meet you.

I made this site in 2020 while I was going through a bad breakup. I had no prior coding experience or interest in coding, but I put all my sad energy into creating my own space on the old web. I mainly learnt from W3schools , who I highly reccomend. I also had a little help from a few other coding friends. When I started this site I used it as a place to post badly written true crime articles.

I'm 23, finishing my last year of a psychology degree and I live in Australia

You can find more out about me, the webmaster, on my "about me" page. If you look to your left, you will see my lovely neocities neighbours, chuck em a follow, why don't you! While your at it, you can find my button right at the top! Shout out to the amazing sadgrl online for providing the new layout for this site, snailspng for the png images that appear in my diary, header and button.

In the meantime, checkout the tunes I've been enjoying lately!

And my coding/studying playlist!